
Here is what brought you to me

I went to the store beside our school, I don't know why but my legs brought me here, maybe it's because of the cupcake, the reason why I thought am the reason he came to our school. I bought one cupcake then came and sat outside

I couldn't even eat the cake, I just kept staring at it as my tears soaked it, I sat there as the day chameleons into the night, I still can't find the strength to go home. Am so embarrassed. I should have just kept quiet. What if he tells our parents and he started avoiding me, even to the extent of leaving. Why didn't I think this through.

"You sure are a hard girl to find" I heard him say, I look up and saw him standing in front of me he looks out of breath.

"I went everywhere but didn't find you, even Martha has no idea where you might be," he said the sat beside me,

"Then how come you are here" I asked he took a deep breath.