
Abyssal Invasion Online: Realms

[WSA 2024 Participant] Please Support me. --- Chris, died betrayed by his close friend, whom he addressed as a brother. All it was due to jealousy. They both entered the game together but Chris reached the sky whereas Brian couldn't. Brian betrayed his friend to get some legendary items that could turn him into a powerhouse. What he never knew was that Chris never told anyone about an item that he got, an item that returned him to the time before the game was introduced.

ChaosSpawn · Games
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163 Chs

Hunting, Levelling and Earning Gold (2)

"Good Morning Abby", Chris greeted his sleepy sister who just woke up and walked into the kitchen, where he was preparing breakfast for both of them.

Though it was a holiday for Abby, she got up as usual for the day. If there were school, she would get ready for the school, while Chris would prepare food for both of them, breakfast and lunch included. Since the school has yet to reopen from the holidays, she would help him out in preparing the food.

"Good Morning Brother", Abby greeted him back.

When she saw what her brother was doing, she was surprised. He would prepare both breakfast and lunch in the morning before he left for work but he was preparing only breakfast and she could not see any preparations for lunch.

Abby looked at her brother in confusion, "Brother, why are you making only the breakfast? Are the groceries not sufficient?", she asked.

Chris just rubbed his sister's head, "No, they are more than sufficient to last for a month or so. It was because I would be here to make lunch freshly in the noon. So there is no need to make it now".

Abby was confused even more. He had to go to work for the day but now he was saying that he would be here to make lunch. It would mean that her brother lost his job at the supermarket.

Though concerned, she didn't ask him anymore. He was already working a lot for her benefit and she didn't want to burden her more.

She clenched her fists and thought, 'I should study more and shouldn't be a burden to my brother'.


After having breakfast with his sister, Chris went out. He was going back to the grocery store to collect his salary today. He had spent most of his earnings and what remained of their parents' insurance money to buy the VR device and the premium crates.

If he had more money, he would have spent it on the gold crates as well. Though those are lesser crates, they do give some benefits, benefits he would love to have to improve faster in the game and in the real world too.

Those benefits would not only be there for the game but also will be carried into the real world, albeit a few changes may occur for some people, as their talents and skills are based on games rather than reality.

Anyway, he went to the grocery store and collected the salary that was due. The owner didn't utter a word. He almost acted as if he didn't know who Chris was. After years of wasting his time here, Chris was a bit angered by the nonchalant way the store owner acted.

There was never a salary hike in the three years that he worked here but he had the option of going away as many wouldn't hire teens or the jobs need some degree to be employed. He endured it because he needed money and in whatever way it was available he had to take it.

Thinking that seeing that old man would only anger him, he returned home. He has a game to play, a game that could save him and his family.

He logged into the game once he returned.


[Welcome back to Abyssal Invasion Online: Realms, Player]

Chris appeared back in Frost City, the same place he logged out last time. Before he logged out, he chose an Inn to log out because logging In and Out of the game is dangerous. The Players had to do such things in safe zones and places where it wouldn't be awkward.

After he logged in, he went to the guild and picked up a few more quests to complete before noon. He has to make lunch for both, so he can't stay for long for now.

He started his hunt.

[You have levelled up.]

[You have cleared the quest. Please provide proof at the guild to claim the reward.]

[You have cleared the quest. Please provide proof at the guild to claim the reward.]

[You have cleared the quest. Please provide proof at the guild to claim the reward.]

Chris with his enhanced attributes, quickly cleared the low-level quests.

As he was a newbie adventurer, his assigned rank was F. He could only pick F and E-ranked quests to complete. Once he completes 20 F-rank or 10 E-rank quests, he can increase his guild rank, which is what he is doing right now.

Right now, as he is a low-level adventurer, he wouldn't be able to access the high-level quests, which have high rewards on completion. With his attributes, he can even complete a C-rank quest but he had to follow the rules here or would be expelled or banned.

There were many scenarios where it happened with players. Some were permanently banned from certain branches and some were banned for a few days to weeks depending on what they did and the mood of the guild branch manager.

[You have submitted the quest. Your reward is distributed.]

[You have submitted the quest. Your reward is distributed.]

[You have levelled up.]

[You have gained +10 to WIS and +60 FAPs.]

When it was almost noon, checked his status once more before logging out.


Name: Voyd

Level: 18

Race: Human / Primordial Void Dragon

Talent: Experience Buff (SSS); Space Difference (C)

Class: Nexus Mage

Rank: F/Novice

Strength: 100

Stamina: 100

Intelligence: 200

Wisdom: 225

Agility: 100

Vitality: 100

Health: 1000

Mana: 2250

Charisma: 15

Luck: 10,006

Free Attribute Points: 345

[Adventurer's Guild Rank: F]

[Magic Tower Rank: F]


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