
Accidentally becoming a billionaire's surrogate

Betrayal! Hardship! Amelia has gone through all but what happens when she opts to be a surrogate and coincidentally matches the requirements to be a surrogate for the city's ruthless billionaire. Will her life turn for the better or worse?

Del17_writz · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Sign A Contract

Serene silence in the car.

Amelia was trying to fight her nervousness as she drowned herself in the exotic scent that filled the surrounding space.

He looked elegant and refined. A man who fits in among the upper crust of society, being in the same environment as him was enough to make one nervous but, Amelia's anxiousness wasn't from the fact that she was sitting close to him and felt intimidated, but from the fact that she kept him waiting in front of her house.

What has she done? Why would she invite a man of his caliber to her house for a private meeting? She questioned herself, things would just get worse from here if he tells her he doesn't want her to carry his unborn child or even worse, he decides to abort the child.

Ransacking her brain about what to say was a much harder task than looking for her dead parents, he didn't say anything to her and just ignored her presence, his assistant had stepped out of the car a few minutes ago to give them privacy, it would have been much better if he were inside than leaving her alone with someone like him.

"Is this what you brought me here for?". She heard him ask, but his gaze was still on his phone, she wondered what was on his screen that he had been staring at for the last two minutes.

"Huh! Uhh, what?". Amelia mumbled out as she turned to him, he was staring at a photograph of her, she felt like smacking herself, this man had turned her into a caricature of herself, which psycho stares at the photograph of a lady sitting beside him.

First, he declined to shake hands with her and just stared at her before turning to his phone, leaving her hands hanging in the air making her look awkward, and then now, he was staring at a picture of her totally ignoring her presence, she needed to come out of there, this meeting wouldn't work if they were still in this space, setting up a meeting close to her house was a horrible idea, she should have just spent that money on having them meet at a restaurant, she doubted he would behave like this if they were outside.

"Can we have our conversation somewhere else?". Amelia asked the question, looking directly at him.


"Please, can you stop that? It's making me awkward". Amelia spoke up, she couldn't just sit there and let him do as he pleased.

What Amelia said finally caught his attention, he raised his head slowly as he turned his eyes to her, glaring at her intently.

"Stop what?". He asked.

"Do you want the child or not?". Amelia went straight to the point, this whole situation was eating her up.

"Ms. Amelia, what do you want me to stop?". Calvin asked with a straight face, like he didn't hear her question.

"Nn…Nothing, please, can I speak with your assistant?".

This was beginning to get out of hands, if he didn't allow her to speak with his assistant, she was going to open the door and run out of this car into her apartment.

Calvin let out a wry chuckle.

"Go ahead". He spoke nonchalantly.

"Please let him come inside".

"What is it you wanted me to stop? Tell me".

Why! Why was he so persistent, couldn't he just let that go?

"I am done, I would rather not do this anymore, I appreciate your coming, I just wanted to tell you that, I would to carry the child as my own in any case you are not interested in fathering the child". Amelia spoke out what had been on her mind, she tried opening the door immediately she was done talking, but it was locked, she turned to him with a stern glare.

He didn't respond to her, but instead went back to his phone to make a call.

"Alex, get me the contract".

He was just as he was described on the news, gossip sites and even some famous rumors about him, he didn't have regard for anybody, no matter who the person was, and he was always looking aloof, Amelia just experienced it first hand after sitting close to him for not up to thirty minutes making her wonder about the other rumors that said he related ruthlessly like a tyrant master over his subordinates, she wouldn't even want to experience that.

He didn't look like the type anyone could mess with, but he could mess with anyone, things like these irritated Amelia greatly.

She didn't like these type of wealthy people who acted like they were gods because of the power they had over average and poor people.

Although, there weren't any scandals reported of him with women as he was rarely seen in public, his private life was at most unknown until he ascended as the new C.E.O., Amelia wasn't one who was interested in engaging about topics involving the high class in society, she only got exposed to them from her colleagues and Eve.

Eve especially always talked about her admiration for Klein Riggs, the second grandson of Mr. Cole, until she watched the appointment ceremony and changed her mind, she couldn't stop chattering about how he was her type, wanting to get pregnant for him, what a sly she was.

Mr. Alex entered into the car, he passed Calvin a tablet and a black pen, "Read the contents of the contract carefully and ask any questions you have". Mr. Alex spoke.

Calvin passed Amelia a black tablet and a black stylus pen, on the screen was displayed the contents of the contract for Amelia to read.

"Can I take this to my apartment? I will call you if I have any questions or requests to make".

"If you leave, it will be assumed that you don't want the contract, and you must abort the child". Calvin answered lazily as he placed his head on the car's headrest, shutting his eyes close.

"You don't have that right!". Amelia let out those five words from her lips before reasoning about it, it was like she lost control and allowed her inner mother self to react.

Calvin didn't reply, but had a smirk on his lips as if what Amelia said to him was amusing.

"Please, watch your tone, Ms Amelia". Mr. Alex warned.

"I apologize, but I don't feel comfortable doing it here…".

"Where do you think is comfortable for you? I will take you there, provided it is not your home". Mr. Alex replied calmly.

"Take me to the hospital, the Whitlock hospital". Amelia responded.