
Academy Unknown

****Warning: Will contain reference and images about rape, bullying, and depression. Viewer digression is advised**** Amelia is different from her family and she’s known for as long as she could remember that they weren’t her true family. She could feel it in her bones, and she could smell the strange scent from them to where she knew they weren’t like her. She is an adopted daughter of a family with two biological girls and another adopted son, who Amelia adores and protects with her life. The only problem with that is that he’s deathly sick, and she knows he is. Anytime he bleeds, he loses years worth of his life. Amelia searches for an answer leading her to an academy of supernaturals who say they have the answer to his illness, but she has to prove herself worthy to gain access to the school first...

LiviLove · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


Two young children sat and played in the kitchen, a young boy and a young girl. Both knew they were more than the family they were put into, yet never asked why. Their silence was what kept their father and mother grateful, not wanting the girls to have another reason to bully them around the house.

"Amelia, look at this!" The boy shouted, gaining the girls attention as he stood up and grabbed at the scissors on the counter, pulling them down and cutting the paper into designs. The girl hummed in satisfaction at the boy having fun.

"It's beautiful, James," she replied and went back to drawing the boy before her. She was about four years older than the boy with her, yet the six-year-old never complained or wanted anyone else, he just wanted his Amelia, and that's all he ever asked for.

James reached up and placed the scissors before crouching back down to his art, not seeing the girls walk into the kitchen with them.

"Watch what you're doing, Jamie-poo!" The older one shouted and the younger one giggled as she pushed the scissors off the counter. The blade hit James in the arm and slid down, effectively giving him a large cut down it. His brown eyes widened and he looked up at Amelia before falling to the floor, his vision cut short. Amelia screamed, gaining the attention of their mother.

"Amelia, what happened?" She asked, and the girls scurried out of the room we were in.

"The scissors, Momma, the scissors cut him!" Amelia shouted, fear lacing her voice. She had never seen this reaction before and she held paper towels to his arm, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Hurry and bring him to the car, Amelia, we need to get to Angelic Cross!" their mother shouted, running towards the car. Amelia grabbed her brother and ran towards the car, carefully placing him laid down in the back with his head in her lap and the paper towels still secure to his arm.

For the ride, Amelia thought about James and the girls. Their parents knew what they were doing, yet did nothing about it, because they were related, they shared blood, while James and her were freaks to them.

They pulled up to the curb what felt like minutes from the house, which was really like an hour away. Nurses and doctors ran out and pulled him from Amelia from James as they placed him on a stretcher and wheeled him inside. Amelia let out a scream as doctors and nurses alike held her from the small boy who looked so weak. Their mother came up behind her and grabbed her, pulling her to her body to calm the girl down.

Amelia had unconsciously released magic that left horrible burns and deep cuts on the people pulling her away, yet none of it affected the older woman.

"Amelia, I think it's time I gave you the bracelet," she said and pulled out a box. Inside was a small tribal looking bracelet with rubies and sapphires that matched her eyes. Her mother slipped it on her wrist and all the power slipped away, leaving a small broken girl on the curb as her brother laid on his bed in pain.