
Ace of Diamond: Return of the Pitcher

Sawamura Eijun, a Relief Pitcher in the Pro League after 10 years of hard work and still couldn’t achieve his dreams, woke up back at the time of his youth. Can he achieve his dreams this time? This is a translation and I don’t own anything.

Cold_Colt · Anime & Comics
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425 Chs

Chapter 136: The Demon King

One Out, no one on base.

Miyuki used a wonderful Game calling to solve Shirakawa.

Only real veterans can really see the mystery of this duel.

Of course, there are still real veterans in the stadium.

For example, Fujio in the Press Box.

He was keenly aware of how exciting this duel was.

"Miyuki-kun's Game calling is amazing!"

This is Fujio's evaluation of Miyuki.

Akiko's two eyes were shining with stars.

"As expected of the glasses gentleman, he is so cool!"

Fujio is unable to complain about his partner's personal preference.

Owada Akiko admires Sawamura very much because Sawamura's pitching is dazzling.

But at the same time, she also liked Yoh Shunshin and Miyuki very much, but unlike Sawamura, she liked these two people only because they wore glasses.

On the pitcher's mound, Sawamura nodded, indicating that he did a good job!

Miyuki, who was also nodded at Sawamura.

'This is the result of our teamwork!'

Miyuki's calling is outstanding, but without Sawamura's pitching, it would never have achieved such a good effect.

'Leading Sawamura is definitely a treat! Amazing pitching depth, accurate ball control, and a variety of bizarre breaking balls.'

This allows the catcher to use his ability to the maximum.

The Game Continue!

Inajitsu's third Batter, like Shirakawa, also aimed at Sawamura's Moving ball.

Miyuki saw through this from his position on the Box.

On the first ball, Cutter ball to the inside corner.


The batter didn't swing.

On the second ball, a Straight Fastball.

The batter swung at it and missed.


The third ball is a sudden Change-up.

In the face of this ball, Inashiro's third batter, who has been chased, has no choice but to swing the bat.

When he finished swinging the bat, the white ball did not fly over.


Sawamura solved him using a Change-up.

Inajitsu's Batters are still very high-level.

There were times when they didn't perform well before, but it's rare to get a strikeout like this easily.

Even when they didn't perform well before, they were able to hit the ball. Unlike now, just hitting Sawamura's pitch was extremely difficult.

In the first three innings, the rhythm of Sawamura was maintained very well.

By the end of three innings, the total pitched didn't even reach 20.

In this way, from the fourth inning, it is possible to use a sharp Breaking ball.

Two Outs, no one on base.

With the third batter Struck out, the rest area of ​​Inajitsu was dead silent.

After a while, the President of the Inajitsu Baseball club said hesitated.

"I didn't expect him to be on this level!"

When watching the video of the game, they knew that Sawamura's strength should not be underestimated.

However, because Seidou High School hasn't encountered many powerful opponents, although the reference materials they brought are very eye-catching, being on the other side of it is still very surprising.

With Sawamura Eijun's pitching, dealing with those rookie Batters can naturally be very easy.

But the result would be different If it was the batters of Inajitsu, right?

Before the game, Hayashida Masayoshi, the president of the Inajitsu Baseball club, thought so.

Not just him, There were not a few people in the Inajitsu Baseball Team who thought the same.

They knew that Sawamura should be very powerful, but they never thought that Sawamura's strength would be like this!

With his pitching, Sawamura continued to dismantle Inajitsu's offense as if they were children.

This is just like Narumiya!

Thinking of this, the president of the baseball club of Inajitsu was subconsciously surprised.

Before the competition, he often listened to Coach Kunitomo comparing Sawamura to Narumiya.

At that time, he only thought that the Kunitomo was exercising the greatest caution against the opponent. Now it seems that he is probably wrong.

Perhaps Superintendent Kunitomo knew from the very beginning that Sawamura's pitching ability was not under Narumiya Mei.

"In the competitive arena, what kind of player will be called the Demon-King?"

Coach Kunitomo seemed to understand the doubts of his members and explained.

"That means, unbeatable in the same league. Is Sawamura Eijun the strongest high school pitcher right now? Many will doubt that. But among all the pitchers in high school, he is definitely among the top."

The Demon-King, Sawamura Eijun!

Coach Kunitomo knew that Inashiro had met a tough opponent.

'In this game, no more points can be lost.'

He looked up at the electronic scoreboard!


This score doesn't seem to be big. Before, Inajitsu High School's line-up would recover this score in minutes.

But today, things are different.

Just chasing this point is difficult!

Once the score continues to expand, Inajitsu is likely to be truly doomed.

Shaking his neck, he made a creaking sound.

Coach Kunitomo stared sharply at the changes on the field.

"Fourth Batter, catcher, Harada-kun."

Now playing, is Inajitsu's fourth batter, Harada Masatoshi.



In the stands, supporters of Inajitsu began to frantically shout Harada's name.

They still didn't give up, hoping Harada could get a hit.

But, compared with the first round of the lineup, when Harada hit the field, the sound of cheering was obviously much smaller this time.

'The momentum has unknowingly fallen to our side!'

Miyuki was keenly aware of the change in the atmosphere on the field.

Inajitsu's original momentum has begun to diminish.

Right now, it is of great significance to solve Harada cleanly.

Strike out the opponent's strongest Batter.

This is definitely a means of destroying the morale of the opponent!

In fact, Narumiya also did the same, he only went all out when dealing with the Tetsu-san. Against the batters before Tetsuya, including the Sawamura, he kept his hand.

Of course, there are other reasons. He doesn't want to waste more pitches. After all, if he's going to force Strikeouts, he'll have to throw more Pitches.

But the most important point is that the clean solving of Tetsu-san will be the biggest blow to the morale of Seidou High School.

The batters in the strike zone at Seidou High School would definitely think so.

'If Tetsu can't do it, can I really do it?'

Miyuki and Narumiya thought of the same thing.

So far, Sawamura's pitching rhythm has been maintained well, and the number of pitches is not much.

If you can cleanly deal with Harada here, and then use all Breaking balls to pitch and get the number of Outs, it is not too bad.

With an idea in mind, Miyuki decisively gave Sawamura a sign.

Next ball, unlock Magic ball!



The supporters of Inajitsu screamed with all their strength.

It seemed that if they didn't call out Harada's name, they would be swallowed up by Sawamura's pitching in the next second.

"Is this guy so scary?"

In the stands, many players from the Sankou high school and high school also came to watch the scene, this West Tokyo final.

Speaking of which, in the three giants in West Tokyo, they can be regarded as the most miserable.

It would be fine if they lost to Inashiro, who is also a Famous School, or Seidou High School, but they lost to Dark Horse Yakushi High School.

They are better overall, but they still lost the game. So of course, they are depressed.

And now they are watching the match between Inajitsu and Seidou, and they are also extremely conflicted.

They can't help but think, if they were on the field now, what would the result be like?

The more they think about it, the more they shudder.

If they are replaced, even if they are very confident in their own line-ups, it will be difficult to score points in the hands of these two guys.

The Demon King Sawamura Eijun, Tokyo Prince Narumiya Mei.

The pitching shown by the two feels flawless.

They are a real headache to deal with!

The former captain, Omae, the fourth batter of Inashiro, Harada, and Yuuki the fourth batter of Seidou High School kept pace with each other.

Omae knows the strength of Yuuki and Harada very closely.

In fact, Yuuki and Harada are the same.

The three of them recognized each other's strengths.

Therefore, seeing Narumiya solving Tetsuya on the field and Sawamura solving Harada in the first inning, Omae felt the same way!

"These two Kohais have already forced them this much!"

Not only Sawamura, but also Narumiya.

It's just that compared to Sawamura, Narumiya's luck seems to be a little worse.

If it weren't for bad luck, it would be really difficult for Seidou High School to score points.

Two Outs, Sawamura vs Harada!

"This Duel will decide the next direction of the game," Omae said.

Hearing this statement from his former captain, the players of Sankou High School just woke up like a dream.

Is The Demon King Sawamura Eijun dangerous to this extent?

Enough to make Omae feel tricky?

Enough to control the course of this West Tokyo final?

Regardless of their thoughts, the game continues.

T/N: Do you like the story? Comment it and let me know.

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