

Chapter 84 The Dead Teammate

  After entering the different space attached to the main material world.

  After a lot of trials, Olga also knew that after a demon of his own strength entered the battlefield, there would be someone on the opposite side to stop him, and it didn't make sense to return, so he chose to leave the battlefield.

  Follow the road when you came, and start the same way back.

  Different from the big head, it's not very normal. If you play your own way, you can still kill your own people. There are no demons who can help you.

  The natives of this world have a relatively complete response mechanism in the face of threats from foreign visitors. Each of their positions has been clearly divided, and they can call for reinforcements in times of crisis.

  In this case, there is no absolute strength, and it is not easy to kill their strong.

Basically, unless you start quickly and accurately, and solve the problem before the opponent's reinforcements arrive, otherwise you can only fight a few to force people to force them. Anyway, their reinforcements can't be endless. There must be a lot of strength by the rest. Dragged by the devil.鈥斺�

   Below the poisonous swamp, in the empty underground cave.

   "Have a harp..."

   The sound of chewing food vigorously is accompanied by the dripping sound of venom leaking from above, echoing in it.

  A somewhat fat demon was squatting on the ground, tearing the ground meat with several of his arms.

  Push the **** pieces of meat into your mouth.

  Turn them into their own energy to restore the terrible injuries on the body.

  That was the wound cut by a demigod with the [artifact]!

  If it weren't for his vitality far surpassing the demon of the same rank, he couldn't even run.


   Just then, a distinctive voice sounded.

  He stopped the movement in his hand and looked at the place where the sound was coming from.

  There is an oval aperture floating in the air, and a figure is walking out of it.

   ignored the unknown demon who was squatting in the center of the cave, looking at him with a vigilant gaze, Olga's attention was attracted by another thing at his feet.

  The tail behind him, pierced into the object like a fork, and handed it to Olga.

  Looking at the familiar face, and the expression that was not very peaceful at first glance, Olga frowned and whispered helplessly: 'Why are you dead? '

Halt, the [median demon] who pulled him over to make up the number, Orchga has always been aware that the other party has his own small abacus and is planning some unfriendly things, and for his purpose, Olga was also in a state of watching the excitement, waiting to see what the other party could make.

  Unexpectedly, before the show started, the actors would be eaten as snacks by others, which is really unexpected...

  After fiddled with twice, he could only accept the facts before him, and a roundabout kick kicked the skull in front of him.

   To live freely and die at random is the destiny of creatures like demons.

  If you die, you die, and there is nothing wrong with thinking about it carefully.

  So he has no objections. If he really wants to say the loss, he originally planned to kill Hart himself. After all, recycling waste for reuse is his professional ethics for many years...

  Looking at not far away, since appearing in this place, he ignored his Olga, and kicked that head away!

  The demon squatting on the ground suddenly had an alarm bell in his heart, and he was ready to take action at any time.

  Different from the trash who saw him injured, wanted to come over to pick up the bargain, and then was killed by him casually. He could clearly feel that although Olga was only a [Middle Demon], he was a very threatening opponent.

  If he can, he doesn't want to play against each other very much, especially if his injuries are not light.

  After taking a closer look at the opponent, Olga looked at the opponent's wound, with a look of interest in his eyes.

  For demons, this situation usually represents an attack signal!

  So the opponent involuntarily began to mobilize strength, ready to attack first.

   Just when he was about to do something, Orrhoja took the initiative to speak, "Can you ask a question?"

   After some hesitation, the opponent who didn't want to do anything himself responded: "Ask."

   Olga smiled and said, "Please say a number within 100."

  "...20." In puzzlement, the other party casually said a number.

  After hearing this number, Olga's smile became brighter, and he said to himself: "Even number, so don't do it."

  Just as the other party can perceive how well he can deal with it.

  He can also clearly feel that the opponent is not easy to kill!

  But a badly wounded [higher demon] placed in front of me, but did nothing, it was really out of status!

  So he has some choice difficulties. The idea he just made is that if the other party answers singularly, or chooses not to answer, then just do it!

  If the answer is an even number, don't do it!

  Everything depends on fate.


Ignoring the doubts in his eyes and seeing the other person who didn't follow his thoughts, Olga pointed to his wound and suggested, "I'm very interested in the remnants of the divine power above. Can you cut the meat for me? ?"


  A few seconds later, a fist-sized piece of meat was thrown to him.

  Oljuga didn't pick it up with his hands, but used magic to levitate the thing around.

   nodded in satisfaction, and he said to him politely: "Thank you for your generosity, then you won't disturb your meal!"

  After speaking, another portal was opened, and he walked in without any haste.

   stayed vigilant for a while, until it was confirmed that the other party had indeed left, the demon ate the minced meat in his hand again.

  The action is much faster than before.

  He needs to replenish nutrition as soon as possible, recover from his injury, and then leave here as soon as possible, and find another safe place for training.鈥斺�

  Somewhere underground in the wasteland.

  After walking out of the portal.

  Oljuga just punched out!

  The power of a mushroom cloud can be played, evenly distributed to the surrounding land.

   Along with the violent shaking, a hole with extremely smooth surrounding walls, dozens of meters wide and tens of meters high, was directly punched out.

  The wall structure is extremely solid, as if it has been specially treated, even if it is an earthquake of magnitude 8 now, it will at most shake out a little dust, and it will not be able to shake it out of a crack.

After    walked in, looking at the golden light emitting from her hand, still eroding the residual divine power of that flesh and blood, Orrga's face was full of interest.

  According to the results of the current trial, he has roughly understood which grade he belongs to in the food chain of this world, and he has given up the idea of ​​trying to kill two gods in his heart.

  Because the gods in this world are a bit difficult to deal with, he must at least advance to the [Upper Demon], and take two more steps on that level to be sure.

   But having said that, these difficulties still cannot prevent him from becoming interested in the species of gods.

  The remnants of the divine power in his hand can be regarded as a good medium for him to analyze the power composition of the divine.

   Thanks: Book friends 20200324184156368's 100 starting currency! 100 starting currency for First See Travel!

  (End of this chapter)