
Academy of Forbidden Arts

In the forbidden halls of Aethelhaven Academy, where pleasure is channeled into potent magic, Seraphina, a destitute young woman, seeks to overcome a rigorous entrance exam and master the controversial art. This dark academia story delves into a world where desire fuels power, exploring themes of ambition, forbidden knowledge, and the moral boundaries of magic. As Seraphina navigates a world of unconventional instructors, rival students, and the seductive allure of forbidden magic, she must decide how far she's willing to go to claim her power and rewrite her destiny.

random_person11 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


The cobblestone streets of Aethel glistened under the reluctant dawn, a slick sheen reflecting the first rays of a reluctant sun. Seraphina, bundled in a worn cloak that barely warded off the chill, hurried through the maze of narrow alleys. Her destination: the looming obsidian monolith at the city's edge, known only in hushed whispers as Aethelhaven Academy.

Aethelhaven wasn't your typical academy. Here, students didn't toil over dusty tomes of forgotten languages or hone their skills with wooden practice swords. Aethelhaven dealt in the forbidden, the whispered arts that danced along the fringes of societal propriety. It taught the manipulation of primal desires, the channeling of pleasure itself into potent spells. Spells that could heal, invigorate, even dominate. Spells the pious Clerics deemed anathema, a corruption of the divine.

Seraphina wasn't pious. Hunger gnawed at her belly, a constant companion since her parents' disappearance a year ago. She'd heard whispers of Aethelhaven's unorthodox methods, of its ability to elevate even the most destitute to positions of power. Tonight, she would face the academy's rigorous entrance exam, a test that pushed a candidate's very limits of endurance and desire.

Reaching the academy gates, she saw a motley crew gathered - a hulking ex-gladiator, a woman with eyes that flickered with an unsettling inner fire, a young noble with a nervous twitch. All bore the marks of desperation, of souls driven to the fringes in search of a better life, a life Aethelhaven promised.

A low, chilling moan resonated from the academy's depths, sending shivers down Seraphina's spine. It was a sound both alluring and terrifying, a promise of power and a hint of the price it might exact. But Seraphina had nothing left to lose. Taking a deep breath, she joined the waiting throng, ready to face the forbidden arts and carve her own destiny within the walls of Aethelhaven Academy.