
I Did Come Back

"Would you like some tea?" Sara offered, after handing over her bag.

"Thank you but I am fine." Irene did not want to trouble her but Sara insisted. 

"Come on, I make good tea. Don't be scared."

Irene stared at Sara for a long moment before the duo shared a hearty laugh. 

Irene could not deny her anymore. Sara showed her the room at the front and asked her to wait there. 

As Irene walked into the room, she was pleasantly taken aback by the endearing simplicity of the room. 

It was not fancy. Equipped with minimum stuff which was arranged neat and clean. 

"Nice room," she complimented Sara who had just entered with two cups of tea. 

Sara handed over one cup to Irene. "This is not mine. This is Ilyan's room."

Surprise flickered in Irene's eyes. Ilyan's room? Ilyan stayed in the orphanage? She had thought that he was just a visitor. However, she kept her questions to herself, silently nodding at Sara.