
Ace of diamond: Shohei Ohtani template at the beginning

Asad sign in at ace of diamond world with ohtani template. start dominating the baseball world ( guys I will be weakly updating 7 chapters every day of week 1 chapter). please support and comment if you like this story

AKG_1436 · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

Chapter 5: opportunity

In baseball.

A home run is a type of hit in which a hitter circles all bases.

In addition to the hitter running to finish home plate, he can get a point.

All runners who are already on the base bag will receive one point each.

And Miyuki Kazuya also threw a full base home run.

Refers to a home run hit when there are three people on base.

Other words.

The three people on the base, plus Miyuki Kazuya, all four can return to home plate.

This means!

Miyuki also hit a home run and brought 4 points to Seido High School!


When the host's excited voice sounded!

The audience also cheered enthusiastically!

"Well..... That's awesome! "

"I can actually hit the slide ball in the inside corner so far!"

"Is this guy that Miyuki Kazuya?"

"That guy is only in second grade, right?"

"Then again, Miyuki's strong striking strength is not the fourth base, it is actually the sixth base, and Seido's batting lineup is too terrible!"

The audience is celebrating.

The cheerleaders of Seido are also happily shouting slogans for help.

Only the catcher of the city's junior high school looked confused.


He feels extremely secure on the ball....


It was actually seen through....


He was also beaten directly to the outfield fence....


This guy's long-distance hitting ability is also too perverted....

Miyuki Kazuya's performance was excellent.

But as a seeded team, the junior high school of the city is not vegetarian.

With the excellent cooperation of the whole team, the batter behind Miyuki Kazuya was successfully eliminated.

In baseball games.

As long as the attacker's 3 hitters are eliminated in each round, the attack and defense will be switched.

And Miyuki Kazuya behind the batter.

It is the third hitter eliminated by Qingdao High School.


Offensive and defensive exchange.

The pitcher who appeared at Seido High School was Koichiro Tanba.

He is the ace pitcher of Seido.

But the heart is not strong enough, and in the official competition, it is always impossible to play to its full strength.

The same goes for this game.

If Koichiro Tanba can bring out his full strength, he can make his opponent lose a point.

And yet....

This is, after all....

In reality.

Due to Koichiro Tanba's poor performance, he was directly recovered by his opponent for two points.


The lineup of Seido High School!

It is undoubtedly the national level!

After that, in the second game, relying on the strong strike strength, the gap between the score was opened again!


Seido high school.

Inside the baseball field.

Sawamura Eijun, who ran with two tires for a while, sat on the ground tiredly.

As for Asad.

He continues to jog around the field.


"The First Army is now playing..."

"Although I said I was going to stay and train, I haven't even touched the ball recently..."


"Wait a minute, now this venue is just me and Asad, right?"

"That is to say..."

"As long as I ask Asad to hide it, I can take the bat and ball to practice as I like!"

"By the way, Asad has been running, he should rarely touch the ball, right?"


"Two people can practice with the ball together!"

Think of this.

Sawamura Eijun stood up and sent an invitation to Asad.

But was rejected by Asad.

Because the longer you run, the more impressive you will be on your hard workout.

Such benefits are:

Show strong physical strength in the future, and will not make others feel strange.

"Are you sure you're not coming?"

Sawamura Eijun extended the invitation again.

"No, I'm going to keep running."

Asad replied firmly.


Sawamura Eijun helplessly went to play pass and catch alone.

And just when he enjoyed the joy of throwing himself away Furuya,

who missed the bus because he was late, appeared at the entrance of the stadium.

The two had a conversation.

So he cooperated and played the pass catch.


Jingu Second Stadium.

The competition between seido High School and the junior high school of the city is in full swing.

Game 4.

Second half of the round.

The attacking side is the third high of the city high.

Although one hitter was eliminated, they have already scored 4 points.


One and second base, one each.

And in this bad situation.

Koichiro Tanba, a pitcher at Seido High School, threw 4 bad shots again.

The so-called bad ball.

It is the baseball that is thrown and flies outside the good ball area.

And the result of 4 bad balls is to protect the opponent to first base.

Other words.

When Tanba threw 4 bad balls.

The city's junior high school went from having someone at first and second base to someone at first, second, and third base.

No doubt!

Seido High School at this time!

There is a big crisis!

If the next hitter, like Miyuki in the first game, hit a home run!

The junior high school of the city will instantly gain 4 points and complete the achievement of overtaking!


Such a moment of crisis!

Koichiro Tanba threw a pretty good ball again!

The third-year hitter of the city university accurately seized the opportunity and hit the ball directly into the outfield area!

The third baseman of the city's junior high school immediately ran back to home plate and scored the fifth point of the fourth inning for the city's junior.

Although Seido picked up the ball as quickly as possible, it was when they passed it back to the infield area.

The other three runners of the city's junior high school all reached their respective target bases.

To put it simply.

Previously, there were one at first, second, and third bases.

Now after scoring one point, there is still one person at first, second and third bases.

It's still a big crisis!



The players' rest area at seido High School.

All the members stood up and shouted their support for Koichiro Tanba.

Only head coach Kataoka, sat still.

But from his gloomy expression, it can be seen that Tanba's performance caused his dissatisfaction.

Let's be honest.

Kataoka couldn't figure it out a little.

Why is Koichiro Tanba able to perform at a national level every time he plays in the team's practice matches?

But when it comes to the official competition, it is quite crotch-pulling.

Throw bad balls at every turn.

Let the opponent easily hit the hit at every turn.


This bad situation!

Appeared more than once or twice!

If it happens once in a while, Kataoka is acceptable.

After all.

Everyone has a bad state sometimes.

Even if you are a professional player, you can't guarantee that you will play well in every game.


If it comes up often, it shouldn't be!

And Koichiro Tanba....

In most official matches, especially when encountering strong teams, this kind of poor performance will always occur!

But no way!

There are only a few pitchers in the team!

So I can't choose!


That was before!

The current seido High School....

But there are two freshmen with amazing potential and excellent strength!


Head coach Kataoka has already made a decision!

After this game!

Koichiro Tanba, who has never made the slightest progress, Kataoka will directly let him leave the First Army!.

As for the vacated space....

Naturally, it is reserved for the freshman Asad, who masters the high-speed straight ball!.( Asad hasn't shown his other pitches to anyone)..

"A veritable strike war..."

"Last year's Seido had a fighting line centered on the monster Dongqing Kingdom."

"This year's Seido's batting lineup also has the top explosiveness in the country."

"As long as there is another pitcher who can play Miyuki's match, it is not a dream for Seido to dominate the country!"

"Coach Kataoka should also hate iron and steel, right? After all, he used to be a pitcher! "

"It seems that their team also has only one topic this year, that is, the lack of absolute trump cards!"


The audience communicates.

The game goes on.

In the great crisis facing Seido, Miyuki also broke out.

He relies on excellent command and accurate judgment, coupled with super arm strength.

Cooperate with teammates to complete a beautiful double kill (eliminating two batters at the same time).

Plus knocked out a batter before.

It means that the great crisis of seido was also resolved by Miyuki.

See this scene.

Head coach Kataoka couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But the idea of replacing Koichiro Tanba has not changed by half a point.


Just now, if it weren't for Miyuki, he also played well.

The opponent is about to score consecutive points again!

If you continue to let Koichiro Tanba stay on the field, he will inevitably be overtaken by the third high of the city university!

Although the spring Tokyo Metropolitan Tournament is not very important, the opponent is the city junior high who once beat them.

So head coach Kataoka doesn't want to lose to this kind of team!
