
Accension after reincarmation towards peak of godhood fanfic(reposted)

i reposted this and also im the original author of this. also i dont own any characters or anything other than the ones i invented and the things i invented, unless someone already invented it before i did that is.

Dark_Magma · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 32 The rewards

"Congratulations on passing the trial young one. There is a matter i wish to speak of with you but first i shall give you your rewards."

"Alright, i shall hear you out later."

"Good. First of all. You shall receive six drops of bloods which will give you rhe bloodline."

'He is quite lazy. He didnt even explain what they did.'

Meanwhile the dragon was thinking.

'I aint lazy, i just want freaks like you to get as far away from me as possible. Its geniuses like you who attract the most troubles. smh.'

"Cough! Anyway, those six seeds will be able to not only give you the body of a true dragon, but it will also give you the virgin dragon seed. This seed is capable of not only healing a cripple but also making someone advance towards the next level of realm."

It would had continued its explanation but its gaze suddenly flashed with astonishment when it felt the aura of the women outside... They had somehow recieved the bloodline and it was at the same time as him! This made mc's image in its mind more mysterious but also made him more happy. As for why he was happier, we would see that later.

"Anyway, before i keep on, i want to ask you something..."


"I want you to help find my daughter. Dont worry as you will get rewarded just for answering and believe me you will like it. So what is your answer?"

"...Well, the bloodline you gave me is quite good so i dont see why i should refuse."

"EXCELENT! Now then, i shall give you the Dragon god marrow and the dragon god soul. Now that you have the body of a true dragon, it will be easier to integrate these two. I suggest you do so at the same time and i shall help you."

He only nodded. The fusion process then started and it was indeed quite painful but...

'Dying is a lot more painful.'

The dragon god decided that maybe reading the thoughts of this strange guy was a wrong idea as he felt that he might be a bit crazy. He was contemplating whether he should retake the things he gave and make him promise to stay away from his daughter as he wasnt sure whether to leave her with this guy.

Anyway, after the process, although a bit exhausted, mc still felt alright and just needed to rest for a bit. Meanwhile the dragon decided to send him back to his partners. He then said the same things but with some twists. The girls didnt have a virgin 'seed' like him but well, they could still get pregnant the next time they had sex as it was guarenteed...

Well, unfortunately they could control their bodies to the point of making it so that if someone were to touch and pass their profound energy over their bodies, they could still be taken as a cripple if they wanted to, so preventing pregnacy was all but easy.

Mc also noticed that he could choose whther the seed would be passed or not...like a switch on or off basically like if he wanted a kid for sure...just...switch it on like that.... This was the first time he felt weird about his body but it was alright anyway. He didnt want to become a dad all of a sudden nor did he want to have to not have sex.

He could also reproduce the seed. He instinctively knew it and that also made him pleased as he saw many fanfics where the mcs have one or some girls from his harem pregnant and the girls become more aggressive for sex. He didnt like that he wasnt the aggressive one in a relationship as he felt as if it would shame him.

'Am i becoming the same as kiba and wanting to be the alpha? Nah i smell nice and he smells like wet dog.'

The girls also said they got the domain, the same as him. He would normally be happy but he felt a bit sour in his heart... why?

'I did alk the work and you just sat there and you get benefits too... Kazuma sensei... it seems that the true gebder equality was really a dream...'

He couldnt help but get some tears from his eyes flowing down surprising and worrying the girls but he said everything was fine. However, the dragon spirit at this moment decided to stop reading his mind as the thoughts of this boy was too strange.

"Well thank you dragon god. I know your daughter must be at some place dangerous so dont worry. I will try to become as powerful as possible and then i will look for her. I will take my leave now."

"Alright then young one. I shall await your return then."

Saying his part, the spirit again went off for some time until yun che came back. The group with the addition of the dragons went out of the cave towards the blue wind capital. They arrived at the cave at the time when yun che arrived at the wasteland of death sp they still had about six months and three days left so they would pas this time relaxing and training.

The mc would have to go quickly to the smow song realm as although he could atock his energy in his inner world, the same as the others, not breaking through was annoying. He loved to train his body without the profound energy training as it yielded better results, especially for the great way of buddha as he felt that the dragon's rewards had made him almost reach the second stage but he still liked the feeling of breaking through.

It was as if he had weird heavy chains on his body which he dragged and the chains dragged him too but when he broke through he felt as if some of them always got destroyed and that felt soo good, second only to sex. Anyway, after three days they returned and decided to pass some time together. The girls didnt return to their sects, saying something along the lines of...

"Now that we are with you and we already have our sects licking our shoes, why should we return?"

He could only agree as it was true that he too didnt want to seperate from them. So they spent their time like that with the majority being dedicated to exploration of already explored territories...

Sure enough, laziness was the best thing we ever discover in our life.

hmmm hope it was satisfying. There will be huge timeskip mext chapter and directly towards the tournament...

also does anyone know the email to use when having a problem with powerstones. a guy gave me the email but gmail said it didnt work...

Dark_Magmacreators' thoughts