

"... ninety-eight, ninety-nine, o-one-hundred!"

June let out a heaving breath, sweat dripping from his brows. His arms and shoulders ached, and he was visibly out of it. 

Over the last hour, he had done exactly what Gemm had instructed him to do: swing his sword in place. At first, it was a bit awkward, and he wasn't getting full motion in his swings, which was apparently the entire purpose of the task, but she quickly corrected him.

However, once he got that part down, it only got harder. He had thought he merely had to swing the sword comfortably in one place two-hundred times, but no, that wasn't the case at all.

Each swing had to be precise, packed with power, and packed with enough force to pierce an enemy. In fact, it had to be in the same realm of perfection, if not close. That's what made it difficult.