

On the day of 13th march yukina went outside with her parents. that day it was her birthday .she didn't knew that she will experience such a hell on her birthday . they went to watch a movie by car . while returning from an incident happened and it was total horrible .

She was sitting on the front sit with her father as his father was driving .her mother and small sister were sitting on the back sits. they were so happy and was going for lunch but it was not in there destiny to have lunch together. yukina's mom asked her to bring some water as she was thirsty . as soon as yukina left a truck driver who was totally drunk crashed to their car and her whole family destroyed in a minute . she went blank for a minute ,she just couldn't understand what to do ? the car was crashed in a way even a single person couldn't live . yukina couldn't stop crying . the most beautiful day of yukina turned into most horrible day .

Later on police camed but as always they were again late , but with the help of yukina they found the truck driver . it wasn't easy for her to manage all this but she managed herself to be strong .