

(Devil's POV)

"Mom, what will we name her?" I asked as I maneuver slowly, the boss is letting me drive today. Everybody is happy it has been long my parents have been waiting for this child. So, it took me 13 years to have a kid sister, the ultrasound said so.

"We haven't thought about that," My mom said rubbing her belly gently with a gorgeous smile, she was sitting in the back, I stared at her through the mirror, just for a bit, and returned my focus to the road. Am sitting on the boss's lap as he helped me maneuver.

"Boss, it's time for you to marry," my dad said, he started calling his best friend boss too because that's what I call him.

"Haven't found the right person." he replied with a slight chuckle and my mom scoffed.

"Are you even looking?" she asked.