
Accension after reincarmation towards peak of godhood fanfic(reposted)

i reposted this and also im the original author of this. also i dont own any characters or anything other than the ones i invented and the things i invented, unless someone already invented it before i did that is.

Dark_Magma · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 29 The departure of the guests and relaxing

The next morning, everyone was up early and as expected the girls were thirsty for some action. Unfortunately, they needed to stop or else they would annoy others and they also needed to bath.

'As a man, i will like my women and never say they smell but well i like them better when they smell better.'

He also didnt want to lose his life as he knew that a woman's fury was scarier than gods and lets not talk about a group of women practitioners who would be future goddesses. He was sure that they would make sure to torture him without holding back as he cannot die.

He shivered and only allowed them to have his morning wood, including jasmine.

"Now now go and take a bath first before we talk."

"Wont you come with us?"

Yuelli asked seductively.

"Nice try, but if i do so, maybe we will take another day and we dont want others to worry unnecesarily for us now do we?"

Of course he wanted to take a bath with them but he knew that he would not be able to resist the delicious temptations of the devil. After some time... about an hour actually, the girls finally came back refeshed and he went to take a bath too.

Finished, he sat on the bed and looked at them for a while before saying.

"Dont you guys feel different?"

They felt strange at his question but tried to feel if they really felt so. After a while they were surprised to feel so. They especially felt as if they could create a flame which was special in its own and felt more energised.

"This happened after...hmmm our crazy night yesterday, as most of you know, when you fall in love for me(more like become a slave in love...shhh dont say it to them!!!) then you get some of my special powers and i get all of your special powers and these include bloodlines or the type of profound veins too."

Remembering the day before where they just kept having sex, he could not help but want to do it as it was intocicating to let the feeling take over. He thought it was strange thoubh as he remembered that at some point, their eyes all became like chara's Not the empty eye sockets with blood running down but the ones who were black and red.

Did he care about it? Nah of course not. For him, that only made his women sexier and unique as he somehow liked their look. He thought it was only due to them loosing control for a while of their emotions and getting lost in the feeling of lust...

'Come to think of it Chara... is said to not be human anymore but simply a feeling taking ober frisk and being described as frisk loosing herself in the greed for power and the sarisfaction of it right? Then if their eyes changed, doesnt that mean that chara might also be sexually frustrated? Meh! Whatever, not as if i would see her again...'

They all nodded as they knew it, well they all except jasmine as she didnt but she didnt comment on it. She would had felt frustrated before but now? She didnt seem to care.

"Well yesterday that changed. Yesterday we got love well in its true sense i guess. Its kinda hard to explain but to simplify it lets just say that your love cannot be described anymore as its too great. So great that it could be considered as if you were brainwashed by said emotion..."

He waited for their reactions. He would not had said such a thing before and not mentioned brainwashed as well they were loyal at him and would always like him, but they still somehow cared about their families, relatives or acquaintances.

The most absolute disgusting thing to do in this universe was to brainwash others and use slave seals or other such methods to get loyalty as it was as if you killed them inside. No matter what in the end, nobody had a part of them who would say 'Fuck! You dare to brainwash me! How about i brainwash your mom instead and see if you like it!' or somethought like that.

"Does it really matter?"

Was what they somehow said in unison which brought a smile to his face. With this he confirmed that they had transcendented. If before their love was considered like pure love, now they could be considered an unlimited enourmous love. A love that could not be defined anymore.

"We already loved you so, what is the difference between right now and before?"

"Awww my tsundere is finally evolving and being true to herself. I wonder if you will evolve in a beautiful gardevoire?"

Saying so he went to grab and hug the little tsundere who normally would struggle was now calming down so he petted her.

'Well at this point how their love is defined for me is already not that important. Before i had all of their loyalty like a general had for his soldiers but now i have their soul and heart. kukukuku. So it isnt really that worrisome for them to get all my powers and besides the level of love and loyalty wont decrease so in the short and long run... i win.'

The only thing they all had in common before was the uchiha bloodline which gave the sharingan, the evil fire spirit body or whatever it was called which gave immunity and affinity to fire laws basically making them a mini god in said laws and well some unique powers from themselves or some he added.

He also gave each of them the physique and heart that qingyue and he had as it was overpowered and with him, those bs heavens or whatever they were who liked to bully little girls and make their lives hard wouldnt be able to do so.

'Take that in your ass! Pedophile perverted uncles who you are heavens!'

Of course he hid that thought with all his might! He still didnt have the lightning seed and doing such a thing that might get him, who was already due to his actions an enemy of said heavens, killed for sure. So now was not the time to use the cheats named as heavens.

He knew that with his potential, the tribulation he was supposed to attract later might as well be a tribulation which might kill a divine extinction or even true god and such a thing might spread or WOULD spread accross the whole universe making everyone know there was a certain dude capable of becoming a god.

After a talk and them calling him cheater for using the fact that they did not have the vitality brought due to being a senju to bully them at night, they went to eat. Of course jasmine returned to the pearl.

They greeted the emporor and Xiao lie who simply returned the greeting before being all smile and said youth. Of course they heard it and couldnt help but blush. Mc did not and simply dat straight in his chair ignoring it as if it was insignificant like a true uchiha would... or at least a certain emo would had done.

Mc discussed about his plans to go to the wasteland of death with his wives for a while after a month of relaxing which the emporor agreed to. Yun Che was a genius, and lets not count Xia Qingyue and Xiao Lingxi so he had nothing to worry about.

1093 words...habits...die hard(watch the movie its great!!!)

alright then thats one for now. other one comin soon. so yeah i wanted to explain the 'loyalty' system as there is a lot of loyalty and his is centered on romance loyalty type. Dont worry this aint going pokemod... yet...

anyway hope you liked it and soon will come the wasteland of death. i will also make them go to the wasteland soon and nopes no child making right now. i already got this covered for u guys.

Dark_Magmacreators' thoughts