
Abyssal Light Online (Dropped Indefinitely)

What do you think would happen, if you were release a supercomputer into an online game? When A.I. (Yes his name is just A.I.) is freed from his life as an Safeguarding data collection program for the popular game, Abyssal Light Online, the thought that he can't get out of his head is that he must become strong. Cover is not mine, so if the creators of the Matrix trilogy want me to take down the cover, feel free to let me know! :)

DaSupaSaiyan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Sage Robes, Hunting Direwolves

The Enchanting process is truly... tedious and quite painful for the Mind and Body of a level 4 mage. I can Enchant it perfectly, without a doubt, as everything in this world relies on knowledge and skill. It's just that it is almost too powerful for my body to handle.


A searing white pain surging throughout my body, threatening to tear it apart if im too careless, a hammering, mind-numbingly powerful attack on my mind, all of this would be too much for even experienced players if they went through this kind of pain. A small gasp escapes from my mouth, resonating in my spacious room.

I've never experience this kind of mental attack before....

I can't hold this any longer... I'm going to die here enchanting a stupid robe... please devs...please RNJesus....

[Enchantment of Dragonfire Robes Successful! 100% efficient, Self-Repairing Attribute and Dragonfire Attribute imbued on this Equipment]

[New skill: Enchanting]

Ha! There is no God! I lived! I'm destined to rule this World!

The price of this robe was 15 Gold coins, but Enchanted Dragonfire Robes go all the way up into the hundreds of thousands depending on how the enchantments are.

It is safe to say this is my windfall, I will only get more powerful from here.

I'll start cultivating here again, I need utter peace if I am going to get the time to slow down.

I'll wear the Robes also, I need the boost.

{Dragonfire Robes equipped, Stats boost:}

[+5 Wisdom]

[+5 Power]

[+5 Stamina]

[+10 Intelligence]

{These robes have a Unique Attribute; Soul Bound. These robes cannot be traded and are bound to the user's inventory.}

{These robes have a Hidden Attribute due to the exceptional 1st enchantment; Growth. The robes' stats shall grow alongside its wearer.}

{These robes have a Hidden Skill; cerebral enhancement. Any mental tasks efforts will be made more potent.}

These Robes must be a gift from our Lords and Saviours, the Devs.

Ahem, as I calculated, of course these robes of mine would only be first class. These might even be worth millions of real life money, the type of one in a lifetime purchase only a leviathan could make.

If I didn't enchant these at all, they would probably be just as useless as some Adventurer's Robes, probably an increase in Intelligence by around 1 or 2.

I head to the Forest surrounding Whinshelm, Cultivating along the way, and kill many Direwolves, enough to finish my quest, but I get surrounded quickly by a more organised and experienced pack of monsters than the last.

Crap! I got too carried away killing these wolves, more creatures were attracted by the noise, I can even see a Level 10 Warhog in there, I should've bailed as soon as I finished that quest. Am I really in this position? Is this part of my flaws of being so lifelike as an AI?

A Forest Venom Serpent narrowly missed the constantly moving AI, enfuriating it more. Several Warhogs charged at him,only to find they were burnt to a crisp.

"Blazing Inferno!"

Within an instant, all the poor creatures surrounding the Mage turned to ash.

There we go, that used up the last of my Mana, gotta run before any more of those damned beasts arrive.

The Mage was exhausted from running non-stop and arrived in his room, immediately collapsing from fatigue on his bed. The next day, he turned in his quest.

{Quest complete.}

[Rewards claimed]

[You have leveled up]

[+5 Attributes]

[You have leveled up]

[+5 Attributes]

[You have leveled up]

[+5 Attributes]

[Razor Fang Dagger (Grade 2)added to Inventory]

[Tome of Holy Light (Grade 2) added to Inventory]

[Mana Staff (Grade 3)added to Inventory]

It seems that since I was the only one in my party, most of the items were suited to me.

I think I'll sell the dagger for a good price, or possibly trade it with a Warrior party in exchange for a Magic item.

I went outside to catch some fresh air, when I was stopped by a group of thug-looking people.

Their leader spoke first.

"Hey there little junior, won't hand over that sharp-lookin' dagger of yours to us? Oh, and that fancy book of yours, as a little thanks for... lookin after ya last night, ya'know?".