Alyxia can't deny her stubbornness. After an accident, she found herself in nowhere. All in sight were tress, just tall trees. But infront of her was placed a massive gate. An old invited her inside. Out of curiosity, she agreed. She then found herself inside a school. But it ain't any ordinary school. There was something weird about that school, she thought.
"I hate that school!" I yelled at the phone.
"Sweetie, you need to return to school. You promised me that you'll change," mom said gently from the other line.
"Well, I already forgotten about that promise. Forget it. I'll just quit school. I wont return to that hell," I yelled again.
"Damn it, Alyxia! You're such a pain in the ass! Your mom and I are worrying on how we'll send you money all the way to city A, but you just waste them on your bllshts?!" I could here dad snatched the phone from mom.
"Suspension is suspension, old man. Don't worry, I'll do my best, so next time I'll be already expelled!" I throw my phone to my bag and continue my driving. This time my driving's speed is doubled though I'm driving in the middle of the night, which is dangerous to drive at that speed.
"I hate this life!" I shouted as I stepped harder on the gas resulting to extrem driving.
As I drive as fast as I could possibly do. I simply didn't notice the cliff I'm heading towards to. But my stubborn self didn't bother pulling the breaks. Instead let my car crash and fall down.
"See you in hell, dad," I said before I loose conscious.
I can feel the sunlight touches my skin but my eyes didn't bother to open. But wait, there's no sun in hell or maybe it is the heat of the fire and satan is already calling me.
"Wake up, child," said by an unfamiliar voice.
I was alarmed and hurriedly open my eyed and fixed myself.
"Who are you?" I asked as I saw an old man smiling at me.
"I must be the one who's questioning you. You are inside my territory, child. How did you get here and why are you sleeping there," he asked gently. I looked around and all I can see are tall trees and a massive gate infront of me.
"Sorry, old man. But I had an accident last night. I fall from that cliff while I'm driving," I said while pointing at a direction. But I cannot see a cliff, even my car. All in sight were tress. Just plain tall trees and a huge gate.
"I can't any trees, child. You must be tired and can't think straight. Why not come inside and have some tea," he offered. Though he is gentle, but did he just insulted me. Me? Does not think straight? Ican clearly remember that I fall down from a cliff, or did I? Oh forget it.
"Come, child," he said and he open the massive gate with only one hand, like it only weighed a few pounds.
"Welcome to my school, child. Welcome to Acability, academy of abilities!" he said proudly.
"This is a school?!" I asked but why is it empty. I can't see a single student wondering around.
"Oh why of course," he gently laughed as we walked towards his office.
"This is one big school, and what do you mean by academy of abilities?" I asked.
"You'll figure that out later. So tell me, would you like to enroll to my school? I can see that you're having trouble with your dad," he said with a smirk.
"How did you know that?" I asked with a hint of fear. This old man is starting to creep me out.
"No more questions, child. Let me change the question. Do you want to prove to your family that you're better than what they expect or be a loser and wait for nothing in hell?" he asked seriously but with gentle laugh.
"Oh heck yeah, I want to prove them that I can. They always look down on me. I want to slap that old man with my golden diploma hahahaha!" I said proudly.
"That's the spirit, child," he smiled and open his office and let me sit on one of the chairs
"So how am I going to pay for my fees?" I asked.
"There's no fees, child. Just simply pass the exam child and you'll do fine. I can see potential within you," he said while playing with his swivel chair.
"What exam? Ever since I was an elementary student I always fail at good morals exams," he laughed as I said that.
"No need to worry, I know that you'll do fine, "
"Oh heck yeah, I'll do my best! So where will I take this test?"
"Over there, child" the old man said as he pointed to a desk with only a paper and a pen on it.
"There?" I asked.
"Yeah, go ahead" he said with a smile.
"Fine," I said and sat on the chair.
"Let me finish this piece of cake in a minute," I said boastfully.
"Hahaha, take your time, child" the old man said.
"Do you love fantasy related games and book? "
What kind of question is that?
Well I wrote the word "Yeah". I think I read a lot of fantasy stories when I was a kid.
As I wrote my answer the question and my answer vanished and was replaced by another question.
"Woah. That's cool," I said full of amusement.
I continued to answer a bunch of questions until there was one question that really took my attention.
"What is your ability?"
"What is my ability? Like ability to dance, sing or what?" I asked the old man.
"The questionnaire meant was ability, like magic powers you posses," he explained.
"What? That sounds stupid,"
I just simoly didn't care and wrote my answer "Dunno" . It's quite funny cause the questionare accepted my answer. Then it vanished in the thin air.
"What's next? I'm done answering those questions, though it took me half an hour,"
"Aren't you gonna question me, child? For all this happenings, like the questions are all about magic, the questionnaire suddenly vanished. Aren't you curious?" the old man said.
"Nope" I answered straight.
"Aye" he said with frustration.
Suddenly, there's a piece of paper float towards the old man from nowhere.
"Here's the results of your exam, child" he said and I felt excitement within me.
"Do you want to read it yourself?" he asked.
"Yeah!" I said excitedly.
"Congratulations Alyxia White, you passed the exam." I read. Sweet, I passed. Though I merely answered the questions seriously.
"Congrats you passed as a mage." I continued.
"What? A mage?" I asked confusedly.
"Yes child. And you are the very first female mage," he said excitedly.
"What mage?" I asked again.
"Oh so now you're gonna question me about these happenings," he said with a smirk.
"Just answer me, old man" I said as I rolled my eyes
"This is Acability. School of magic. Academy of abilities. Every student here possess magic powers, which we call ability. Students here are divided into categories. The fairies, Wizards (for boy) and Witches (for girls), and the mage. Every year we held a competition within the different categories of students. The contest is called "Festival of Magic" which every students perform magic and the most favour part of the festival is the magic duel, where students have a... duel of course. For the last few years, the mages always win and they topped the ranking of students. So students here respect them the most. Every student category has their leader, which they call themselves lady or lord. That's the few informations about Acability. I'll be giving you a book all about Acability, including it's histort and rules here. So are you ready child?" He said with his famous smile.
"Wait... Can you repeat all you have said. There's a huge earwax inside my ear that affected my hearing. Luckily I got it out," I said with a smile.
"Aye" he said with frustration and pressed his nose bridge.