
Accidentally becoming a billionaire's surrogate

Betrayal! Hardship! Amelia has gone through all but what happens when she opts to be a surrogate and coincidentally matches the requirements to be a surrogate for the city's ruthless billionaire. Will her life turn for the better or worse?

Del17_writz · Fantasy
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19 Chs

In Need of a Surrogate

The young lady in the sitting room called softly to Calvin as he walked towards her.

Calvin forced a smile at her and dropped his smile immediately after he moved inches away from her.

A lot of people know that she is the second daughter of Mr. Whitlock because that's the information put out there for the public.

In reality, she is the first daughter and first child, although she wasn't born of the current wife of Mr. Whitlock.

Nora's mother was the first lover and girlfriend of Mr.Whitlock but their relationship became rocky when the Whitlock's family heard of it, at first Mr.Whitlock was stubborn on letting his first lover go but later he succumbed to his family's wishes.

she was pregnant with his child at the time this was happening.

Mr. Whitlock had to choose between marrying his poor girlfriend who is not only pregnant for him but also in love with and risk getting disowned by his ruthless father or marrying the first daughter of the Raynott's family thereby making the first child she gives birth to, his first child in order to strengthen their families legacy.

Of course Mr.Whitlock chose the latter and when his first lover heard of it, she was heartbroken and later died of complications in the hospital after giving birth, although that made Mr.Whitlock sad, he had to move on with life.

The only thing his father allowed him to do was to take care of the child, since the Whitlock's blood flowed in her veins.

Now just like his father, he is using her to create a bond with the Riggs family without consulting her first to know her thoughts on the matter, leaving her with no option or even a choice.

"Don't mind my son, Nora, you already know how he is". Calvin's mother apologized on her son's behalf.

"I know, there is no problem". Nora answered smiling.

Nora has been staying in the Riggs mansion for some days now after the appointment ceremony, although the engagement hasn't yet begun because Calvin has been away, there is an agreement between the two families already.

Nora walked out of the mansion nonchalantly, she was already used to Calvin treating her like she was a nobody.

The engagement ceremony would be held in two weeks time and as per 'tradition', she is supposed to live with the groom's parents before the event takes place.


In a dark study room, a middle aged man paces around the room with a troubled expression.

He stops as he hears a knock on the door.

"Come in". He said in a firm voice.

Calvin entered into his father's study room and bowed his head a little.

"You wanted to see me?". He asked, raising his head.

"Switch on the light, let me see your face clearly". Mr. Riggs spoke.

Calvin did as he was told.

"How was your trip?". Mr. Riggs asked as he took a seat.

Calvin was surprised at the question, that was not what he was expecting.

"The trip was good, I was able to solve the problem and return the branch's activities back to normal".

"Solve the problem?". Mr.Riggs asked with a smirk.

"Yeah". Calvin answered.

"There is no way you can retrieve that money in weeks, you replaced it with your own money, I monitored your every step".

"I know you did and yes I used my money to replace it". Calvin answered indifferently.

"And may I ask why?".

"I wanted to return the branch's activities back to normal as soon as possible".

Mr.Riggs nodded his head slowly.

"Your engagement is in two weeks, if you...".

"I am not participating in that". Calvin replied calmly.

"Participate? You are getting married and also your mother wants it. If you don't, your mother won't be happy and we will be on bad terms with the Whitlocks".

"Happy? You never cared about her happiness, everything you do is for your own benefit". Calvin said, his tone hinting his anger.

"Don't bring up the past, son". Mr. Riggs said calmly but with a serious expression.

"Then let me make my own decision, under your watch, slush funds amounting to billions were siphoned to an illegal private account that you can't trace back and you are trying to get back with this engagement..., I know that".

"I can get the money back but I chose you to handle it since you would soon become the new C.E.O and for weeks now there's been no progress, to the outside world, you have returned things back to normal but we know". Mr Riggs said with a smile.

"This was all your plan, right? Making me have no leads on how to recover the money and then you use this means to force me into an arranged marriage, all for your selfish self". Calvin raised his voice.

"Your tone, I don't like it". Mr. Riggs spoke with his smile fading away.

"I know you need an heir, and I will give you one. But not on your terms and agreement with the Whitlocks, but on mine. Is that clear? Father?"

"No, the arrangements have been made already, you have to marry her or at least have a child with someone, you have already taken over the company from me, you need a tangible excuse if you want to reject the engagement, the Whitlocks won't entertain the break up and also you are not getting any younger".

Calvin scoffed.

He didn't like his father, but he didn't hate him entirely either. The relationship between the two dwindles every time they meet.

"Why did you let Mr. Adams escape?". Calvin asked, changing the topic.

"How did you know I let him escape?". Mr. Riggs asked back.

"There's no way he will embezzle and siphon that amount of money without you knowing".

"Yeah, that's true, I know where he is currently, this was a test for you, and you failed, for the past three weeks there has been no improvement". Mr. Riggs said as he scribbled something on a piece of paper.

Calvin finally understood the whole thing that was happening, his father was the one behind it all.

"What's this?". Calvin asked, looking at the piece of paper his father passed him.

"Mr. Adams location, go there, get my money and kill him". Mr. Riggs said calmly.

"MY money". Calvin corrected him.

"And how do you know?".

"His secretary is working for me, she's a gorgeous one…, I planted her there when I started having suspicions, he was so blinded by money and sex, he didn't even notice it". Mr. Riggs hilared proudly with satisfaction.

"I will be leaving now". Calvin said and turned towards the door.

"Your engagement is in two weeks, son, bring a woman home or you accept the one I gave you". Mr. Riggs spoke, like he was trying to remind his son.

Calvin didn't respond but walked out of the study room dipping his hand into his pockets, he took out his phone and made a call to his assistant.

"One more thing, Alex, arrange for a surrogate mother before the end of this week".
