
Entering Abyss Online

[Booting up Abyss Online]




[Welcome to Abyss Online, Please select your race}

Zachary looked over the options multiple times and there were only 2 races he really considered picking and those two were human, and elf. Everything has pros and cons like humans start with higher intelligence than any other race, but elves start with higher agility, so he was stuck but after careful consideration he choose the elf race because the human race seemed a bit bland and elves started with more physical prowess.

[ Elf class confirmed please select a class ]

In regards to classes, there was one main class. Cultivator. But there were sub-classes you could pick from such as race specific sub-classes. But everyone started as a cultivator. The elves had an optional sub-class 'hunter'. But that would lower the innate talent of the cultivator such as all other classes. If you could have two classes without consequences that would be OP. Without hesitation Zachary decided to just focus on the Cultivator class.

[ Class confirmed, sending host to random starting village, Goodluck! ]

" This is so realistic " Zachary mumbled as he spawned a random starting village. The one thing he noticed was that the ingame characters were made to look like the player was in the real world so naturally he looked handsome and caught many peoples eyes, some looked with envy, some with jealousy, and some with... a small blush. Don't worry classic tropes such as small blushes appear everywhere in novels.

He was aimlessly walking around the town until he saw an NPC and asked for a quest. " Excuse me senior can you please give a quest. " The NPC stared at Zachary for a good second and said with no hint of seniority even though he already had lots of wrinkles " Sure, since you are a fellow cultivator I will give you a quest " Zachary was surprised at first because the man claimed to be a cultivator but just shook it off, because curiosity killed the cat.

[ Quest received: The mysterious old man will give you a reward for cultivating to the first layer of Spirit Novice ]

[ Item received: Basic Cultivation Technique ]

"Thank you senior for this quest and gift " Zachary did a quick bow and left with a smile.

Zachary opened his inventory and clicked on the [ Basic Cultivation Technique ]

[ Do you wish to learn [Basic Cultivation Technique ] Y/N ]

Without hesitation Zenuko clicked [ Yes ] and saw a new skill appear in his inventory

[ Basic Cultivation Technique ]

Immediately Zachary sat down in the lotus position and started gathering spiritual energy from the air but since he was just playing the game he didn't feel anything, But the system told him that he leveled up and improved his cultivation base to the first level spirit novice. His strength and agility stat went up by 2 points each so his stats kinda looked like this

[ Player ID: Reaper

Level: 2

EXP: 0/100

Cultivation EXP: 0/100

Will of Immortals: None

Cultivation Base: Spirit Novice I

Cultivation Experience (qi): 0/100

Strength: 5

Agility: 5

Fighting Spirit: 3

Mana: 8

Embodiment: None

Skills: None ]

Zachary was surprised to see such high Mana but that was normal because not only do elves start with slightly more mana than humans as they started with 6. Since he finished the quest he returned to the old man and he was surprised to see him smiling like his daughter gave birth or something. " I have returned senior, and I completed the task" The old man looked at him and said " Very good young man, here as promised here is your reward " The old man turned around and grabbed a book and a sword but these items weren't ordinary.

[ Items Received: Martial Sword, and Spirit Duke Cultivation Technique. ]

Zachary was stunned at this sudden turn of events. Before he could thank the old goat he was already gone. He searched for 10 more minutes before he gave up. Aside from that he immediately sat down and before long he cultivated to the second level of Spirit Novice. The Realms go in this order: Martial Novice, Martial Duke, Martial Master, Martial Grandmaster, Martial Emperor, Martial Sovereign, Martial God, Martial Divinity, And there are 9 layers in each layer. So the cultivation technique he was given wasn't great in all honesty but for a beginner it was like winning the lottery. He sat there for 30 minutes and before he knew it he was already at Spirit Novice IV he got this high because he knew when he slept tonight he would be overtaken. Now he looked over at the town hall with happy eyes. He was about to accept his first real battle quest, but this was a dangerous one that he wouldn't forget

Sorry for the short chapters I should release 2 chapters every Saturday maybe more... idk up to you also follow my Twitter @SussyKat

MrMonkeycreators' thoughts