
Abyss of Silent Heroes

Reluctant of her roots, a 20 year old Magee and a Captain's daughter - was sent by Lolo Sibal to UST in 1938 to study Philosophy. Way back then, Lolo Sibal was a survivor of the 1918-1920 Spanish flu pandemic and who was accidentally trapped , along with the Captain for twenty years in the legendary cave of Kabang. Interestingly, the Captain left to him the wealth for Magee's education and returned to the United States. In September, 1941 Magee has heard from a UP friend that the the war had to rise on December of the same year so she returned home empty-handed and stayed with her family. Without them knowing, her father, the Captain who survived has returned to the Philippines for another military mission on the same month of September, 1941 and assigned the 25 year old 1Lt. George of the infantry and the in-charge of the platoons in combat to take care of his daughter in whatever means. One day, during the early weeks of the opponents' occupation, one of its officials named Hakanori proposed to Magee through her mother and agreed for the wedding. Magee was against to it despite her multiple attempts to escape. Accidentally, the night before her wedding, she fell into the abyss nearby their house and found herself the next day that she was with the Filipino guerrillas together with the American and German soldiers. She noticed the Captain personally but only in a short encounter and there - he was gone. In the fight for freedom under the foreign occupation, 1Lt. George used a different tactic and studied very well the terrains and natural habitat of the place. He led the disarming of any opponents patrolling and collected all their weapons and uniforms, worn by Filipino guerrillas in disguising. He also applied sharpened bagacays in holes, pulleys, and ropes in all sorts, throwing rocks, powdered some poisonous plants and made antidotes, used herbs and root crops for their survival and even dug some exit points and tunnels all over just to reach the cave of Kabang. Alongside with Magee at war where he only started as his guardian through the Captain's request had smoothly twisted and subtly turned out that he became madly in love with her. One day...

fraulein1423 · History
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202 Chs

Goodbyes and Well-wishes

Eventually in the evening, the plan of reclaiming the caves have started but their parting time was filled with goodbyes and well-wishes; after a short prayer was recited by Fr. Matias. Strategically, two soldiers were assigned per group and when they finally departed, what's left were Sibal, the Captain, Magee and Mayumi. Desperately, Mayumi was badly beaten by Aseko during the final fall of the granite mountain and was painstakingly recovering. She had no stabbed wounds yet gruely slapped twice before she became unconscious that later found by Albrecht and Amado in such a vegetative look.

Meanwhile, in the valleys trekking beside the rocky stream, George halted everyone.

" Station two seems to open. The trees surrounding it were gone and beside was already a pathway, straight to the barracks. Does it mean it's no longer safe to stay here?" Albrecht whispered under the sparkling fireflies above them.

" Hmm...it's possible but the residents here would have enough a higher chance to ambush anyone from the barracks."

But someone broke the silence.

" I choose to stay and live here, who are interested too?" Fr. Matias uttered.

It was then when many from the civilians like Alexandra, Eunice, Cerenia, Dionesio, Bastian, Amado, Elmar have decided to stay with the priest too. Then Bruno and two more soldiers were assigned to stay in station two and served as trainors and protectors. When they entered inside, it's bigger than what they expected. Its wide is likened to a two hundred sq. m. area.

The candles lighted up the place and everyone wondered when George approached the opposite side of the entrance door and climbed a little on a stairway-like rock overhead and when he reached closer to its ceiling, he right away pushed its cover and the moonlight stunned everyone who were smiling below.

" What do you think? Albrecht, kindly cover those candles so its reflection will be kept from the barracks' people." George said as he moved down and joined with them below.

" Wow, that man-sized hole is helping everyone here to breath some fresh air." Narciso whispered.

" Indeed, it's a big help. Alright, the soldiers formerly assigned here knows how to cover and open that one. So just remember our agreement and tight instructions or else we'll all be caught and having said all these will guide a surviving life in here till we'll be liberated. But most importantly, I hope breaking our group this way could help and may God will shield us all." George uttered.

" Yes, Sir." Bruno answered back and everyone who decided to stay in station two have nodded as well.

Those parting words was enough for the lieutenant to get out with the rest. Most of those who just waited nearby was a bit emotional after seeing the remaining silhouettes getting out of the cave and outright, they all proceeded to station three which was next to the granite mountain, beside the swampy southeast riverside. Another group was left and those who were willing to settle there; then an hour after, they finally headed to station four as their last destination and left the last set of supplies as they tidy the cave after neglecting the area for more than two years. It's almost dawn so only Albrecht, Baldur and George went back to station one and saw their family alone.

" If only..." Sr. Sibal stopped from opening a conversation when Edward whispered while covering his wound.

" Shh...if you missed them, allow the opportunity of comfort and convenience that this place couldn't give anymore.

" I just...think on how they'd live out there. Station two doesn't have a restroom and water of their own, unlike station three and four. On the other hand, station three has a safer ground but just too close to the granite mountain that's now officially the Japs' camp; while station four is a bit far from here and it's already within Malti, most of them were elders, huh..." Sr. Sibal bowed his head.

" Yeah, but they're happy. You see how they'd packed up the supplies to bring. They were even chanting doing that. In some point, you've heard from them that we're too many to fill in this place though, it's too spacious to be our haven now." The captain murmured.

Sr. Sibal pressed his head in despair as Albrecht gave him a bamboo mug of coffee.

" Sr. Sibal, what are you thinking?" Albrecht smiled.

Interestingly, Sr. Sibal smiled to Albrecht and turned his head to Edward.

" Ah...Edward, let's open the secret passage going down to the tunnel facing the river, in southern part. "

" What? Sibal? you just planned it out in the year 1935, you forgot? There's never a ground floor! I repeat, there's no ground floor of station one yet we were conversing before to have one with our what ifs. Yes, it was just a plan, period. Don't .... tell me..." Edward stood up and smirked to his bestfriend.

" Yes...I also dug it when you left. It's just too small, but it has a flowing water inside. Being a rejected husband means a diversion too, instead of thinking and recalling my frustrations in marital life. Lolita kicks me out of the house oftentimes, so if I could not have time playing with Magee, I lobbied to the spots where I dug. Later then when she grew up and went out to Manila I was a bit busy digging again. Yes, almost all my life inside marriage made me a tunnel man, haha! Yes Edward, I successfully made the ground floor of station one. However, there's a problem."

" Oh, holy...you are just as stunning as that my friend! what else we didn't know in your tunneling, ha." Edward smiled and covered his wound.

Around the long wooden table, Albrecht and George were just listening to Sr. Sibal and Edward's conversation and got stuck to what they have heard.

Momentarily, Baldur just came in so sleepy after checking his wife's condition. Along with him was the journal where he placed it on the long table and seemingly didn't notice his brother and in-law. In spite of exhaustion, he still managed to write the events that transpired at dawn and completely mentioned all names relocated to different stations. Without disturbing his silence, George hurriedly approached his wife and stood beside her, so still. He was looking at her like his first time and so he finally settled beside.

" She's really beautiful and dearly my amazing wife." George thought while moving his hands to give her his warm embrace out of the chilling morning.