
Accelerator: The Never Ending Battle

"I just want to be left alone." This was what Accelerator thought when he started the Level 6 Shift experiment to become the first level 6. The #1 esper has already killed 10031 clones and is on his way to finish off the next one when a certain boy came along his way to stop him. That boy who was supposed to stop him, stopped him right? No. After killing that boy, he attains a new power and then his misfortunes starts from there. This is a story where he takes on the world, fighting off the dark side of Academy City and the magic side of the world.

dontouchme · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
62 Chs


---23rd September 9:30a.m.---

Accelerator was sitting on the floor, in an existential crisis.


Because he had ran through all the cards inside the plastic bag. He went to training in the ring, training his fitness, being verbally abused for not being good enough, been through foreplay, cosplay, torture, torturing others, robbing a bank, witnessing the downfall of humanity, witnessing the deaths of others, being in a deserted island with dangerous tribe people hunting him, running in a race, fighting wild animals and tigers, being sent on a World War mission, being the only person left in the world, running away from serial killers, being haunted by monsters, pretty much almost everything in the world.

All in a single night, and most of it he had no other choice to win.

For example, he had to SUCCESSFULLY rob a bank.

He had to SUCCESSFULLY kill a monster.

He had to SUCCESSFULLY win a race.

He had to SUCCESSFULLY survive on a deserted island and wait for help to arrive.

He had a look of death in his eyes. As if he had died on the inside(Which he has)

"I wonder if he's okay..."

Hokaze whispered to the ghost girl.

"I-I don't think he is..."

That was when she went to check on him. He was reeking of sweat and his eyebags were very dark, it could be comparable to a panda.

"U-Um Accelerator-san...a-are you okay?"

"H-Huh...Oh I-I'm fine..."

"What about your investigations yesterday? Did you find anything important?"

"H-Huh? What investigation?"

"About the ghost."

"H-Huh?! There's a ghost?! Damn it, do I have to survive this one as well? Tch, god damn it, I thought I was back in the real world."

Hokaze held him up by the collar as she slapped him once in the face.

"Wake up, Accelerator-san! You are here! Do you remember who I am?"

"You...you're...that girl..."

She immediately felt like the veins in her head were about to explode.

"What's my name?"

"Y-Your name...is...Hokaze...Junko..."

"Correct, I'm here."

She gave him a hug as his shoulders finally relaxed.

"It's all okay, I'm here now." She whispered into his ear.

"Hey, Junko-chan! That's not fair! What about me?!"

"O-Oh, ghost-san, you are fine, aren't you?"

"Now that you have ignored me, now I'm not." She pouts as she crossed her arms.

And Hokaze gave a slight giggle. Then the boy spoke once again.

"I found nothing about her from yesterday until now."

"Those cards were utterly useless!!" Accelerator shouted as he slammed the floor.

"I-It's okay. Here, how about we get some fresh air?"

"No, just get me a can of black coffee. That's more than enough."

"...Alright. Are you sure you don't need anything else?"


Accelerator was quieter this time around as he had lost almost all his will to live, and he was slowly regaining it.

For the first time in his whole life he had felt this close to being a normal human being. Fighting close up and personal with death, even if he didn't die in his dreamworld, it was still quite the experience for him.

When he heard the door shut, he closed his eyes to take a nap. Even though he was sleeping through the dreams, they weren't exactly a good dream that he could sleep peacefully to. The ones that he could actually sleep through was when he was cosplaying, but his luck seemed to only give him female cosplays.

He was practically going crazy due to lack of sleep. Maybe he could be diagnosed with PTSD as well as almost all of the cards felt real to him.

He could remember every single detail of it clearly.

Not long after, he had shut his eye, Hokaze came back with the can of black coffee.

"That was fast..."

"Yeah! Do you know the effort that Junko-chan used to buy that?! She had to jump all the way to a different district just to get you this!!"

Accelerator was in utter disbelief as she said that, getting from one district to another was tough. He knows because he had done it before. But to jump to another district within 3 minutes was something he had never seen anyone else do.

Well, maybe because he was the strongest so he didn't know anyone else who was able to do it, or his mind just became too lazy to think of anyone else who could do it.

Anyway, he popped it open as he started chugging it down like alcohol and once he finished the whole can he took in a deep breath and exhaled all his problems away.

Even though he was super tired, he still had a job to do. So, he persevered.

"So, what's the plan now?" Hokaze questioned him.

"To be frank, I don't know. I've hit a dead end." Accelerator pinched the corners of his eyes as he said that.

"For now, I don't think there's any real clue to who is doing this, but maybe we'll find some clues later on. Hit me up when something good happens, I'm going back."

"O-Oh, okay. Have a safe trip home."

Accelerator didn't acknowledge her as he turned on his powers. His eyes were droopy as he had his air wings bring him back to the hospital. He was lost. In the first place, maybe she had just popped up by chance.

That was what he was thinking of right now.

Maybe she was just really a ghost, maybe she didn't even have any powers.

"(Tch, am I wrong again this time? Magic might certainly be an answer...but if so who casted that spell?)"

It was too much for Accelerator to think in his state. No matter what, when someone lacks sleep, their emotions and their actions become unpredictable and their thoughts will not be very straightforward.

When he reached A Certain Hospital, he slammed his cane on the floor, which accidentally destroyed the front door of the building.


Accelerator quickly switched his battery to 'normal' mode as he walked through the front door.

Everyone was peering at him as he walked through because they thought he was some sort of terrorist.

When the doctor came out, he immediately greeted him.

"You don't look very good."

"Yeah, and neither do you."

Accelerator simply headed upstairs to his ward.

He wanted no trouble.

He was too sleep deprived to deal with anything at the moment.

When he opened the door to his ward, he saw a very familiar child sitting by the side of his bed. That girl was about 10 years old and she looked a lot like Misaka who was actually by the other side of the bed as well. It seemed like they were both waiting for him.

But he brushed it off as his mind playing tricks on him. However, reality would soon prove him wrong as he was tackled to the ground by the original Misaka.

"Papa!! I missed you~~ Where have you been!!"

"Misaka doesn't believe that you cheated on her, tell Misaka the truth right now and she might let you go!! Says Misaka as Misaka tries to make you plead for forgiveness this instant!!!"

"Ah fuck..."

At that moment, Last Order cut everything from him.

And he was forced to squirm on the floor helplessly as Last Order crossed her arms, firmly establishing her dominance while Misaka was letting tears flow down her face.

The only thing left for him to do was die there on the floor as he slowly closed his eyes.

However, fate had other plans for him. Misaka started to lightly compress his chest as she shouted.

"Papa are you okay?! Papa don't gooooo!!!!"

"Onee-sama, he is fine, Misaka only has to--"

Then Misaka took a deep breath and kissed him.



Accelerator was soon fully awoken as he got up, pushed Misaka away from his face as he rubbed his lips with the back of his hand.

"What the hell was that for?!"

"Heheh, the doctor taught me how to perform basic life saving skills! Aren't you proud of Mishaka?"

She said the line with a tinge bit of cuteness and childishness, but it didn't affect Accelerator. However, it did affect Last Order who was already infuriated to the point where steam was coming out of her head and ears.


Out of nowhere, he was missile dropkicked from the back by a tawny haired girl with twin pigtails hanging from the back of her hair.

"What do you think you're doing to my Onee-sama?"

She was wearing the Tokiwadai Uniform, but most importantly, she had a Judgement armband wrapped around her arm.

"Tch, got out of the wheelchair already?"

"Misaka won't let you go so easily!!! Says Misaka as Misaka insists that you just kissed Onee-sama just now!!"

"He-He what now?!!?!?!?!?!"

Kuroko became pale as she dropped to the floor beside him.

"You...I won't forgive you!!!!!"

Then, his door opened yet again, and he exhaled in exasperation as Kuroko strangled him while Last Order started to lightly hit him.

Fortunately, it was just the doctor coming in.

"Oh my, it sure is quite lively here."

"Doc-tor!!! Help me!!!"

Accelerator begged for the doctor's help but his voice sounded just like a frog as he was getting beaten by both sides.

"Now now, please leave my patient alone."

The both of them backed up, but they had their arms spread out beside them as if they were raring for the opportunity to have a go at him again.

"I came with good news today, Accelerator. You're going to be released next week."


"Well, not that it matters since you've been coming in and out as you please. But yes, it is the last week you're going to be staying here."

Accelerator got up as he sighed. Finally, he was going to escape this hellhole.

"Now that's all I have to say. I'll leave you to yourself now."


Then, the pack of wolves attacked him again.

---23rd September 2:00p.m.---

Accelerator had closed his eyes while laying on the bed since he had the opportunity to. However, the original and Last Order were beside him playing a multiplayer game on their portable game devices probably given to them by Yomikawa.

Kuroko had left him alone after giving him a good beating. In the first place, she should have been at school, but it seemed like she had some special reason to leave class just to visit the original.

Accelerator managed to bathe in peace as well before falling asleep so he didn't stink as bad as villainy.

With his battery charging, he had laid back for about 2 hours already. But he couldn't quite sleep.

Firstly, he was afraid of dreaming about something bad, despite knowing the cards are not on his forehead. Secondly, the two girls playing games beside him did not have their earpiece on and they were screaming at each other either for:

"Misaka wants that loot!!! Don't steal it from her, Says Misaka as Misaka tries to claim her loot!!!"

"But I want that too!!! It has Gekota!!!!!!!"


"Would you like to trade items with Misaka, says Misaka as Misaka tries to scam you instead."

"Hey!!! Even I can see that it's not a fair trade!!!"

It was really ticking him off. Even if he could not understand what they were saying, it was still unnecessary noise to him.

Suddenly, he heard his cellphone ring. It was a message notification.

Accelerator looked at the two girls as they were playing, it seemed like they didn't notice the sound coming from his phone.

He then struggled to reach for his battery which was already at max capacity. Even though his hand was shaking, and his head was pounding with the lack of sleep, he still pulled through and grabbed the battery.

Shakily, he slots in the battery to its port in his neck, and he pulled out his cellphone to see who it was from.

(There's trouble!! Please come to Tokiwadai now!!)

*Location > Press for more info*

He clicked on the link and he saw which part of Tokiwadai they were at.

He grabbed his cane as he slowly limped to the door. The two girls had not notice him, until he opened the door.

The moment he did, he was cut off by Last Order.

"Where do you think you're going? Asks Misaka as Misaka interrogates you."

"Tch, I'm going to get some fresh air. Now let me go!!!"

Last Order precisely cut off his movement ability but not his speech ability so he was able to explain himself.

"Oh okay. No wait!!! Misaka still doesn't believe you until you bring her along says Misaka as Misaka insists that you bring her with you!!"

"It's none of your business."

"See? Misaka can't trust you, that's why Misaka won't let you go. Hmph! Says Misaka as Misaka tries to hold you back."

"Let me go!!!"

"Misaka does not understand why you insist on leaving Misaka's side. Is the place that you are going to so important that you have to leave Misaka? Asks Misaka as Misaka tries to understand you."


He could not afford to tell her everything, but the desperation in his eyes were enough to convince her to let him go.

"Hmph! Fine Misaka will let you go this time, but make sure you come back this time, okay?! Says Misaka as Misaka enforces the conditions for you to go."

"...Yeah, I'll be back."

And off he went.

"Papa, take care!!!"

Misaka waved at him from the back.


At the back of Tokiwadai, there was a garden where students can hang out and have picnics but rarely anyone was there as it was very dirty and were filled with insects crawling around.

However, at the moment, that quiet garden became a battlefield between two espers.

At the defending side was a girl with her brown hair tied up in pigtails just like Shirai Kuroko and with her yellowish brown eyes that complemented the color of the Tokiwadai Uniform she was wearing along with the Judgement armband that signified who she was with, it was clear she was fighting someone who was doing something wrong.

This girl was Makigami Komaki.

On the other side, her opponent was vicious with her attacks as well as her perception in the battle. She was sharp, monstrously sharp. Her eyes were red just like the strongest esper, her hair was tied up in a ponytail but her hair at the back was spiking up a lot. She was wearing a Tokiwadai jacket that didn't seem to be hindering her precise movements at all.

Why was she described as being sharp? No, monstrously sharp.

Because Komaki had the ability to make herself invisible to the enemy, despite using her ability against her, the opponent should not have been able to see her, but the slightest noise that she made was able to give her away and even potentially kill her had the opponent not missed a kick to her head.

A devastating kick that left a dent inside the tree.

And as she ran around the opponent, it seemed like she could track her as well despite being invisible. It was scary facing such an opponent to the young girl who was around the same height as Kuroko.

Right now, Komaki was devising a plan as she ran around her opponent.

And she had already brought down one of her enemies beforehand as well. A girl with long wavy red hair which she ties a ribbon at the back. Her fringes cover the right side of her face as a kanzashi laid by her fringe. She also belonged to Tokiwadai but she was currently caught up in a bunch of titanium strings that wrapped around her body. But why were they all fighting?

Komaki had scattered mini-speakers around the garden before engaging them in a hand-to-hand combat. She activated the mini-speakers to make it sound like she was throwing something at her, and her opponent tried to deflect the attack as she assumed that her attacks would be invisible as well.

"(She deflected instead of dodging! So did it have some effect?! This will confuse her if she's using sound to detect me!! It can be a pen or whatever! I just need to throw it at her while I run around...)"

Then she spots one of her cuff grenades, that managed to catch her first enemy, on the ground. She grabbed the cuff grenade as she confidently threw it at her.

"(She's been deflecting all of my attacks, this should be able to catch her!!)"

However, her opponent was quite quick to react to that as well as she turned around and managed to kick the device away, but not before it caught her in it's strings.


"(It didn't quite work since she kicked it away...but it's almost over now!!)"

Then Komaki rushed towards her opponent as she clenched her fist and jumped up. But not to land the final hit but to knock her down so the device can be used to its full potential.

But something unexpected happened.

The strings broke apart as her opponent tore free from the titanium strings and she clenched her fist.




Her opponent landed a punch straight to Komaki's gut as saliva flew out of her mouth unwillingly and landed on her opponent's face, but it didn't seem like her enemy cared that much about having a bit of saliva being splashed on her.

That punch was so destructive that it left Komaki stunned and breathless.

"Focusing on sound was a good start but it's not quite right."

She then let her off her fist to let her land on her knees before delivering a back kick to her face that sent her flying and bouncing off the floor.

"You couldn't stick the landing."

Then she slowly approached Komaki as she wiped the saliva off her face.

"Did you not think I could have a way of breaking free of your restraints?"

Once she was in front of Komaki, she lifted her head by the bangs as she stared her in the eye with her eyes wide open. It was like she was a street thug extorting money from random elementary school students.

"Well? Didn't they teach you in Judgement training...not to go in without knowing the enemy's esper power?"

Then she slammed her knee in her face before following up with a punch in her throat. She was an absolutely ruthless attacker as she pulled Komaki's arm out and twisted it before slamming her elbow into her joint.


But Komaki only let out a small groan. She wasn't screaming in pain. Not because it wasn't painful, not because it was enjoyable, and not because she couldn't.

She just didn't WANT to.

"(If I'm defeated, then Shokuhou-san will...)"

"Hey...don't you think you're overdoing it?" Her ally on the floor commented.


She then lifted Komaki's head again before kicking her head back so much a cracking sound could be heard as she fell back.

"Come on, let's go already."

Her opponent slowly walked to her fallen comrade, but before she even made 2 steps, she heard the grass behind her start to rustle.

Without even looking back, she just smirked.

"You can still move?"

"I WILL NEVER STOP UNTIL MY SPIRIT BREAKS! There is still someone who needs help, and I'm not going to stop until that person is rescued. That is my duty as a member of Judgem-"

A devastating punch was about to reach her as it inched closer and closer. Time felt like it had stopped for her, but she could not even move anymore.

It may have been over for her if that attack landed.

If only it had.

If only.

Her opponent was kicked back by a spinning double stomp on her chest.


Her opponent's comrade moaned in admiration while on the floor as she saw the person who had arrived.

"Komaki-san contacted me. Without that, I could have done nothing about this crisis. You did well lasting this long. I wouldn't have arrived in time otherwise. So leave the rest to me."

Even though that attack did not hit, the wind from that punch hit Komaki and it pushed her to the floor, panting hard as her consciousness slowly faded away.

With electricity flowing through every part of her body, the purple ringlet curl girl appeared.


"It has been a while...since I felt enough anger for my insides to boil."

She looked around, trying to assess the situation. From the message that Komaki sent her, she said that the enemy was trying to abduct a Level 5. So she deduced that the 'Queen' was at the most risk here, but even with her mind distracted, she was still fast enough to dodge a kunai aiming at her head.

Next thing she knew, her opponent which she had kicked earlier was rushing towards her.

"Not bad. That was a decent kick. But...your power strengthens your body and you haven't strengthened it enough yet."

Next moment, her face was inches away from the opponent.

"Why aren't you using your full power? Do you think you can win until reinforcements arrive?"

Then she pushed herself off the ground as she clenched her fist.

With one hand, she threw multiple consecutive punches at an inhumane speed.

"You can't win this if you hold back your full power!!"

Hokaze dodged her punches in succession without even breaking a sweat.

And with each dodge, she slowly got closer to her millimeter by millimeter and the moment she got past her wrist level, Hokaze threw a direct punch straight into her face. Before holding her arm and turning around.

"That is true, but esper powers aren't everything."

Then she bent over as she threw her opponent to the ground.

"I have more effective and powerful techniques!"

Her opponent's back slammed down with a thud and when she had the upper hand she tried to stomp her face, but her opponent simply dodged it by rolling her entire body to the side and after a few meters, she got back up and tried to kick Hokaze.

But Hokaze simply moved to the side, next she followed up with one horizontally, but Hokaze stepped back and she tried again but Hokaze dodged underneath her this time.

And this time, from the bottom, her electric currents radiated all over her body as she lowered her center of gravity to try and land a hit on her left kidney, but the girl managed to block it in time with her left arm, but the impact was so hard and powerful that it made her whole left arm throb in pain.

Next, Hokaze lifted her leg up and tried to destroy her on the left side with her electric powered leg.


The girl was knocked back and this time her entire left side was throbbing with pain, probably because the blood in her veins weren't flowing properly anymore.

"(I can't hit her and she accurately attacks at any opening. I thought she was just some fancy girl...but I guess not.)"

At the sidelines, her fallen comrade was so excited that she could stop speaking.

"Ahhh...that's the Hokaze-san I know♥♥ She really is lovely♥ But it's too bad...because even after all this...you still aren't taking things truly seriously."

Then she pulled out something from the back of her skirt, or rather underneath her skirt.

"Because when you wear your dress...and take things truly seriously...you are unbeatable."

Her opponent continued with her assault once more as she used one kick to try and strike her, but no matter she threw her kick, Hokaze was dodging them easily be it with a small step or moving back or going down.

She was dodging it all.

"Do you ever stop moving?!"

However, even as she was attacking, she was still plotting of ways to throw Hokaze off as she rummaged through her pockets for something.

When she pulled it out, it turns out to be small vials that contained some sort of powder. Then in a swift and quick motion, she popped the vials open as she dropped her leg and immediately spread the contents of the vial at Hokaze.

"(I'll blind you for this one opportunity!!)"

The sparkling powder spread over her eyes and immediately covered the scenery like a smoke bomb but instead of smoke, it was a very bright light.

However, in that single millisecond, she tightened the ligaments in her pupils to see even clearer. And when the process was complete, she immediately slammed her forehead into her opponent's nose, causing her nose to bleed quick and her head to tilt upwards.

She quickly grabbed the collar of her jacket with her right hand, followed by her right arm with her left hand and flung her to a nearby tree.

However, Hokaze hoped that she wouldn't be able to catch her, but her opponent was vicious as she curled her legs and slammed the soles of her feet on the tree, snapping it in half as she flipped herself in order to land on her two feet.


Hokaze was in utter disbelief that she managed to snap the tree in half. She had not expected someone like this to exist. One who had exceeded the expectations of human capabilities.

What was her power?

"Ha...Ha...you are really good at this. I love it."

She tilted her head up as she looked at Hokaze with a crazed expression.

"Sorry for underestimating you. No holding back now. Let's take this fight--"

However, before she could say anymore, something struck her. Not a weapon, not a leaf, and definitely not any attack but a feeling suddenly surged within her. She could sense it.





But she didn't know where it was from.

"(Tch, could it be from her? But she's not one to feel like killing someone...So who?!)"

She looked around like a crazed person but she could not spot that person.

Who was it?

Where was it?

But suddenly, a beam of light shot past her and cut the tree in front of her.

"That's enough! Playtime is over, and wipe that blood from your nose."

"(Her? Could it be? No...it can't be...)"

"Hee Hee. What did you think? This is quite powerful for a laser pointer, isn't it? Well, they burn out pretty quickly, so I used one up removing my restraints."

Then her comrade pointed her laser pointer to the 'Queen' lying on the floor.

"You could have abandoned everything else...and run away with your precious 'Queen', but you couldn't do it."

Upon hearing that, Hokaze quickly dashed towards Misaki who was lying on the ground, unconscious still which prompted Hokaze to move quickly to try and rescue her. She carried her in her arms as she jumped back and forth like a knight piece on a chess board, but all she was doing was being led to that girl's trap as she pushed a singular red button.

From there, she managed to catch Hokaze as she dropped Misaki on the floor.


"It's an old trap, but we used cutting-edge reinforced fibers. You can probably still break out if you REALLY try...but it will buy us just enough time."

Then Hokaze glared at her while still trapped inside the net.

Her emotions flowing through her body as she struggled to escape, but it was futile. It was not as easy as breaking a straight rope.

"Ahhh...when you look at me like that, I just don't know what to do with myself♥"

She had an erotic face as she played around with her laser pointer, but soon she straightened her face and showed a sly grin.

"Please show me more of those...bright emotions. Come capture us after we abduct your precious Queen. The 1 condition is that you have to come alone. Break that rule, and your Queen might suffer an unfortunate fate."

They walked back as she faced her one last time to see her suffering.

"See you later♥"

Hokaze could only watch in horror and scream.


She tried to tear the topes apart but it was too difficult for her, as she cursed under her breath for her incompetence.

She could not believe what was happening.

The one person that she was meant to protect was now gone.

Gone due to her incompetence.



As the two girls loaded Misaki into the back of the truck, the girl who had fought Hokaze earlier, still could not shake off the feeling of bloodlust.

So she looked at her partner in crime.

"Iruka, do you want to kill someone?"

Iruka, the long wavy red haired girl looked surprised as she back at her.

"E-Eh? No? Arei, do you want to kill someone?"

"Depends on the situation. But right now..."

She looked at their surroundings but saw no one.

"I sense a lot of bloodlust."

"E-Eh? Hahaha, I think it might be your imagination, don't you think?"

"Hm...then my power must either be faulty or something. But whatever, let's just move quick."

"Y-You're scaring me, you know that?"

Arei got into the driver's seat as Iruka got in the passenger seat. Meanwhile, a certain white haired boy laid on top of the truck they were driving.

"(Heh, from what I see, I can guess what their abilities are. That redhead probably can manipulate light or something. While the other girl can sense how others are feeling.)"

The only person that Accelerator was not excited on fighting was probably Arei because of her insane agility and skills. She would most likely dodge him before he could even touch her.

Anyway, he knew what he wanted to do already. He just wanted to follow them to see where their base was and what their plan was from the beginning.

---23rd September 5:00p.m.---

When the girls stopped the truck, they were in a warehouse facility located in District 10. Halfway through the journey however, they heard a noise at the back of the truck, but it was just a box of cards falling down.

When they mentioned the term 'cards', Accelerator nearly puked at the thought of 'cards'. He didn't want anything else to do with the cards at this point. He was sick and tired of those dreams.

They got off the truck and immediately opened the backdoor. However, before they could do anything, Arei sensed something just as a voice called out to them from above the truck.

"So this is the super secret hideout that you guys have been hiding in huh? Doesn't seem like a very nice hideout if you ask me."


Arei clicked her tongue as the two girls looked at the white haired boy with red eyes. Pale skin that matches the moon, with a single cane in his hand.

"W-Why is Accelerator here?!" Iruka questions as she held one of her laser pointers in her hand.

"What business do you have with us?!"

"Oh nothing actually. I just really hate the smell here."

Accelerator licks his lips as he looked down on them. That was when Arei felt something else.


"Hee hee hee!! You felt that, didn't you?! Hey, tell me you felt that." With an elated grin, Accelerator looked at Arei specifically.


"Well, whatever. The look on your face tells me everything. Oh, and also, the two of you reek of villainy."

"Just tell us what you want already!!" Iruka shouted as she was shaking uncontrollably.

"What do I want...Let's see...maybe..."

Then in a flash of light, he reappeared behind them with his arms around their shoulders.

"A bit of fun!!"

Since Arei was on his right, he squeezed her shoulder with his right hand as he lets Iruka walk away. Arei quickly escapes his grasp as she unsteadily jumps away.

"Oh? Running away now? If I recall correctly, you had a very...excited look on your face. A face that told me you like to have fun!!"

Accelerator slammed his cane on the ground as the whole ground shook. Using that window of opportunity, he kicked the truck in front of him so that it would fly all the way to the end of the warehouse as he focused his attention back to Arei who was trying to find a stable ground to land on, and when she made a single jump, Accelerator was right in front of her.


Accelerator flicked her forehead and a thud was heard as she was sent flying backwards.

Everything about this situation was not what they had expected.

"Oh yeah, and just to clarify, one of your members had been on a tree right? Waiting for Misaki's clique to arrive, correct?"

Iruka's face showed fear as she stood there, unable to think about what she should do. Sure, causing an epilepsy for the #5 was easy, but with Accelerator? He could easily deflect that light, and she would be the one to pass out instead.

"Well, I only broke her bones but I heard fractures can be healed easily. So it should be fine, right? Seeing as how you caused that girl to feel so much pain as well."

Accelerator stood over Arei as she struggled to get back up. But instead of standing up, she tried to run with her center of gravity lowered, but Accelerator simply took one step to block her as he grabbed her face without even looking at her and flung her back like some puppet.

"Come on!! I was expecting more from you, you know that? Seeing as how you put up quite the performance back there."

Arei couldn't feel his emotions anymore. Her mind was too much in a disarray to even use her power. She was helpless against the strongest esper.

"Stand the fuck up. I'm not done with you just yet."

Since she wouldn't even stand up, he picked her up himself, by her messy ponytail and he flung her to where Iruka was standing.

"Come on! Show me a bit of fun, I've been really fuckin bored for the past few days. Care to enlighten me?"

"Y-You're a psychopath..."

"Thank you, I'd like to think so too."

Accelerator's grin reached from one end of his cheek to the other.

She shakily picked up her laser pointer as she pointed it at him.

"Ho? You think that would work?"

"S-Stay back, you monster!!"

"Pretty ironic of you to call me that when you already have one beside you."

However, Accelerator ignored her as he slammed his cane against both of Arei's knees.

"Your legs were pretty strong, from what I saw. Can't say I'm not impressed. So I'm sure your knees can take at least THIS much abuse, right?! GYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!"

And she fired the laser pointer at him, but he simply reached his left hand out to negate it. The sound of glass breaking could be heard as Iruka was shocked by what happened. He didn't redirect it, but he canceled it out.

But she was more impressed by his reaction time.

It was not easy to just hold your hand out to the speed of light. That reaction time was abnormal even Accelerator himself was surprised to see him react to it at such an impressive speed.

"Heh, didn't I say it was useless?"

Accelerator simply threw a punch at her face, but it was enough to knock her out.

His target wasn't her however. It was Arei.

"You caused the most pain to her. Now I'll pay you back what she owes you in full interest!!"

She slowly got back on her feet as a manic smile appeared on her face, she was enjoying this.

"Heh, now that's the spirit! See? You DO have it in you! Now let's enjoy this like the monsters we are!!"

Even though Arei knew it was pointless, she still charged in because she knew if she were to try and escape, he would catch her and throw her back.

So she charged at him as he stood still smiling at her.

But instead of fighting head on, she decided to jump over him with a flip. As she was turning her body, she could not see him anymore.

"Oi, stop with the fancy tricks already."

Accelerator faced her back as he stomped down on her with a plate of wind on his shoe, causing her to fly back down and land face first into the rock solid ground.

This time, she really broke her nose and bits of her teeth flew out as it came into contact with the floor.

She tried to crawl away but he simply grabbed her foot and pulled her back so she would face him.

"I remembered how much you tortured that girl from Judgement. She was really sad to look at."

Then he slammed her head into the floor again.

"Now I'll make it so that you look sad!!! GYAHAHAHAHAHHAAH!!!"

He manipulated the bioelectricity in her body as her body convulsed with such intensity that her arms and legs were flailing around.

It was simply too good.

And when her breathing stopped, that was when he let go.

"I know you can still hear me, so I'll guess what you're feeling right now."

He switched off his power as he sat down on the floor to admire his 'artwork'.

"Fear, anger and sadness."

He heard Iruka getting up from her downed position, but instead of attacking him, she simply stripped all of the lasers she kept in her uniform.

"I surrender. So please, don't hurt us anymore."

"Heh, easy for you to say. Well, whatever. That girl is on her way now."

"...This is why I despise Level 5's."

"Everyone does, you're not the first one."

"Yeah, and you know why?! It's because you all have such powerful abilities while we espers at the bottom levels are nothing compared to you guys!!"

"Then what about Project Ideal?"

Iruka's face lit up, but she showed a sense of resent for what the researchers did to her.

"Project Ideal was a lie. It was all a lie from the beginning. They promised us the evolution to reach Level 5 so we worked harder and harder everyday! But then when they realized we could not get any stronger, they simply pushed us aside and focused on those whose powers were still growing! Hokaze-san was the one with the most potential out of all of us, so they pushed her everyday. She had the talent and the ability to reach Level 5, that's why I was so jealous of her. She was in a different world compared to us where we had to rely on puny objects to actually do something!"

"...Then what was the point of bringing in Misaki? Was it to exact revenge? To kill? I don't see why you had to drag her into this dumb plan of yours."

"...I only captured Misaki-san so that I could lure in Hokaze-san. I wanted to fight her. I wanted to fight her no matter what."

"Fight her and then accomplish what?"

Accelerator stood up as he slowly limped towards her.


Then he pointed his cane at her.

"You want to fight her, but in the midst of all this, you've caused so much trouble and you brought unnecessary harm to people who were supposed to never be involved in your shit. Look at the people you've harmed and then look at yourself. You call me a monster, how about you take a look at yourself in the mirror. You're no different from me."

Iruka had nothing to say as her throat got stuck. She couldn't find the words to describe her feelings anymore, she had lost all meaning in her actions.

In the end, it was all for naught.

Suddenly, someone held the door to the warehouse as that person unintentionally made a loud banging noise.

"I knew it. You were from Project Ideal as well."

That person standing at the door was Hokaze.

"Now I know why you're doing all this."

Iruka slowly crawled backwards as Hokaze slowly approached her.

"You wanted to fight me, and you said that you were jealous of me..."

"S-Stay back!!"

Accelerator just backed off as he slowly walked towards the truck that Misaki was in.

"But you have one thing wrong."

The moment, Iruka was backed up against the wall, Hokaze slowly lessened the distance between them.

And when she was right in front of her face...

She gave her a hug.

"Both of us...we're in the same world. I too felt that I was still incomplete, as I could have never reached the same level as the Queen. Even I felt worthless at one point. I felt incompetent, unable to even assist the Queen just as that huge commotion occurred during the Daihasei Festival."

Tears were forming in Iruka's eyes.

And it only took a sentence to finally break her.

"That is why...there is no difference in our strengths, both of us were always striving towards the same goal, but we just couldn't reach the same level as those two."

Accelerator came out of the truck with Misaki clinging on to his shoulders for support, she was still unconscious from the ambush attack that Arei and Iruka had set for her.

"Tch, come on wake up already, you're fucking heavy."


Misaki groaned as they slowly walked towards the door of the warehouse, but suddenly, someone came crashing through the roof and landed exactly right in front of Accelerator's face.

That boy had spiky hair as he wore his school's blazer like a jacket, his white shirt had the rising sun logo on it and he was too familiar to Accelerator's eyes.

This boy in front of him was the Level 5 that managed to fuck up the Daihasei pledge on the VERY FIRST DAY.

He was Sogiita Gunha, the 7th ranked Level 5 in Academy City.

"Ah, I see I've stumbled into the main base of the enemy!"

"Ahn? What the hell are you doing here?"

"And I didn't expect you to be the one at the head of all of this, Accelerator!!"

Sogiita looked around the warehouse and his mind went like this:

Three girls on the floor, one seriously injured, the other two crawling up next to each other, and he was carrying Misaki, the 5th ranked Level 5. He was a kidnapper.

"Recently, I've heard of people using these gutless things known as Indian Poker, and every single one of them that I've met had a very strange aura around them. But yours!!"

Sogiita pointed his index finger at Accelerator as Accelerator looked at him, still confused at what was happening.

"Your aura is the strongest, which makes me believe that you're responsible for handing out those gutless cards!!"

"Tch, so what do you wanna do?"

"I'm going to make you turn over a new leaf by beating some guts into you!"

Accelerator let Misaki go as he turned on his battery.

It was true that he didn't want to get into any pointless fights, but he was also curious about the 7th ranked Level 5 ability.

"Let's fight on the rooftop."

Accelerator and Sogiita simultaneously jumped to the roof through the opening that Sogiita had created and they landed at the edge of the opening.

But before they fought, Accelerator warned him this one time.

"Well, it's true that I was using those cards excessively, but there's some sort of misunderstanding that you're getting at."

"No, there's no misunderstanding it, my guts told me everything I needed to know! So let's settle this once and for all!!"

Sogiita jumped towards him as he threw a punch at Accelerator. But Accelerator stood there knowing what would happen to Sogiita.

The punch hit his redirection field as his arm that he threw contorted in many different ways, fracturing his bones.

"Heh, I heard that you could redirect attacks when attacked physically, but that just means I have to attack you with a non-physical attack."

As Accelerator witnessed a miracle in front of him, Sogiita's fractured arm moved back into it's position as if nothing had happened to him.

"(What the fuck is that ability?!)"

Then, a sudden energy ball welled up in Sogiita's right fist as he charged it up with words.


Sogiita's eyes flared with light as he launched an energy beam straight at Accelerator. By right, Accelerator was supposed to redirect it, but when it came into contact with his redirection field, it pushed him back instead.

"Gh?! What the fuck was that?!"

"Heh, that was my non-physical attack filled with guts!!"

"It's a fucking ridiculous attack!!"

"Get ready!!"

But Accelerator was having none of that as he tried to attack Sogiita head on and he did the same.


They roared as their fists came into contact with each other and they were both pushed back by the impact as a large booming sound occurred, destroying the top of the warehouse.

Now, the both of them were standing in mid-air.

"Floating in mid-air is pretty normal, right?"

"Hell fucking no."

Then they went at each other again, this time, Sogiita's right hand landed on Accelerator's chin, but it did not connect to his face as his AIM field was holding up for him. But Accelerator was shocked as Sogiita managed to withstand a direct hit to the chin from Accelerator.

"(Tch!! I can't even push him back with vectors?! Just how thick skulled can he be?!)"

Sogiita was smiling as Accelerator showed a face of annoyance.

While in mid-air, they changed hands as they threw another shot at each other, this time they were both aiming for the right kidney, but they were both pushed back from the impact again as a loud booming sound occurred, this time tearing down the walls of the warehouse.

"Damn, you're not as gutless as I thought! But guess what? I have more guts than you!!"

"Shut up with your guts already! You're just as bad as the dreams I get from those fucking cards!"

Accelerator threw a gust of wind at Sogiita, but he just simply swatted it away like some fly and then he used his energy beam again.

"Super, amazing, ultra, super again...PUUUUNNCCHHHH!!!"

The beam shot straight towards Accelerator, but this time Accelerator blocked it with his left hand.

"Shut up with those fucking attack names!!"

Accelerator then dashed towards him with his hand aiming for Sogiita's mouth, but Sogiita used his forehead to hit his hand, causing another impact, this time it blew the trees away.

Accelerator spat at him as he manipulated the vectors in his saliva to shoot out just as fast and deadly as a bullet and Sogiita was hit.

His first hit that had sent him flying backwards, but he stood on a wall of air.

A wall of fucking air.

He was literally showing his head to Accelerator as he slowly walked back to the same level as Accelerator.

"Huh, so this is the power of water. Actually, I'm sweating right now. Maybe I can..."

Sogiita's sweat suddenly pulsated off of his body as it floated mid air, and then...

"This is my...sweaty, ultra attack!!!"

His sweat, straightened up as sharp as icicles as they flew themselves towards Accelerator, and it left the #1 dumbfounded as he simply redirected it off his AIM field.

"Impressive...you managed to shake off my sweat..."

"What the fuck is even happening?"


Sogiita charged at Accelerator again as Accelerator blocked his punch with both of his forearms in front of him. But another loud boom occurred and they were both pushed back.

"The heat burning in my body...this fire will burn you!!!!!"

Sogiita's bodily heat radiated off of him as he sent it flying towards Accelerator, but Accelerator used his left hand to block the attack once more and this time he charged at him but just as he expected Sogiita to block the attack, he didn't as he stood there and took his punch to the face.

That was when Sogiita blacked out temporarily as he dropped to the ground floor.

But Accelerator also heard another voice from one of the girls below.


The person shouting from below was Misaki as she waved her arms around. The whole of District 10 was almost blown apart thanks to them. Accelerator and Sogiita's fight was so scary that Hokaze and Iruka were terrified just by looking at the both of them.

"Thank god I could still control his head. I only stopped him from moving, luckily you were able to knock him out, otherwise..."

But Sogiita got up again as he roared at the top of his lungs.


But Misaki shouted at him.


"Hm? I can't move."

"(Good thing I can still manipulate his mind...)"

However, a glass-breaking sound could be heard as Sogiita continued moving around freely.

"Nevermind, I can move now. My guts must have been stiffened from the fight earlier."

Misaki just fell to the floor in agony as she felt her pride being destroyed. She couldn't even control a simple human being like Sogiita Gunha.

"What kind of monster are you?"

"Hm?" Sogiita raised one eyebrow as he looked at Misaki who was still grieving on the floor.

But soon Accelerator walked into the fray.

"So, are we done fightin now or what?"

"...I still cannot completely trust you, you know that right?"

"Tch, if what you say is true that I reek of the shit that smells like Indian Poker, then you're right. But I was only using it to find information about a ghost. Whatever you may think it is, it is not."

"...Fine. I'll trust you for now."

"Anyway, you said something about the Indian Poker aura, what do you mean by that?"

Misaki stood up as she kept her controller in her small purse while questioning Sogiita.

"Well, I've been running around from district to district punching the guts into people who had the Indian Poker aura because they've been acting out of place, some people have mentioned to Anti-Skill that those people who used Indian Poker were acting more agitated than usual."

"Well, I guess you could say Accelerator was acting the most agitated out of everyone☆"

"Oi...I'll beat the fucking shit out of you, you're just making things far worse!!"

Then Iruka and Arei jumped into the conversation as they started to form a circle. They were probably awoken because of the fight between Sogiita and Accelerator that seemed to have caused a great disturbance in the whole of District 10.

"If there's 3 Level 5's here, there's no point in us holding back information anymore since we'll probably get our asses questioned." Arei calmly spoke as she was being held up by Hokaze's shoulder along with Iruka with the ghost girl just standing behind Hokaze.

"At District 2, that's where the Clone Dolly lab was held. In the third lab, that's where Yuuri Senya's body is being hospitalized, and the main culprit for this originally big plan was Mitsuari Ayu."

Arei showed a very sorrowful expression as she looked at Accelerator, with hatred burning deep in her eyes.

"I don't know why we were carrying so many of those Indian Pokers at the back of the truck, but we were just instructed to distribute those cards to any sellers we can find. But since Accelerator had thwarted our plans so I don't really know what's going to happen from here on out."


The rest of them stayed silent as they thought of what to do, but Accelerator had one simple solution.

"If she was at that shitty lab where you guys grew up in, then let's just go there and destroy everything. Simple as that."

"Alright, but what are we going to--"

Before Hokaze could finish her sentence, a black distortion in space appeared in the sky and it captured all of their attention.

"What the?!"

However, it seemed like their attention was not the only one that was captured.

"H-Help me!!"

At that moment, the ghost girl's body was slowly ascending into the sky.


And everyone could see her then. Arei, Iruka and Sogiita Gunha.

Hokaze let go of Arei and Iruka as she jumped out to try and catch the ghost, but it was futile as her hand passed through her body.


"It's okay, Junko-chan!! I know you can do it, I know you can save me. Just believe in you and the people around you!!"

Her voice slowly faded away as she was pulled in, and soon, she became nothing.


Hokaze fell to the floor as she landed on her knees.

"I-I can't save you..."

She was moping on the floor, as her hand pulled on the grass below her.

"No way..."

But then, a gentle hug came from behind her, followed by another hand on her shoulder and she looked around her.

Misaki was hugging her from behind to provide a sense of relief for her, and Iruka was by her side to give her the mental support she needed.

"Hokaze-chan, you heard what she said, didn't you?"

"You're not alone, Hokaze-san!!"


As the three of them had an emotional girl's moment, Arei, Sogiita and Accelerator just stood behind watching them.

"Aren't you supposed to be joining them?" Accelerator asked as he directed that question to Arei without looking at her.

"Unfortunately, I'm not that type of character."

"Well, whatever it is, I'm sure my guts have a good feeling about this!!"

"Do you ever shut up about your guts?"

Accelerator and Arei said in unison before Accelerator approached the group of girls.

"If you're done hugging and licking each other's wounds. Let's get going. Whatever this shit is, I don't like the look of it."

"Mmhmm, my guts are feeling a lot of strong aura around me."

Then the three girls looked at each other as they nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, let's go!!"

---23rd September 5:45p.m.---

Accelerator was back in the hospital as they had to send Arei to get herself checked on, while Accelerator had to recharge.

Misaki was forming a strategy while they were heading to the hospital. They needed a plan, so they formed it in his ward. Sogiita, Hokaze, Iruka who was barely injured from just now, Misaki and Last Order were all in his ward.

"WHY ARE THERE SO MANY GIRLS HERE ALL OF A SUDDEN?!!?!?! Asks Misaka as Misaka looks at the accused as she thinks you went out with a bunch of girls just now instead of doings something productive!!!!"

"Tch, stop shouting."

"Now now, little Misaka, how about you go out so the adults can talk☆"

"Ghhfbfbfbffhhf?! What are those weapons, asks Misaka as Misaka looks at the watermelons that this girl has!!!"

"It's called being a fully grown woman☆"

"N-No...Misaka can't believe what she is seeing, says Misaka as Misaka feels inferior compared to this lady."

"Get out already. We're going to talk about things unrelated to a kid."

"Misaka refuses to accept whatever you're saying, shouts Misaka as Misaka is done with your lies!!!"


"So, Gunha-san, you said you can see all these auras around those people who used Indian Pokers, right?"

"Yeah, they were all gutless and weak!!"

"...Yeah, whatever, but what you're seeing is probably something that emanates from these cards. Maybe those who used the cards are having their minds manipulated by whatever is in these cards."

Misaki pulled out one card as she placed it on her forehead, reenacting what the other users of the Indian Poker cards do to activate it.

"But one thing doesn't make sense. I've used it a lot of times to the point where my brain was about to collapse, but I'm still fine."

"Then maybe it is not really manipulating their minds...but then what causes them to lose control of themselves?"

"If we're not going to get anywhere with this, Misaki, since you were involved in Clone Dolly, can you tell me, who the hell is that ghost?"


Misaki stayed silent for a while, but decides it was pointless to keep them in the dark anymore.

"That girl, her name was Yuuri Senya, and if I recall correctly, her body was very weak so she had to be put on a life support device that was connected to her head. I read the reports about her power, and it was said that she had the ability to act as an avatar, and what the researchers devised about this was that she had the ability to boost someone's power..."

"In a way it is like manipulating their AIM field right?"

"B-But I thought it was well known that espers can't gain more than one AIM field?" Hokaze then shared her thoughts on the situation.

"Yeah, it was reported long ago that when espers share multiple AIM fields in one mind, it can cause both of their bodies to malfunction and cause an earthquake in the ground." Misaki added on.

"Then maybe that's what's going to happen." Accelerator concluded.

Right now, the whole of Academy City was witnessing the black distortion in the sky as it swirled round and round like a typhoon.

And the most worrying part was that the whole of Academy City was spreading word of Senya's appearance in their dreams when using the Indian Poker cards.

"So basically, that card is driving their AIM field into it, in order to boost that ghost's ability since her astral body can act like a shell for AIM fields. But if she's not a Level 5, then maybe she has a limit, and when that limit hits past the ceiling..."

"Then Academy City will probably be blown to bits." Misaki quietly finalized.


Then Misaki looks at Sogiita as she pointed her index finger at him.

"Since you can see the aura's of those using Indian Poker cards, I suggest you buy us some time to try and reach the mastermind of this whole plan because I doubt that we'll be able to go in for a peaceful walk."

"Ohh!" Sogiita slammed his fist against his hand as his 'cape' blew backwards and without waiting for a single moment, he charged out of the ward through the closed window.

Then, she looked at Hokaze and Iruka.

"Then, the two of you will guide me in, where we will find Senya-chan's body. And as for Accelerator..."

"Yeah yeah, I'll find the mastermind behind all this right?"

"Glad that you know what your role is."

Then Misaki flipped her hair back as she walked out of the ward with Iruka and Hokaze following behind her.

But before she left, she went up to Accelerator to tell him one last thing.

"Thank you so much for everything you've done for me! I would not have come this far without you."

"Tch, stop wasting time and get out already before we die without settling anything."

Then a with a warm smile, she said her goodbyes.

"When you find Ayu-san, please don't hurt her. She is still one of my friends."

Then Accelerator only raised his eyebrow as his mouth opened.

"Despite everything that she's put you through?"

"I'm still thankful that she's reunited me the people from the Project and have them tell me their feelings. To me, she's just an old friend, that's all."

"...Tch, whatever."

Then, as Accelerator looked at the broken window, Hokaze planted her lips on his cheek as it sent Last Order shrieking and Accelerator's heart to stop for a second.

"Hee hee, I'll see you later."

"What the hell was that for?!"

Without answering him, she quickly ran after the Queen and Iruka.



He felt his whole body shaking unsteadily as his bodily functions went haywire.

"Misaka will not forgive you for this, you cheating bastard!!!! Says Misaka as Misaka starts to beat you up!!!"

It was truly a bad day for Accelerator.

---23rd September 6:15p.m.---

Accelerator's battery was done charging, but it could have been faster if not for Last Order who was abusing him while he was lying on the bed.

But with her storming out of the ward, he was left alone in his ward.

"It's time to finish this."

Accelerator grew a pair of wings forged by the wind around his back and he flew out like a bird through the broken window caused by the 7th ranked Level 5 esper.

"(But seriously, what's with people breaking in and out through my window?!)"

Accelerator flew all the way to District 2 and on the way, he saw explosions occurring throughout the many districts in Academy City.

"(That's probably that fucking guts fucker. His power still intrigues me. Can he add random elements to his power? My redirection field should have been able to reverse calculate all his attacks, but it seemed like he was changing the elements in his attack at every opportunity...)"

Accelerator was furiously scratching his head as he thought about what Sogiita's power was. He didn't know much about the Level 5's in general as anyone below was unnecessary to him because they didn't pose much of a threat to him.

But after meeting Sogiita, it seemed like a habit that bit him in the back.

He didn't think much about as he got closer to the tallest building in District 2.

There was no name for it, but it was always under close surveillance by Academy City.

He was planning to land on the rooftop, but when he saw a wall blow up in one of the levels, he just flew right through the hole instead.

What he saw at the scene was catastrophic. There was a middle aged man, taller than Accelerator who had his hair slicked back as he wore a researcher's lab coat.

It was unknown to him what color his hair was as a black shroud of mist was covering his facial appearance.

But one thing was for sure, he was definitely human as he spoke to Accelerator.

"Oh, Accelerator. I see you're here to challenge me."


"It seems cat got your tongue? I would've like to have a greeting from you, but that's not quite the Accelerator now, is it?"


"Not talking at all? Or are you just intrigued by what I've done to poor Iruka-chan."

That researcher had Iruka held up by her hair as she was badly beaten with bruises all over her face and body. Her right eye, which was now exposed contain a ruby of some sort.

"Let me introduce myself, I'm Houjou Seigo. Former researcher of Project Ideal and I've just beaten her using my Black Tuxedo, a copy of Junko-chan's ability, Rampage Dress."

"I don't care about what your name is, or who you are in general."

Then Accelerator had a crazed look on his face as he glared at Seigo.

"All I know is I'm going to beat the fuckin shit outta you. So get ready to fuckin die!!"

"Heh, now that's the Accelerator I've heard about."

Seigo got into his stance as he threw Iruka's body to the side.

As he got into position, Accelerator ran behind him, but he was quick enough to react as he blocked a punch from the Accelerator.

That punch from Accelerator was deadly as he managed to blast the flesh off his forearms, but the researcher didn't budge as his wound was quickly healed.

"Impressive punch. As expected, I can't really do anything to harm you. But all I have to do is wait for your--"

Before he can finish talking, Accelerator pressed his left hand against Seigo's forehead, in that moment, the black shroud of mist disappeared from his face as a glass shattering sound broke the moment of silence.

He was in disbelief at what the Accelerator just did.

To him, it was impossible for his type of power to be removed as easily as a touch. But Accelerator had done it, and the beast was now ready to bite.

His hair darkened his facial expressions as the only thing that Seigo could see was his monstrous red eyes. There was no smile, no anger, just the sensation of his eyes staring in the darkness made Seigo's spine crawl.

The 1st ranked esper landed a devastating hit on his face as fear enveloped Seigo, for the first time had he been this afraid of someone.

His face became distorted as his mouth hung wide and his nose broken to the side. Accelerator did not let the grip on his left hand go as he grabbed his slicked back hair. Then he aimed his right fist at his chest, breaking his ribcage in the process as the pressure amounted to his organs and released from his back as a loud thud passed through his body.

Seigo groaned in pain, but Accelerator did not stop his assault. He then used his leg, with a simple touch. It wasn't even a kick, it was just a small touch from the side, Seigo's leg flew sideways as his bones cracked and his joints dislocated.

To put the cherry on top, Accelerator delivered his final blow to him. A straight punch right to his face, this time it had messed him up real bad as Accelerator finally let him go.

He flew backwards as he bounced off the floor before rolling on the ground.

However, Seigo did not scream. He may have groaned, but he wasn't screaming.

"Minor damages to the body. Nothing I can't handle."

He quickly fixed his jaw as the damage done to his body slowly healed itself.

"Good. It wouldn't be fun if you had lost so easily."

"Unfortunately, I'm almost at my wits end."


The Black Tuxedo took effect once more as Seigo stood up like a zombie.

"Now then, shall we get started?"

"Good, good!! I like a masochist because it makes me feel better about myself."

Accelerator grinned as he charged at Seigo, but that man just stood there and took his punch head on. No blocks, no counters this time.

Accelerator kicked his right liver with full strength, pressure building up as he felt his liver explode from within as he flew to the wall. Accelerator didn't give him a chance to breathe as he pressed down on his skull, fracturing it in the middle.

Unfortunately, he had to stop after that because his Black Tuxedo was gone. Accelerator didn't even touch him with his left hand.

"It seems like your fun is over, Accelerator."


"It seems like the girls have succeeded."

"...Then I guess I'm done here."

However, before Accelerator could limp away with his cane, Seigo grabbed his leg.

"Wait, Accelerator."

"What do you want now? Do you want me to kill you now so you don't have to face punishment from the higher-ups?"

Accelerator didn't even spare him a glance.

"No, it's not that. I have a request for you..."

Suddenly, someone appeared at what was supposed to be a hallway leading into the main culprit's base.

A girl, around the same height as Misaka with chocolate-colored hair which was as fluffy as cotton candy. The color of her pupils matched her hair as she wore the standard Tokiwadai Uniform during the autumn period. Although her breasts were something to be desired, her legs were undoubtedly much more curvier than most other women and in her hand was a branded handbag.

This person was Mitsuari Ayu.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Mitsuari shouted at him, but Seigo requested one simple thing from Accelerator.

"Can you bring us down from the tower? I would like to have a chat with the both of you."

Accelerator clicked his tongue, but did as he was told.

He held Mitsuari on his left shoulder as he held Seigo under his arm and jumped down the building and landed on a small patch of green land near the tower.

Mitsuari's heartbeat was pounding as she traveled downwards, the air hitting her face made it slightly uncomfortable for her since there were very few times that she had been in this type of situation.

"H-Hey!! Don't just carry a girl like some luggage!! And you, why did you beat yourself up fighting him!?" Mitsuari scolded the two guys there, even if it was the 1st ranked Level 5.

"I don't feel any pain so it's fine." Seigo weakly replied.

"That doesn't matter!! It distracts from the point!! I never asked you to be hurt, nor did I ask you to fight!!"

"This was the only option. My body was barely holding on and I'd long since hit my limit. Rampage Dress's healing didn't work on organs that were already lost. I was hoping it would though."

"I don't care about any of that. I just want to know why did you pick a fight you wouldn't win..."

"Because it was worth a shot..."

Then Seigo looked at Accelerator as he slowly got on his knees and begged Accelerator.

"I might not be able to express any of my emotions, but... Accelerator, can you please help me take care of Mitsuari Ayu."

"H-Huh?! Why did you suddenly bring this up?!" Mitsuari was confused but Seigo continued explaining himself even if Accelerator wasn't paying attention to him.

"She's naïve, and can be childish at times, but that's what makes her very adorable. But right now, she's slowly sinking deeper into the dark side. I just want you to help me pull her out of there. That's all I ask of you!! Please, Accelerator."

"Don't be ridiculous. I can't save anyone."

"But Last Order, you have already dragged her out of the dark side, can't you help me do the same to Mitsuari Ayu? In the end, I couldn't save her."

From the kneeling down position, he quickly dropped to the side of his body.

"Mitsuari Ayu...I forgive you."

"What? You're going to say all this and then die to leave me alone again?"

"No, I wish I could have stayed with you a bit longer. I wish that...during Project Ideal, I could have taken your side and stopped the experiments that were happening...but I couldn't. Nearing the end of my life made me reassess what I wanted to do and I was glad to have met you. That is why...I leave you in Accelerator's hands."

"...What is this bullshit? Don't leave me please...no one would ever accept me...not even he would..."

"No...after meeting everyone so far, I believe Accelerator...he is different from those people..."

"Oi, there's some sort of misunderstanding here. I'm not a fucking daycare center."

"But still...please..."

"No, don't go...please, if you were to die, I would not be able to go on living...I'm just a stereotypical 'good girl'. There's nothing to me. I'm just an empty shell..."

Then Seigo rubbed his finger against her eyes as he said one last sentence to her.

"But...you still tried to move forward. To live is only an instinct, but to actively try to move forward takes courage. Don't worry, you aren't empty. If ever, you feel like letting your feelings out, just let it out. It doesn't have to be selfish or personal. Just get it off your chest."

Then, Seigo used whatever remaining strength he had and stood in front of Accelerator. Face to face.

"Accelerator, she was not born this way...Academy City made her this way. That's why as my dying wish...can I leave her in your capable hands. At least show her a happy ending."

Seigo dropped as Accelerator held him up, a single tear falling from his eye as he smiled dying in his arms.

"Let him go!!"

Mitsuari grabbed his back as Accelerator let go, leaving him in her hands. She slowly let Seigo down as she put him face up.


Her eyes overflowed with tears as she grabbed his weak hands in the grasp of her palms. If she were to even relax for a single moment, his hands would drop out of hers.

His body was getting colder by the second.

"...please...just stay with me..."

She buried her eyes in his lab coat as she lets her feelings out.

Just as she was crying she threw her very first question at Accelerator.

"Hey...can you tell me, why is the kindest people who suffer the most...it's just not fair..."

"Who knows?"

Accelerator felt nothing from watching him die. After all, he only met this guy once, and it was his first encounter with Mitsuari Ayu.

He already had a bad impression on Seigo.

Why should he change his impression after he died?

But Accelerator felt something nostalgic about this.

It was almost just like him and Yoshikawa, except he couldn't see her go. Accelerator sat beside Mitsuari as she continued crying her feelings out.

For once, he didn't feel like the bad guy.

---24th September 8:29p.m.---

"So you just let her go like that?!"

"Tch, what else was I supposed to do with her?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe bring her to Anti-Skill or something?! Have her admit to her crimes? You know? The USUAL."

Accelerator was currently on the line with the 5th ranked Level 5 esper.

"Haaaaa...if it really bothers you so much, why did you guys take so long to finish your business?"

"In the end, the decision was up to Senya-chan. She had a wish, even though we told her to wish for herself to come back, she died on that life support device..."


"We don't know what wish she made, but I know things are going to get much better from here on out."

"Pretty ironic, isn't it?"

"Yeah. Anyway, I'll be going now. It was nice working with you once again. Thank you for you hard work, Accelerator-kun♥"

Accelerator didn't respond as he ended the call. He couldn't be bothered to respond to something like that.

Accelerator wasn't in the hospital right now as well. He was on a geothermal station located in District 21. He had followed the girl home after the incident, and it lead him here.

He watched the girl on the bridge.

This time, she stared out into the dark open lake, as she was sorting out her thoughts.

She stood on top of the railing of the bridge and the moment she took one step forward...

He reached his hand out.

Hello once again guys to the end of this arc. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves reading this one. Mitsuari Ayu, let's talk about her for a second. She was a wonderful character created by Kamachi. Unfortunate that he didn't flesh out her character too much, as I would have loved to see more of her and her helping Touma out in the main timeline, but it is what it is maybe we'll see her in GT. But I really love her character as well because I pity her. She sacrificed herself for others to be happy, but life fucked her over after every turn. She's a real sad character for sure, that's why I'll be taking her, thank you very much. Anyway that's all I have to say for now, until next chapter, ciaoz

dontouchmecreators' thoughts