
Accidental Harem: Let's Kiss Again!

"Wh-who the hell are you and why are you kissing me!?" With Aranea backing away as she hid her lips with her forearm, the blue-haired man who came out of nowhere approached her, making Aranea stand up abruptly but was suddenly stopped when he knelt down right in front of her. "Where is my phone!? Why did you turn into a human being? Why did you kiss me!?" Ignoring her series of questions, the man held her right hand then he kissed the back of her palm, introducing himself to her—everyone flabbergasted with what he said. "My name is Leonel. I am your loyal familiar that you have summoned, Aranea Griffin." *** Aranea Griffin, together with her twin sister, Elenea Griffin, received an invitation to enroll in a magic school. Their foster mother was ecstatic to receive such news! However, she felt doubt on how Aranea had received the invitation when they knew that she did not possess any magical powers compared to her twin sister having musical, healing powers! That was what most people thought... until Aranea kissed her phone, transforming it into a man who claimed to be her loyal familiar! Maybe Aranea may not be as powerless as they think she is... ~ CLARIFICATION: Despite the book having the word harem and the reverse harem tag, they don't share the same FL like what is seen in other stories. Put it simply: each familiar has their own love interest and each of them have their own back story. [WARNING: Some chapters of the book may contain mature R-18 content.] Cover commissioned to: Chainslock Update Schedule: HIATUS Information about the cover: The cover will change along with the story. With the familiars that Aranea will unlock, the chibi character will no longer be dimmed. ;) So stay tuned, and enjoy the story! Want to further show your support? Send me a ko-fi~! ^^ Link: https://ko-fi.com/mysticamy

MysticAmy · Fantasy
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297 Chs

Warn Our Summoner

The moment they all arrived in front of Stygian's Forest entrance, the other professors waiting outside widened their eyes in surprise that they finally got their first group of students who passed their ordeals. 

However, when they saw an unfamiliar brown-haired man, they suddenly got curious as to why a new person was present when they knew the other students such as Aranea, Elenea, Zann, and Leonel. 

The Garuda already started its descent. The moment it slowed down as it landed, the other professors present greeted them, the Garuda flying away as it was already assured that the passengers are already safe on ground.

Professor Samuela put both of her hands on her waist, a grin appearing on her face as she looked at the students with pride.

"Well done, Aranea, Elenea, Leonel, and Zann!" She congratulated them, her manly voice resounding even in the vast green plains where they are. "Even though you guys are newbies, you did great!"

"Thank you, Professor Samuela," the twins and Leonel greeted in unison, Zann scoffing as he proudly crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"It wouldn't be possible without me around," he commented, making Aranea roll her eyes at him as she found his attitude obnoxious. 

"Oh, stop it, Tsun-Tsun! We all worked on this together. If we weren't around, you'd be stomped into a flattened oblong."

With what Aranea had said, Leonel and Elenea couldn't help but laugh, Professor Samuela chiming in as Zann narrowed his eyes at his Summoner.

"Whatever," he reacted, Professor Gertrude approaching them as she scanned the group to see if they are alright.

"I see you have survived Stygian Forest and left unscathed!" She nodded approvingly, her eyes landing on Zann. "From the orb as we watched, we could see that you are Aranea's Summoner!"

With the remark of the professor, Zann's face couldn't help but blush a bit, remembering that he had sealed the pact between Summoner and Familiar with a kiss.

If Professor Gertrude said she has watched with the other professors on what was happening from the orb, then it would mean that they saw him kissing Aranea.

With that thought circulating in his mind, Zann couldn't help but cough as he felt his heart racing.

"Ah..." Professor Grisham reacted, slapping Zann's back with his hand to tease him. "The idea of kissing may have caught his tongue!"

"Will you guys stop it?" He said under his breath, irritation evident in his voice. "Divert your attention on another claimed Familiar. Not me," he added, Professor Noir, chiming in as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"And this new Familiar is?"

Aranea looked at Darenn, a small smile appearing on her face. With her gesturing to her new Familiar to introduce himself, he took a few steps forward, giving everyone a small bow before he talked. 

"I'm Darenn," he introduced himself, Aranea, adding to his introduction.

"And he speaks only with a limit of two words per sentence--per exchange."

"My!" Professor Gertrude widened her eyes in astonishment, "Interesting! And where did you come, deary? How were you summoned?"

"The cave."


"The coin."


"Aranea's kiss."


"You understand?"

"Sorry... no."

Darenn furrowed his brows, scratching the back of his head as he looked at Aranea like he was a child asking for help from an adult. 

Aranea let out a small laugh, cocking her head to the side as she said a suggestion.

"Why not let Darenn write to express himself?"

"Oh! Yes! Precisely! That is a good idea!"

Professor Gertrude turned her body to Darenn, making sure that he won't feel uncomfortable with how they keep questioning him. She extended her arm towards him, patting his arm as if she was an old woman coaxing her grandchild.

Well, she is indeed an old woman...

"Darenn, is it okay for you to write down your whereabouts--about you before you met your Summoner until she summoned you, hmm?"

Darenn looked at Aranea as if asking for permission. The Summoner smiled at him as she nodded, Darenn, looking back at the professor to give her his answer.

"Okay, then."

With that, Professor Gertrude walked away with Darenn beside her, talking to the Earth Familiar from time to time as they walked away from the group.

Watching their retreating figure, Elenea cocked her head to the side, her eyebrow rising as well as a thought passed her mind.

"Is it just me... or does Professor Gertrude seem to be so excited?" Elenea commented, Professor Noir, answering her question.

"You're keen, but you're right," he said, everyone's attention now on him. "Since Professor Gertrude likes history, the thought of Darenn being connected to the cave that dated back to the old civilization completely piqued her interest," he added, the twins finally understanding the professor's enthusiasm. 

"Other than that, she is doing her responsibility as a professor of the school." Professor Samuela chimed in, "Without being too obvious to Darenn that we are questioning his background for safety purposes, she tries to trace and see what she can in order to secure the students' and the academy's safety."

Hearing this, Aranea sort of didn't like the thought of people questioning her Familiar. She sees Darenn as a kind person, so why would people be suspicious of him?

Noticing the discomfort in Aranea's expression, Elenea could already deduce what she was worrying about. She let out a small sigh, patting Aranea as she spoke to her.

"Hey, it's not that they see Darenn as a bad person," she said, Aranea and the others looking at Elenea. "They're just doing their job as professors. I'm not saying he's bad, but people's looks nowadays can fool others."

"Hmm... but I could see Darenn to be a good person," she mumbled, but it was enough for the group to hear.

As the conversation continued, Leonel and Zann looked at each other as if their eyes were saying "let's warn our Summoner."

Nodding to each other as if they have reached a decision with their gaze, Leonel and Zann looked at their Summoner, speaking out their thoughts about the new Familiar, Darenn.

"Even we don't know who Darenn is," Leonel said, Aranea looking at him as she continued to listen to her Familiars.

"Since we started training in Ravaya as we grew, Darenn is not a familiar person--rather--we never saw him there."

3/3 ch published! Announcement: my stockpile has reached 0 but don’t fret! I will start writing tomorrow and follow the number of chapters I scheduled and announced. ^^ Thanks for reading!

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