
Accost Splendora 2

Accost Splendora 2 _Synopsis Plain closed-in Rin awakens from her died out state, still awaited by her devouring troubles. What she hoped to be an enjoyable high school life is twisting into some crazy drama. Yet amongst such, stands one of her enabled dreams, the boyfriend which she desired. But ebullient recovered and happy to see what booked her first sight, a dark past closes in on the cheerful forthcoming school days. Only this time, things are more mysterious, as the devil itself seems to greet her with a masked name, _*The Unknown*_. The Second Installment follows up on how she tries to uncover a villainous figure determined to ruin all her dreams. Whilst retaining a valiant posture for the devastating revelation, kept secret as means of protection. But who's behind the nefarious acts, so much at odds with a loving brilliant appealing girl like Haruno?, Can she put up a strong front to keep that which she loves?, And will she be able to face the enraged Ayanami, Emperor Of Japan?, well, that's all for you to read and find out. Keep your eyes glued to my page for the better, succulent, mysterious, dramatic, yet still romantic novel: Accost Splendora by Ryan T.S Genres include: Romance, Drama, Comedy, Slice of life, Mystery, High school Read at Novella Bliss Facebook - Wattpad - Webnovel https://www.wattpad.com/story/330421241?utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&utm_source=android https://www.webnovel.com/book/25921096305396605/69581742775792168?utm_campaign=4323874056 https://www.facebook.com/groups/111421657719168 As usual, don't forget to comment, support, like, follow, share and check exclusive updates in the following groups If you want more just comment 'cause your support motivates me.

Nana_Suou · Teen
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131 Chs

Accost Splendora ❷ C-3_27 Under The Peach Tree

Book By Ryan T.S

Chapter 3

Page 27- _Fascinating Luck_

Pinching deadlocked binoculars on Senami's alerted face, she surreptitiously pressed an analysis of his twisting expressions. Yet the ice crunching prince clubbed a stoic countenance, feigning ignorance to the clouded discovery.

Keisuke.... _I-I think we should get going! Like Merumi said, we don't wanna get caught by your sinister tricky stalker._

In so short a time, he promptly strode out the door, strutting up to his many third year acquaintances. Somehow infiltrating the group with a car topic, he overtook the conversation and imperiously fled down the hallway.    'Perks of being friends with the iconic third year Seigi huh?," thought Haruno, withdrawing a mind full of restless desired questions.

Rintarõ..... _It's a shame they don't act as brothers at school, or go home together, i would've asked friendly Kisami to tell me all about the juicy dets. He'd probably know all about Hiro and Ai with that pro club of his._

Key focused on the loose clues, she bit her lips, made to be a distraction from Keisuke's worrisome update, and oddly quiet stalker, _The Unknown_. Her fuzzy tired feet plodded downstairs, weary mouth mumbling curses of discontent.      'How could i have not noticed!?," a self-aimed query, pulled while dragging a dead beat body to her locker. Augmenting usually dazed care, she slowly opened the door, following caution. 

Halfway through, her dying to know mind flung open in a flash, revealing nothing but a murky void.

   No letter, prank, or even the slightest hint a threat had visited. Disheveled Haruno's face lit up, heavy feet lifted by a pleasant frisson of excitement. Up and down she went, ignoring the glued gazes of bespectacled gossip girls.    'To think they're all rich, yet find time to waste on other people," chuckles shot up, pushing prickly stones of joy down her stomach. She whacked the door close and headed for the main entrance, pounding heart pitted against a sea of happiness. Something she hadn't felt in a long time.

Merumi.... _Hey Rin, are you coming or what!?_

Rintarõ.... _What do you mean?_

Merumi.... _Ahem, Asami is waiting in the parking lot as we speak._

Hesitantly nodding with a puzzled glance, her body unknowingly followed Merumi. A few sole-leveled steps later, her eyes shimmered at sight.

Rintarõ.... _Eh...er..., this is what you meant?_

Her stomach battled joke cracks, while abundant laughter held Ai's partly open mouth, bungee jumping into the left backseat.

Rintarõ.... _Uhm, Hi Lady Asami!_

Confusion sailed a gap in the quiet girl's eyes, stumped while easing front seat beside Asami.

Asami.... _No honorifics please, how are you Rin, i haven't seen you in a while. And i bet from the look on your face, lady Merumi didn't mention anything about me coming to pick the both of you up._

Rintarõ.... _Eh!, you mean i get to save my money for that Kanmu chocolate chip roll i've been craving?! This day surely couldn't get any better._

Busy celebrating her good-willed luck, side turns packed of snoring persuaded tickles, blown from Aigasaki's mouth.

     'Seriously!, she's asleep already!?, and yet you call yourself my best friend".

She faked a pouting, unbecoming of her brilliant shy face.

Next few moments, the engine roared with a kickstart, one crazy chauffeur clamping down the accelerator. She sped off, abandoning unwanted passengers of heavy smoke. Despite seating in a vigorously spun car, lady luck brushed Rin's glance one more time, grabbing a special smile from entrancing Keisuke.

To Be Continued.......