
Ace of Diamond: Return of the Pitcher

Sawamura Eijun, a Relief Pitcher in the Pro League after 10 years of hard work and still couldn’t achieve his dreams, woke up back at the time of his youth. Can he achieve his dreams this time? This is a translation and I don’t own anything.

Cold_Colt · Anime & Comics
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416 Chs

Chapter 138: A Real Pitching Duel

In the rest area of ​​Inajitsu, Shirakawa looked at the field and frowned.

"Harada-san, how could he miss the bat?"

His own captain, because he thinks a lot, occasionally has a bad batting.

But his swing and skill is undeniable.

With his batting skills and swing speed, it's hard to miss the ball with his swing.

Even Yuuki, the captain of Seidou could not deny this.

When Yuuki evaluated Harada before, he once said such a sentence.

"Harada can hit the ball in any position!"

In fact, Harada's strength is indeed amazing.


When the audience was shocked, the battery on the field did not stop.

They threw the third pitch at a very fast pace.

Right now, Harada's brain seemed to be overclocking, and he was still immersed in the second ball just now.

'Damn! What is going on?'

Just then, a white baseball flew over.

Harada Masatoshi's well-trained body wasn't for nothing!

Although aimless, he still swings mechanically.

'Fly out!!!'

On the surface, the ball that Sawamura threw was an ordinary Straight ball, but when it entered the hand of the batter, it suddenly sank with a very nasty break.

It was the Forkball!

Harada watched the nasty Forkball enter Miyuki's Mitt which was close to the ground and looked like someone had punched him in his stomach.

'They got me!'



Sawamura Struck out Inashiro's fourth batter, Harada.

This scene directly ignited the atmosphere of Jingu Stadium.



"Demon King!!"


The retired players from the Sankou High School looked at each other in disbelief, then looked at the calm Sawamura on the pitcher's mound.

"Is this guy really a first-year?"

Manaka opened his mouth wide and muttered to himself.

He kind of understands why Tanpa is not the Ace of Seidou High School anymore.

Tanpa's pitching is good, but he is inconsistent and unstable, not to mention his control fails and sometimes he throws some sweet balls.

In comparison, Sawamura's completion is more like a third-year player, and Tanpa is more like a first- or second-year player who has not fully evolved.

The former captain of Sankou High School stepped forward and nodded.

"Wonderful Pitching Form, sharp Straight ball, good control, an easy-to-use Moving ball, a variety of Breaking balls with tricky breaks, strong mentality and guts on the mound, consistency, and stability of the defenses."

Saying that, Omae's face became serious.

"Of all the high school pitchers in the country, with such a high degree of evolutionary completion, this Sawamura is the only one."

These words shocked the Players of Sankou High School.

Omae is not talking about the first grade, but all the high school students in the country.

Is Sawamura Eijun so amazing?

It should be like this. I didn't see the rest area in Inashiro. Is it already the same as the rest of the food?

In the dugout Inashiro, All the players were silent.

A dull low pressure pervades here.

"Damn brat!"

The first to break the silence was Narumiya.

During the time he was improving, Sawamura has not been idle either.

The kind of pitching that was just performed has never appeared before.

"Let's go, Masa-san. It's our turn to play!"

Narumiya took the lead and walked to the stadium.

Behind him, the motionless Inashiro players slowly came to life.

Harada, Yoshizawa, Carlos, Shirakawa, and Yamaoka stood up one by one and walked towards the stadium.

They have not lost yet!

They can still fight!

They can still win!

The Kunitomo Coach on the side was pleased.

It's great that the players can cheer themselves up!

"The game ends in two moments. The first is the end of the nine innings and the score is behind. The second is when the players themselves give up the game."

Just almost, Inashiro was about to lose hope!

Fortunately, there are players like Narumiya Mei, otherwise, in the next innings, Inashiro may be beaten by Seidou until they are defeated.

In the first half of the fifth inning, Seidou High School attacked.

On the pitcher's mound, Narumiya Mei's head was raised high.

He stared at the strike zone with a defiant gaze, his eyes were like some red-eyed blond king of Uruk.

'I just hate his hideous expression!'

Right now, it was Miyuki's turn at bat.

Miyuki felt amused when he looked at the mighty Narumiya.

'This guy is too childish!'

'Sawamura had a good performance, and he threw a lot of breaking ball!'

'So as a response, he will not pitch ordinary Straight balls.'

'Slider, Forkball, Change-up…'

'Which one will it be?'

The bat in his hand was raised high, and Miyuki's eyes stared at Narumiya without blinking.

In the position of the catcher, Harada was keenly aware of Miyuki's actions.

He was aiming, for Mei's Breaking balls.

'Good, very good!'

'Let us fully unlock the Breaking balls right now.'

The previous duel with Sawamura did indeed hit Harada to a certain extent.

Nevertheless, he is not a pushover either.

Losing to the Demon-King Sawamura was much easier to accept than losing to an average pitcher. Before, in the Kanto Tournament, Sawamura also played against many powerful Batters in Kanto. He Harada, is but one of them.

Such failures are easy to recover from.

This is the case with Harada. After being struck by Sawamura, he was also uncomfortable, but he quickly reacted and returned to his role as a catcher.

Come on, first ball: Change-up!

Harada's distribution of the ball surprised Narumiya Mei.

'Oh! Masa-san you finally understand me!'

Maybe it's Mei's illusion, but after Harada and Sawamura played against each other, he did become different.

'Then let us cooperate and attack Seidou.'

Narumiya made his stride and then threw the ball accurately.


The white ball flew over aggressively.

Miyuki apparently also guessed the ball.

'The first ball will be a Change-up.'

Now, Miyuki has guessed it!

It was Mei's most confident pitch so of course he would throw it after Sawamura's performance, especially against him, the catcher.

"All right!"

Miyuki's hand clenched the bat tightly.

His eyes were on the delayed Change-up.

And he made a decisive swing!


Miyuki seized the opportunity well, and he hit the ball.

But Miyuki couldn't smile.

This ball was hit to a grounder!

The baseball bounced off the ground, was picked up by Narumiya, and then passed to first base.


Harada's face was very complicated.

Although Narumiya solved Miyuki with one Pitch, Miyuki's performance still surprised him. Miyuki actually caught the timing of the Mei Change-up precisely on the first Pitch?


Yuuki, Sawamura, and now Miyuki…

There are three Batters in Seidou High School who could challenge Mei head-on now.

'What a terrible opponent!'

Looking back now, Harada feels that the score on the electronic scoreboard is not so hard to accept.

Looking up at his partner on the mound, Harada felt that way for the first time.

'Sure enough, this kid is also a monster!'

It is unbelievable that Narumiya Mei can suppress Seidou's lineup to this extent.

One Out, no one hits base.

"Eight Batter, outfielder, Shiratsu-kun."


Facing the Slider, Shiratsu hesitantly hit the ball and it landed in front of third base.



Two Outs, no one on base.




And of course, Kadota was an easy out.

Three Outs, offense and defense exchange.

After Sawamura, Narumiya also showed a monster-level pitching.

In the second half of the fifth inning, Inajitsu attacked.

Up to now, barely half an hour has passed.

Sawamura glanced at the time on board, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"It's so fast!"

Seidou played a fierce battle against Inashiro, and it took half an hour to fight half a game?

This is a real Pitching Duel!

T/N: Do you like the story? Comment it and let me know.

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