

This Fanfic is not about a 17 year old boy getting Depressed and dying to truck Kun, rather it's about Truck Kun being hired by an goddess to kill someone, in which the goddess baits herself to support Truck Kun in the Murder... The MC didn't wanted to Reincarnate as he got many stuffs to do in his original world... but sad... Goddess reincarnated him by hook or by crook in the World of MHA for some reason.. what's the reason? let's find this out by reading it. And btw, this thing got a system. ============================= This is my second Writing, so please don't mind suggesting your thoughts, I'm almost active every time as I'm also a fellow reader like you guys.. I am trying to write this Fanfic in new style and for the first time! but worry not! I have a good plot created with me! ahahaha!! it won't be good for everyone though..as some might hate it very much too..but I don't mind... this novel is clearly for my selfsatisfaction and for my new experiments... I don't own any Anime or cover pics which I'll be using in this Fanfic..but I do own my writing!

hope123612 · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Obstacle race.

The Lottery machine stopped Rolling and displayed some words in huge block letters, "OBSTACLE RACE!"


Midnight turned around facing the huge screen behind her and started explaining the rules of this race, "All 11 classes will participate in this race and The course will be the outer circumference of this stadium for something about four kilometers!"

Midnight raised her hand with her whip above and said, "Our school's selling point is freedom!"

Midnight Licked her lips looking at us as she took a pause and continued explaining now with a smirk, "As long as you stay on the course, it doesn't matter what you do! Now take your places Everyone!"

As the rules were explained, All the students moved infront of the starting point which is a small tunnel leading to the Obstacle race Course Track, cause it's time now to start the race.

Everyone who doubted thier capabilities stood at the frontier to get a quick start before others, but those who had confidence in thier abilities and some intelligence, took whatever the spot they got as they know a quick start will only give them small advantage in earlier stage, considering the amount of students.

And as expected Momo is standing beside and is currently looking at me with a smile, "Let's help each other! okay!?" Momo said cheerfully as she's excited to collaborate with me.

I shook my head to her response, "Momo, whatever happens, focus on your personal race and Don't worry about me." I gave an straight faced answer to Momo.

Momo gritted her teeth when she heard me, "Are You saying, I'm gonna hold you back? huh!?" Everyone around us looked at Momo as she suddenly shouted furiously at me.

"sushh! Momo quiet down.." I said in a low voice with a worried face.

"Oh!" A blonde haired boy exclaimed looking at us, he had tired eyes as if he just woke up from his sleep with a mocking smile on his face, "These are the students of class 1-A.. although they are not here to participate seriously but to play a couple~." mocked the blonde guy looking at me.

"And aren't you Yu.." just as the blonde was gonna continue, Itsuka caught his ear and dragged him away from me, "good luck Yuuki and Don't mind this idiot, okay?" said Itsuka worriedly as she walked away while dragging the blonde guy away.

Itsuka and I had got acquainted with each other as Yui introduced us to each other, They also apologized for their rude behavior in the past during the lunch break.

As Itsuka went away, I looked back at Momo and said, "Momo, it's not like you'll drag me back." I placed my both hands on her shoulder as I continued, "It's just that I want you to prove yourself alone and I also want you to show others how much Capable you are." I said pacifying manner to quell Momo's anger.

"And by the way, my parents are watching us live." I winked at her as I completed my sentence.

"oh..!!" Momo realized what I am trying to tell and said, "You Should've informed me already, that Mom and Dad are watching us." Momo said Cheerfully as she turned back facing the huge tunnel, "Best of Luck then." said Momo seriously.

I nodded happily at Momo's words, "Best of luck to you too." I said and walked back at the end row of this horde. *Sigh.. at least she's smart despite being so fallen in her so called love.

[Mom and Dad...huh, she's faster than I expected.]

{You expected? considering Momo, I'll even believe her when she says that tomorrow's our Marriage date.}

[No!! you're first going to Marry me! then we'll think of the others!]

{Tch.. We have much time Idiot, now lemme focus on the race.}

[Hm. best of luck.]

{oh~, I get a best of luck from you, now of all times..}


All Might stood besides the entrance of Tunnel while facing us, "Get ready! the 3 lights you guys see at the top of tunnel entrance is the signal to start the race!" Announced All Might with the help of an wireless hand mic held in his hand.



beep-1... Ting!

"Start!!" shouted All Might.

As the signal to commence the race was delivered, all The students like Maniacs rushed into the Tunnel together, the main thing was coming first out of the Crowded narrow tunnel because after reaching the race course track Everyone would be able to implement their plan for the race freely and without restrictions while using their Quirks.

Present Mic- Okay, here's the play-by-play! Are you ready to do the Commentary with me, Mummy Man!?

Aizawa- You're the one who forced me to come.. and Don't call me 'Mummy Man'.

Present Mic- Let's get started right away, Mummy Man! and What should we pay attention to in the early stages!?

Aizawa- This part right now, where all the students are struggling with each other to get out of the tunnel first.


Well, I didn't do anything and sat on the ground by crossing my legs after placing my handkerchief over the ground. I looked at the Huge screen in the stadium which is meant for the Audience to spectate the Race.

*Hm.. as I thought, he ruthlessly did his first move.. well, he's aiming for the first place.. so this much can be considered pretty normal.

It was Todoroki who made the first move, He didn't think about other participants and unhesitatingly used his Quirk to freeze the ground below him inside the tunnel, due to this most of them slowed down due to the frozen field and some already saw this coming.

Present Mic- Oi! Yuuki!

"hm?" I looked back at Present Mic who's sitting in the commentary box beside Aizawa.

Present Mic- The race has started! what are you doing? *asks worriedly.

Aizawa- Let him be.. you'll only sore your throat if you keep worrying for him. Now focus on Commenting on the race.


Yuuki's parents and Julie were sitting inside the VVIP room while looking at the TV Screen infront of them which displayed the Obstacle race with the Live Commentary, There was also another TV screen displaying the Arena ground.

"My son.." Hiroshi was surprised that Yuuki took his deal so seriously, 'guess, I can hand him over the Company soon.' Thought Hiroshi proudly of his son.

"My kid!! he's so caring for his Mother!" Suzune exclaimed happily as Yuuki was not going to get injured now which she prayed for whole heartedly.

'I should use some mouth freshener soon'. thought Julie excitedly while touching up her looks by looking herself in a small hand mirror which was held in her right hand.


Well.. The ladies(Inko and others) in the Audience seat were surprised and out of words while looking at the figure of Yuuki, who's now sitting on the ground.

... -back to Yuuki's POV.

Currently Todoroki is leading the race after using his ice domain on the exit of the tunnel and As expected all the students of Class 1-A passed through it easily as they know about Todoroki's quirk first hand.

Many other students also outwitted Todoroki's trick and soon successfully got out of the frozen field, But the weak students gave up at this point as their legs got stuck in the ground, although they won't be receiving any type of help from the Management staff until they totally give up on the race.

[Darling, what are you doing? shouldn't you at least start walking or something?]

{I told you right? that I take my quests seriously?}

[So..? isn't your quest to win?]

{I'm talking about the other quest, Baka.. kukuku.. I want to see what rewards I'll get from that Secondary quest..}

[Sigh... well, let's see.. I also want to know about what all you'll get as rewards..]

{hm. BTW, You should be already knowing about it right?}


{About the rewards, afterall you gave me the system.}

[Nope. The system is not made by me, it was randomly generated by using 40% of your Karma, so not much is known to me about this system other than me just acting as an notification for it.]

{oh.. and did you just say randomly??? don't tell me you were experimenting with my Karma!}

[Tee-hee~~ all's well that ends well.]

{Tch.. I'll end you if you do something like this again.}

[jeeezzz.. fine.]

*Oh...!!!!! Krakens!! and that too a lots of them together at the same time!

*Oi! Oi!!! you don't freeze the Kraken! I'll genderbend you! half and half Asshole!!

Todoroki froze a Kraken infront of him and immediately slipped through between it's legs to breach the barrier made by Krakens.

While the currently following up behind him, Midoriya and Bakugo also wasted no time, Midoriya used his full cowl to jumped rapidly through a Kraken's metal body, so that he could pass through this stage.

Boom boom on the other hand Countinously Used his both hands to release small explosions for getting a thrust while running over the Kraken's body.

Present Mic- The first ones to pass through the first barrier are Shoto Todoroki! Izuku Midoriya and Katuski Bakugo! all of them from Class 1-A!

Aizawa- well.. well.. hahaha.. It looks like some people have improved drastically by training in these past 2 weeks ..

Present Mic- Oi! this Mummy Man's laughter is scaring me!

"Well, this Kraken is nothing much than a huge wall with lots of gap to pass through it.." I said to myself while focusing on the screen.

"Hahaha!! you're Right Yuuki Shounen!" All Might spoke on the Mic to reply me cause he heard my words, "Those huge metal scraps are just used for intimidating the students to see if they have enough will power to pass through their fear." said All Might.

Aizawa- yes. One of those Robot was used in the entrance exam too, but that time the students were told to avoid it as it was a Zero point.

Present Mic- Yes! Mummy Man is right! But we can't have our students run back from thier Obstacles! Can we!?

I saw Midnight walking near me while holding a wireless hand mic with her. *Don't tell me, she's gonna propose me infront of so many people!

[Tch... Idiot!]


"Yuuki~" Midnight called out my name while looking at me with a sadistic smile, "Why don't you start the race~? cause who knows.. Midnight Sensei might hug you for it~?" said Midnight teasingly.


Audience- Ah!! Why am I not in his place right now!!?

Audience- Run! Kid Run! you don't get this opportunity daily!!

The crowd had gone mad after hearing Midnight's words as they started cheering for me to receive the Hug from Midnight.

I gestured at Midnight to hand me over the Mic while still sitting on the ground and Midnight handed over the mic easily as it's nothing much if Yuuki wants to convey his words to the Crowd.

"Well.... what if I win the race?" I looked at Midnight with a sly smile.

[sigh.. yare.l. yare. here we go again...]

Midnight looked confused but I continued my words with the same expression, "Will I probably.. get a Kiss from Midnight Sensei~?"

Midnight immediately snatched back the mic from me before I could say anything more.. Well I've said what I wanted to say, so it doesn't matters.

Midnight didn't wanted to get teased like this infront of so many people as it might affect her Dominant image, "Hm. if it's like that... then why not?? but, shouldn't you at least start~?." Midnight licked her lips lustfully while looking at me with a mocking grin.

Some of the Audience were aroused right now from the looks and conversation between this pair teacher and student.

[5th quest?]

{Nope. wait for it.}

With a sly smile, I gestured at Midnight to hand me over the Mic again and Midnight gritted her teeth without showing it on her face as she hesitated while handing over the mic to me.

"Ahm... and what if.. I place first in the Sports festival?" I said mockingly facing Midnight but I'm serious about it.

Present Mic- Hey! hey! you saying the first barrier is a peace of cake? Then what about the second!?

Hearing Present Mic, Everyone remembered that there's a thing called sport festival going on right now...

Present Mic- If you fall, you're out! and if you don't wanna fall, then crawl! Cause IT'S.. "THE FALL"!

I put aside the mic and looked at Midnight, "I'll require a special reward if I place first in this festival, okay?" I said with a bright smile and stood up while dusting off my pants.

{guess I should start soon.}

[Now, was that the 5th Quest?]

{Hm... supposed to be, I guess.}

I handed over the Mic to Midnight and looked at the Tunnel while taking a deep heavy breath, "Calm down Watashi... chill.. relax.." I murmured slowly to myself.

[Tempestuous Spirit effect- 1.5x capabilities.]

[Why is it raising?]

{Cause I'm getting excited, Baka.}


Present Mic- That's so uncool!!

I heard one of the Present Mic's comment and looked at the screen, It showed Iida balancing himself on the rope in the death Valley while using the Jets on his legs to move forward.

Present Mic- The lead pack is a step ahead, but behind them, Everyone's clumped together! They haven't announced how many people will make it through, so you can't relax, Push Forward!

Aizawa- oh.. this guy is finally moving..

Present Mic- Aizawa Man, why do you look so excited?

Aizawa- huhuhu..

I've started walking out of the tunnel cause I saw just now that Midoriya and others have already reached near the last obstacle course and I can't have them make me loose my Midnight kiss away from me.

"haha..." I laughed silently as I reached out of the tunnel and took a running stance by bending over my knees.

"Start" I said as I vanished from my place with a trail of dust left behind on the track, I mustured up all my strength in my legs and ran as fast as I could..

Present Mic- wait.. where is he suddenly?

Aizawa- idiot, you're slow.

My speed could be said 700 km per hour right now with my Capabilities multiplied with the skill effect, I can raise it more if I want when I get too serious, but I've decided that I'll maintain a normal speed so that I don't injure the other students in my way by loosing balance.

Soon in some seconds I've reached infront of the Kraken Robots, I can see some students still on the ground as they've already given up thier hopes on clearing this stage.

"I Can't waste time, Others would have already ...hyaaa!! *Boom.. reached the last obstacle course by now." I punched a Kraken infront of me and sent it flying around in pieces as I continued running towards the next Obstacle race course stage.


By the time Yuuki was doing all this.. - In the Stadium. (Yuuki can't hear this as he has already left the place now.)

Present Mic- whooaaaT!!? why is he so fast!!

Aizawa- Idiot, you should ask 'How is he so fast', Well, according to All Might.

"According to me, Yuuki Shounen is also an natural Born hero like me who's Quirkless. well, if I start narrating of how I met Yuuki Shounen, then the Obstacle Race would be over by that time, so let's continue spectating for now.. Hahaha!!" said All Might proudly.


"My son is a Natural Born hero???? and I didn't even know all this yet?" Hiroshi looked at the TV screen in the state of shock when All Might explained all this.

"My kid... sniff.. your Momma is very happy for you." Cried Suzune happily when she saw her Son/Yuuki being so amazing.

"Gulp.." Julie didn't know what to say, 'will he kiss me now?' she thought as Yuuki might forget about the deal.


Ladies didn't know what to say, but they were all very happy, Specially a Brocon sitting between them.


"Natural Born.. huh... hahaha!!! All Might.. he might be an Natural Born but not a Hero..."


I've reached "The Fall" right now and I'm standing on the edge of the cliff and aslo able to see a deep ditch below me, I took some multiple steps back facing infront of me and then ran straight while building up some kinetic energy for the motion to jump.

I jumped high when I reached the edge of the cliff and landed on a pillar infront of me, here I didn't waste time as I would've lost the momentum so I continued sprinting over the pillar head to keep jumping on the next ones.

[You're doing good..]

{Shuddup.. don't make me loose my balance.}


Present Mic- what's going on! Midoriya and Bakugo are unstoppable! they are running over the mine field as if there are no mines present there!

Aizawa- I guess they've trained in balancing their body perfectly cause as you can see, they are jumping perfectly to avoid the mines on the ground and while landing, both of them are making sure that they don't land on the mine infront of the other.

Present Mic- But the Crowd seems more focused on looking at the other screen.

Aizawa's eyes went wide open when he saw Yuuki jumping over the pillars while avoiding the deep pit which'll cause him elimination if he falls.

Aizawa- that guy is too reckless...


I cleared the Fall with of course while breaking a sweat or 2, Balancing the power while jumping is not something measly you know? and specially in situations like this. Cause who knows? I might jump into the pit by mistake rather than on the pillar.

I took a deep breath and tightened up my whole body.. as I know after this course, the track is going to be plain on which I've to just run rather than jump like I did previously.

[Wait run?..ouu...]

I didn't reply to dear and started running with all my speed as I can't afford to loose the first place in this race.

Soon, In some seconds, I've reached the last stage as I can see a large hoardings on the each side of a vast field which has "DANGER MINES" written on it in huge capital letters, and Also a pink weird skull in between the words, I guess it was there to terrify the students.

While looking over the students on the field, I saw Midoriya and boom boom almost near the end of mine field with Todoroki still in the middle of the field behind them.

Todoroki despite being far behind from Midoriya and boom, he's still holding the 3rd position in the race.

[Tempestuous Spirit effect- 2x Capabilities.]

I got a bit subconscious as anyone from both of them could take the 1st place soon, because after the mine field there was only a small runway connecting to the finishing line throughout an tunnel.

I immediately ran avoiding the other students on the mine field, I know that I'll cause explosions If I run like this, but it's their fault if they're getting injured because of this as they can't defend themselves! and specifically saying! they. are. in my way!

I ran through the mine field with all my speed but also while still avoiding the students walking steadily infront of me as even if my slight tackle hits them in this speed then this might be lethal to them..

"Fk you both!!!" I shouted as I passed through Midoriya and Bakugo in a flash and entered the Tunnel with a huge trail of dust left behind my running track due to the exploding mines on the field.


Present Mic- U.A. Sports festival, first-year stage!

Present Mic- Who could've predicted this Miracle at the beginning! or this Conclusion? Well whatever!

Present Mic- Right now, the first person back in the stadium is that man... who started last! Yuuki Takeyama!

Present Mic- Midnight Sensei! I guess, You just lost a Kiss right now!! And That better not be a joke!

Aizawa- Oi! what are you shouting! stop your Idiotic Commentary!

Crowd- wooooo!!!! This guy is the real deal!!

Crowd- A Hero: its like having an All Might for yourself! if you have him as your side kick!

*huh!!? side kick? are you one those Superiority complexed heroes to whom I've to kill? huh!??

I am getting more and more pissed off when I'm hearing comments of heroes of these kinds, I took a heavy breath and recited some words, "Calm down Watashi.. you'll get many chances soon."

"What chances Yuuki Shounen?" I saw All Might besides me as I am walking towards the podium to wait for other students to complete their race.

"Sigh.. nothing, just some chances to kill those Hypocrite Heroes who are dreaming of me as their side kick." I said nonchalantly after releasing a sigh as I calmed down.

[I can agree to this, but also not agree at the same time as Hypocrite Heroes are better than having some Villains running around the city, right?]

{That's why I calmed down myself. And good thinking you got there.}

[fufufu.. what are you saying.. I am goddess you know? so of course I'll be having a positive thinking.]

{But I'll still try to kill some extreme ones.}

After All Might hearing Yuuki's words, he Immediately grabbed a hand mic, "Every Hero present here, please don't talk of making Yuuki Shounen as your side kick!" Shouted All Might worriedly while looking at the stunned Audience.

Some of them were confused for why All Might said this and some understood what he wanted to explain, Controlling a strong person like Yuuki can only be done by a stronger person than him! which is All Might!

(Okay, they also didn't get it.)

Present Mic- why? All Might? *One of those Idiots.

Hearing this question, Aizawa banged his bandaged head on the commentary desk which's infront of him.

Aizawa- Ouch..! Present..! Mic...!

Present Mic- Nani~??

Aizawa- Arrghh!!

Present Mic- ...??

Present Mic- Oh the others are following up!

As I heard Present Mic, I looked at the exit tunnel as it's the supposed finishing line, I saw Midoriya running at a high speed with Boom Boom just beside him catching up while running with his hands backwards for shooting Blasts to get extra speed.

Present Mic- Midoriya and Bakugo! both have entered the Stadium Arena together! let's see the who's in the 2nd place with the help of Camera replay Umpire!

Both Midoriya and Bakugo saw me standing near the Podium and started walking at my direction while huffing heavy breaths..

The huge Screen in the stadium then started displaying the last moment of Their race, the rule was, that the one who crosses out of the tunnel line is supposed to be the second place.

The Camera displayed the Zoomed replay of who crossed the line first in a slow motion and it clearly showed boom boom came second as his head crossed the line first before Midoriya's legs.

"Hahaha!!! Deku you lost to me! hahaha!!" Bakugo laughed loudly while looking at Midoriya to Mock him.

"I'll win the next one against you! for sure!" Midoriya exclaimed with a sportsmanship spirited smile.

{Sigh.. looks like they get together with each other very well now.}

[Yes they'll get together on you as well.]

"ugh... ble.." I immediately held my mouth as I was gonna puke or Vomit soon, No one noticed this as they were now looking at the other students on the race course through the stadium screen.

{Sigh... good that I had light break fast today.. and.....!!!!!!!}

[Sorry!!!!!!!! it was supposed to be sarcasm! no hard feelings! okay?]

{Tch... don't do this please. or I might really kill you the next time we meet.}


Soon Todoroki also entered the stadium as the 4th position holder and Present Mic Continued his commentary as the next students also kept appearing in the stadium Arena one by one after him.
