
Chapter 4: A Fool

In the A sect all of the student look formal as usual one of group are discussing about the new well-known tandem of The rogue tank and the assassin from the duo category, although most of them prefer to fight solo like their Class president but they we're intrigued of the winning time this Duo does.

"these two seems interesting, how can they handle such a boring fight that only last within a few minutes, hmmp ..I can't wait to break their record" Stella Stark said.

(she's a participant of the Duo Category and her partner Nell Park is her real life boyfriend they are known as The Butterfly and the Flower Duo).

" According to our source this assassin is Shape Shifter but she never used it in their fight she only rely on the Techno junks toys."Nell said.

" Don't worry babe we will defeat them in the name of our love" she smile while hugging him.

" I know since I have you we will win for sure... I'll do anything to protect our title, so rest assured and let's make our parents proud"he said grinning at her, she blushed such a sweet talker with handsome features is really captivating, she thought she's loving this pretty man more, even if she makes herself a fool to have fallen in love, even her own Clan was against their relationship they always had a high hopes on her to become an air fighter pilot like her father.

Tommorow is the Grand showdown and the Solo Category is the main event, the Duo is next after the Team fights, each participant required to have a wrist band device to examine their physical status to make sure everyone is highly prepared.

Kiffer and his group of friends from the A sect walked inside the room where they can get the wrist band.

a young man or what they thought to be,is carrying lots of paper bag full of gifts and approach him then hand them over to him casually.

Kiffer spaced out and unconsciously received the gifts.

"These presents are from your fans they want me to give it to you as a token of appreciation, School president" AKie said in a stoic cold face, then retreat to get her wrist band and walks away as if nothing happen.

"Woah!.that's a lot kiff...Umm you guys know each other? who's she?."Ren asked

kiffer shake his head.

"I really thought it was a guy at first not until she speaks" Ren giggle "but when you take a closer look she's not that bad, since she's one of the final participants I'm sure she has more than meets the eye,What do you guys think?"Ren asked his group of friends.

"Probably". kiffer said,

"of course she is, actually she was nicknamed Assassin during her Duo fights, she always attack fast and swift".one of guys said.

After AKie went back to her Classroom most of the girls from her class was happy when they heard kiffer accept their gifts. it was a dream come true to them since the A sect are hard to approach, and each sect consist of 50 more students, but the A sect is different only elite student with excemptional skills and power can enter to the sect.


The Day of the event.

the Team fights category which is a 5 on 5 battle was won by the A sect. the audience was amused a lot especially the online viewers on how the winning A sect team fight their way to the title.

the citizens of Phen was excited on what will be the results of the upcoming battle especially the main event, this prove how strong their future new generation will be.

On the Duo Category.

AKie and Ziv will be fighting against the pair of B sect( a Techno and an elemental charmer).

The other Duo focused attacking AKie from the start since she give much damage, using their combined force of water and electricity, AKie can only dodge them like a slippery eel she run and dodge with a serious look on her face she took both their attack and attention, unaware of Ziv was pushing forward to attack them with his saber like gello just as plan. although they counter it with a water shield but it wasn't enough to stop Ziv from attacking them as if his life depends on it, he charged forward to strike their defense.

The other party both body armor, was scratch badly unable to fight any further resulting to their lost.

The defeated time last for 7 minutes.

Everyone was shocked again because the so called rogue tank can also able to take that much offense.

Ziv Moi really take the spot light this time although the fight last way a bit longer but he fought with his might to win the battle.

he looked at AKie with a "praised me" look while AKie can only smile at his arrogance, and Cheer him from his martial art skill.

"seems like you trained hard, do you want to win that badly?." she asked.

" more than you know I always wanted to be a professional Cyber troops"Ziv said.