
Accost Splendora 2

Accost Splendora 2 _Synopsis Plain closed-in Rin awakens from her died out state, still awaited by her devouring troubles. What she hoped to be an enjoyable high school life is twisting into some crazy drama. Yet amongst such, stands one of her enabled dreams, the boyfriend which she desired. But ebullient recovered and happy to see what booked her first sight, a dark past closes in on the cheerful forthcoming school days. Only this time, things are more mysterious, as the devil itself seems to greet her with a masked name, _*The Unknown*_. The Second Installment follows up on how she tries to uncover a villainous figure determined to ruin all her dreams. Whilst retaining a valiant posture for the devastating revelation, kept secret as means of protection. But who's behind the nefarious acts, so much at odds with a loving brilliant appealing girl like Haruno?, Can she put up a strong front to keep that which she loves?, And will she be able to face the enraged Ayanami, Emperor Of Japan?, well, that's all for you to read and find out. Keep your eyes glued to my page for the better, succulent, mysterious, dramatic, yet still romantic novel: Accost Splendora by Ryan T.S Genres include: Romance, Drama, Comedy, Slice of life, Mystery, High school Read at Novella Bliss Facebook - Wattpad - Webnovel https://www.wattpad.com/story/330421241?utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&utm_source=android https://www.webnovel.com/book/25921096305396605/69581742775792168?utm_campaign=4323874056 https://www.facebook.com/groups/111421657719168 As usual, don't forget to comment, support, like, follow, share and check exclusive updates in the following groups If you want more just comment 'cause your support motivates me.

Nana_Suou · Teen
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131 Chs

Accost Splendora ❷ C-9_82 Under The Peach Tree

Book By Ryan T.S

Chapter 9

Page 82- _Scorching Paths_

No doubt she became quite odd buddies with Sakae since their last meeting, but all remained in the efforts to effectively stop stupid ideas coupled with worthless complaints. And frankly "buddies" fetched diffidence, still bouncing around her off feeling about _miss perfect_.

Pushed over the verge of flouncing away, her soured mood turned attention to an admirable sash heavenward. A white silk cloth waved from an uninvited breeze, gracefully covering the gate with bold black letters _*SIXTIETH ANNUAL CULTURAL FESTIVAL*_.

Together the left and right sides grasped flappy shaking flags reading a small "Koniaki Festival".  Suddenly, her head unwillingly rose, turning livid all the while shocked to catch an inviting sight upward.

Rainbow balloons shivered just above the gate spikes, sprinkled in an arch shape. The irritating echoes of head-heating gossips cleared, springing back her jolly self. Though so, a quick hop to the side, and she was glancing at a new symbol of persistence.

Rintarõ.... _Arghhh!, seriously Ai!, you don't just sneak up and touch people._

     'Hmph! talk about ungrateful," mumbled Aigasaki enough to shroud the reply in mystery, and turned to walk through the gate.

       'Well.., forgive me for lifting up my friend's spirits!," she shouted, stomping on the mesmerizing brown stone tiles.

Rintarõ.... _Ok ok sorry, i didn't know that's what you meant, hey wait up!_

Guilt-pinned Haruno ran after fake-pouting Ai who had stormed off, easily devoured by the bone-crushing crowd. No sooner than a few steps forward did she nab the juicy view of her dear friend, drowning within an ocean of advertising maniacs. The high and mighty power back to its rightful owner, she used her new status as an idol to secure a queenly path and rescue Meru.

Even so, hyped students couldn't ignore their hardworking ad distribution. Flyers flew above forcing hesitant Rin to stretch out and grab one. Pleasant enough it was the joint exhibition of class 1-A and S. Portraying the impossible made possible all thanks to technology. Actual existing designs appeared lesser than glitzy five-star decor, definitely non-existent, or maybe found in Koshiro, their ad designer's dreams.

A smile popped up her still sparkling lips, daring a step towards the main entrance. But she had to have known, being a partnering Rep of the most aniticipated event throughout the festival, meant annoying trouble. No thanks to _miss perfect_'s popularity, the journalist club and a few real reporters from Kikuchi Works, peeled eyes open for anyone who could offer teasers about the restaurant. Yay! to He who shows mercy, for the screech of an extravagant fancy car deafened consecutive questions to curious quietness.

To Be Continued........