
Acceptance - The Conscious Awakening

Sometimes, it all narrows down to acceptance. Acceptance of your choices, and their repercussions. To heal, acceptance is important. Emotional scars hold the capacity to suffocate one to death. The invisible emotional scars... leave you desperate for help but quite rarely, they find a voice to actually step up and ask for the same. Excerpt: “Out of everything, Ayden – out of everything – this was the most hurtful thing that you could do to me. You set up a guy to woo me to see if I’ll betray you for him or not? You… you made him act that ultra-rich way, didn’t you? You think so low of me, Ayden? So low? Three years. We have been together for three freaking years and yet?” Irene’s eyes began welling up with tears but she held them back with great difficulty. “I am sorry. I know I have been a jerk in doing what I did. I accept it. I was insecure. You are,” his palm caressed her cheek, “so beautiful. You always were and I… an ugly overweight creature.” His gaze dropped to the ground. “I thought -” “We are over.” Discord server link - https://discord.gg/BeVyFuC Cover Credit - @YaoYueyi

LostInFictions · Urban
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148 Chs

Ren. Ren. Ank You.

Ayden's hand balled in a fist as the sight of Irene being with the guy wearing a black T-shirt and grey jeans. His sharp jaw and cheekbones only added on to Ayden's miseries. He looked no less than 6'1'' which landed Ayden in a ridiculously insecure space.

On top of that, Irene was smiling and her smiling face infuriated him.

Having her enjoying with an incredibly handsome guy was beyond Ayden's tolerance limit.

His nails had started digging in the skin of his palms.

Was Ashton right? Ayden's mind held the question again.


"Light," she read the name as she stepped out of the cab followed by him, staring at the huge luxurious building at the front.

She had to crane her neck to be able to see the apex. The bright sunlight shining on the pink something made her shut her eyes momentarily before she again raised them at the pink carnation sculptured at the top that came in her view and it left her in awe of it.

"Come with me." He disturbed her moment where she was busy adoring the view.

She murmured 'sure' and walked inside with, him walking by her right side. She was wondering where he had brought her but she kept mum, not letting her curiosity find a voice.

The gatekeeper stood up from his chair to greet Ilyan. Ilyan silently bowed at the man in his late fifties before they moved ahead.

As they stepped in, her eyes sparkled for a moment as they took in the grand marble Buddha statue in the middle of the walkway.

The white glow around its head could put any anxious heart almost instantly at peace.

Just as they walked a little more, her head automatically turned to her left where a beautiful garden existed. In the middle of the green lawn, the small fountain stood there flaunting its beauty. Big rocks surrounded it and smaller stones were spread out in a layer around them giving it a natural pond feel.

Irene's lips broke into a smile as her eyes caught two artificial ducks between the rocks.

She couldn't decide if she felt she was walking in some sort of enchanting land or a magnificent dream house.

He chuckled at the slow pace she had suddenly picked, and as much as he wished to let her admire what was appealing to her heart, he could not let her linger around for longer because he was in hurry to introduce her to the people inside.

Once they were inside, she took a moment to look around. In that exceptionally huge space, she spotted various rooms. The more she walked in, the more she lost herself in the insanely beautiful interior. She admired the creativity that she was getting to see.

"Brother, Brother."

Ilyan smiled when he heard the familiar voices calling for him.

Confusion plastered on Irene's face when she could not locate the source of the voice.

Three tiny figures paddled on their small feet toward them or more accurately toward Ilyan, screaming, "Lyan. Lyan. Lyan. Lyan."

Irene did not know if to laugh or cry at the cuteness personified. Their small adorable bodies wrapped in pink and blue sweaters made her desperately wish to pinch their cheeks.

Before she could understand what was happening, where she was, and who those kids were, she found herself kneeling down. Gosh. She felt such a thief in the bright daylight.

And just as her knees touched the ground, one of those kids noticed her and landed on his small butt.

Guilt rushed through her. Did she scare him?

She stood up, to pick him up but the duo who was with him had already rushed to his aid. Each of them held one of his hands and helped him stand.

Surprisingly there was no trace of tears on his face. Despite falling down, he was only smiling. And they ran toward Ilyan, hugging his legs. "Lyan. Lyan. You came. Yay."

"Yes. Did you miss me?" He sat on his knees as he hugged them back.

Their sweet giggles echoed there.

"Are these your siblings? Gosh. They are so young and cute." Irene did not want to break the moment but she couldn't resist asking.

"Well, I have more. Wait for a while. You'll see them."

And that mischief was back in his eyes.

Kids started gathering around them. She heard Ilyan asking them to be careful when they ran down the staircase.




And the count just kept on increasing and the hallway was filled with them, their ages seemed to be ranging from three to sixteen. And that was when Irene seriously began to wonder what place that was.

A woman clad in a loose long white sweater and a blue long skirt came down after the kids.

"Afternoon, Ma'am." Ilyan greeted once he rose on his feet.

"They are always so energetic when they see you." She smiled at him before the bags in his hands caught her attention. "So, what have you brought them today? And who is this young lady?"

"This is Irene and Irene, meet Sara Ma'am." He introduced them.

"Hello," Irene mumbled, with her smile never faltering. The atmosphere was just too cheerful for her to feel otherwise.

Sara nodded in acknowledgment.

Ilyan took the center and raised the bags in his hands. "Guess what have we brought for you all? Pastries."

"Yay," the kids cheered in unison.

"Give it to me. I'll get them in plates." Sara forwarded her hands and Ilyan readily handed them to her.

While Irene was still processing the happenings, Ilyan's gaze went to her. He gestured her to come closer. Once she was there, he got her familiar with his kids.

"So, we have a guest today. Meet her. She is Irene. You know, she made these pastries for you."

"Ren. Ren." The very same kid who had fallen on the ground in front of her covered the distance between them in his tiny steps. He looked up at her, grinning. "Ren. Ren. Ank you."

"He means thank you." Ilyan cleared but Irene did not need that. She knew what the kid meant.

"Aww. My pleasure," she assured while bending to plant a quick kiss on his cheek.

He circled his hands around her legs. She had not felt so utterly overwhelmed lately.

Sara came back to announce that she had arranged the plates in the dining area and took the kids along with her.

Irene and Ilyan stood alone there for a while until Irene broke the silence. "What is this place?"

"An orphanage."

Hola! Two updates in a day. (I might not update tomorrow. Not keeping well so might not be able to write.)

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