

If Kami has forsaken me then I shall also forsake him for I am ....

R3x_ · Fantasy
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When KAMI created the world he made it without any flaws , the world was so beautiful and majestic that other planets could not compare. It was a home for all humans , animals and other mythical creatures. The planets name was ALVION . For many years Alvion thrived in peace until one day something unexpected happened , a form of corruption began to eat away at the planet. This made it develop cracks in its core. These corruptions began to terrorize the residents of Alvion These corruptions were ruled over by their monarchs. The first ruled over the elven race " The monarch of pride" , the second ruled over the man-eating plants" The monarch of lust" , the third ruled over the race of giants" The monarch of greed" , the forth ruled over the canivorous insects " The monarch of gluttony", the fifth who was the most secretive amongst all the monarchs "The monarch of sloth", the sixth ruled over the race of demonic beings " The monarch of envy" , and the most feared of all, he was known as the true king of corruption , the ruler of the dragonic race "The monarch of wrath". Together these monarchs terrorised the residents of Alvion. Humans saw they had no fighting chance against corruption so they prayed to their creator 'Kami' for help. He listened to the prayers of his creation, he spilled a new kind of energy called Mana into Alvion. This energy flowed into all the beings in Alvion and granted them special powers, these powers have now come to be known as Magic. With this new found power the humans turned the tide against corruption or so they thought. What the humans did not know was that the mana created by Kami was a two-edged sword, the monsters of corruption quickly adapted to the mana which got split into Alvion and created their own kind of magic, dark magic. After so many years of struggle by the humans under the hands of corruption ,they decided to once again ask Kami for help .This time Kami did something different, he ask of the humans to present to him eleven humans. The humans picked out their best eleven fighters and presented them to Kami. With his powers Kami tramsformed these eleven humans into super beings these beings were called The Holy Angels. These beings although looked human they had divine power instead of magic, these divine powers changed their appearances , they grew much taller than other humans and had wing-like things growing out of their backs. These holy angels managed to change the outcome of the battle with their powers, they trained the humans into fully learning the potential of their magic powers and proposed the idea of building a stronghold to fight against the monsters of corruption. This stronghold after many years grew stronger and larger , it transformed into what is now known as the Holy Empire Tristan .

Together with the Holy Army , the humans fought against the corruption. Many years passed and many lives lost, this time something different seems to be brewing which could reshape the future of planet Alvion.....