

Chapter 91 Gas bomb production

   Killed Jarlot on the third day.

  Looking into the distance, the line of defense that has been repaired again and looks intact.

  Orraja is thinking about how to break through this stuff.

  Whether it is his idea of ​​going to other places to see if he can hit the autumn wind, or the obligation given to him by the abyss contract, he has to fix this obstructive thing.

   And relying on head-to-head methods, with his current strength, it is undoubtedly impossible to deal with the opponent!

  After all, their weapons of war and the formation of a strong team are not furnishings.

  Unless he advances to the [Big Devil], otherwise he has no confidence in pushing down that line of defense alone, so he has to think carefully at this moment.

  In his thinking, another whole day passed by.

  Suddenly, a red streamer flashed across the sky.

  He recognized that it was the teleportation technique of the Bottomless Abyss, which meant that a new monster entered the arena.

  After a daze, Olga felt that he had some thoughts.

   Touched his chin, he nodded in satisfaction: 'His years of medical poisoning experience may be the time to come into play...' 鈥斺.

   spitting blood, looking at Olga, who was approaching in front of him.

  Looking like a monster with a mixture of bats and eagles, the expressions are full of doubts.

  In his perspective, although the guy in front of him was only the [Middle Demon], relying on overwhelming absolute strength, he slammed a large group of monsters including several of them [Upper Demon] with one hand.

  Even if it had just arrived in this world, the power was suppressed by the world for a time, and there were very few reasons left.

  But he still retains his own vision, through the traces of the opponent's shot. I still have to admit that the strength of the guy in front of him is far above him.

  'Even in his heyday, he is definitely not his opponent...'

  It was not unexpected for him to be defeated or even killed by other demons.

  It's just that, turning his head to look at the other monsters that have been lying around, he asked in a puzzled way: "Why are you doing this kind of thing?"

  He didn't think there was anything wrong with cannibalism, after all, it was just a daily activity for the devil.

  Rather, I am wondering that according to the terms of the Abyss Contract, this kind of meaningless large-scale infighting should be a matter that is expressly prohibited!

These monsters, in this form, they usually kill a few teammates to relieve their boredom at most. This kind of internal slaughter situation, like the kind of unconscious monsters, just forget it, Orrga. The devil who still possesses saneness shouldn't do such a thing at all.

  In the eyes of the demon, if Olga did such a thing, the abyss contract that violated the terms would definitely punish the other party.

  That is not a force that can be resisted!

  While breathing heavily to recover his strength, the demon thought of a possibility: 'is this guy a self-destructive demon? '

The so-called self-destructive demons refer to certain types of demons whose brains are not very normal among demons. What they like to do most is to harm others and themselves. Even if they cut others in ordinary ways, they even think about themselves. cut.

  In order to deal with themselves, they didn't even plan to let others go. It was too cruel!

  In the face of this kind of guy, even most demons will subconsciously give the opponent a bit of face and directly choose to walk around.

  At this moment, looking at Olga, the demon felt that he had encountered that kind of cruel character!

  For a time, I felt very uncomfortable.

  I feel like walking on the road peacefully, but being stabbed twice by mental patients running around.

  Accidents always come so suddenly, they caught him off guard!

  'Grass (Devilish)...'

  Looking at the other party with a look of grief and indignation, Orrjaga guessed the other party's thoughts for a moment, but was also a little speechless, and subconsciously wanted to explain a few words.

   "...Actually...Forget it, much lazy BB..."

  But after opening his mouth, I immediately felt that it was troublesome to explain, so slapped the opponent with a slap.

  After all, I'm not even a girl, let me explain a hammer!

  After confirming that all the monsters present were in a coma, Olga's hair instantly began to lengthen, piercing precisely into different monsters, and slowly injecting a variety of completely different plagues into their bodies.

   is a terrorist anyway.

  Oljuga has now decided to follow the tradition and play a terrorist attack.

  The means prepared at this time is the relative of [Bomb] [Suicide Plague Attack].

  Hundreds of meticulously concocted diseases were hidden deep in these magic objects by him, secretly absorbing their magic power as nourishment.

As long as they die, those hidden plagues will be like activated weapons, automatically spread to nearby areas, enter the incubation period of about ten days, sneak into all surrounding life bodies, and use them as the host to continuously move at high speeds based on the air and even the body fluids. spread.鈥斺�

  Not long after, Olga took back his hair, and a glimmer of anticipation flashed in his heart.

  He didn't know whether his method would work, but it didn't prevent him from trying it.

  At this time, this group of monsters have been given a spiritual hint by him, and all of them will participate in the next magic wave without hesitation.

  As long as they are killed by the people sent from the defense line, those natives who take the initiative will be infected with the virus!

if everything goes well.

  Those viruses will follow the end of the magic wave and be brought back into the defense line by the opponent and spread wildly.

  And those viruses are essentially derived from him, so they have a characteristic under his inducement.

  That is, if someone is infected with multiple types of viruses at the same time, they will quickly cross mutate in their body and evolve into something he doesn't know what it is.

  Theoretically speaking, as long as several kinds of viruses are mixed into the defense line, countless variants will be derived.

  It can be said that it is basically impossible to solve that kind of thing by simply relying on medical skills.

  Only with this hand, Olga can play the enhanced version of the crisis of birth in most of the low-level world.

  As for whether it's useful in a high-level world like the Mi Ling world, he doesn't know much...


  After all, you don't need money, you will never lose money if you try.

  As for his behavior of selling his teammates on a large scale in exchange for his own benefit, he doesn't care much about whether it will lead to the backlash of the abyss contract.

   Just like in a peaceful society, many things also have death indicators. The Bottomless Abyss will naturally have similar provisions, and to some extent, it is much more relaxed than that.

  As long as he does, the final result is indeed beneficial to the bottomless abyss, let alone a trivial attack on some colleagues, even indirectly killing all the monsters in this area is not a big deal.

  All things, regardless of means, only look at the results.

  This is one of the most basic rules of the Bottomless Abyss.

  As for playing a car rollover, instead of destroying the line of defense, he had already considered the issue of mass killing the abyssal creatures on a large scale.

It really doesn't work. As long as the virus is activated on the spot during the Demon Tide, these guys are treated as potent gas bombs that directly exert effects, attacking the natives, and causing them a certain degree of loss, then in the judgment of the abyss contract, he will still It belongs to the active implementation of the treaty. As for the monsters that are made into gas bombs, they can be classified as accidental injuries.

  At the critical moment, he felt that he was okay as a demon when he played word games or something.

  Whether it is killing teammates or enemies, Olga is really a good hand.

    Thank you: Wangjiang Zhishui's 100 starting coin! The 100 starting coin of Yu Huangye! The 100 starting currency for painting the sky! The 500 starting coin of Moonlight Dance! Book friends 20171027180717371 starting point of 500 coins! Tom Mei's 2000 starting currency!

  (End of this chapter)