

Chapter 76 Line of Defense

  Looking at the defense line dozens of kilometers away, Olga knew that he could no longer approach.

  His natural ability reminds him that he might be attacked if he leaned closer.

  The line of defense is composed of a large number of fortresses and the walls that connect them together, deadlocking the contaminated land constructed by the demons.

  Those fortresses, there are one every few kilometers.

The shape of    is a bit like a medieval castle. The whole body is made of unknown white rock. The height is about two hundred meters. It covers an area close to a small town, with a crystal clear crystal suspended at the top.

On its wall were full of soldiers with weapons in hand, and there were many things similar to arrow towers distributed in it. Orrjuga could smell every brick in it was engraved with a large number of magic runes. Gives it far superior strength.

  Under the energy vision, he can basically see energy fluctuations of varying intensities from the soldiers.

  Although most of the intensity is not very high, it is just the level of entry, but this also shows that their bunch of guys are not very easy to deal with: 'It seems that you have to wait for the monsters to gather together and try to attack the line of defense, and then go up and test...'

  Since the opponent can trap various monsters in this area, including many [Upper Demon], there should be no way to get around at least for regular flying, even digging and teleportation.

  He had no opinion on being thrown in by the guy from the bottomless abyss and letting people close the door and hit the dog.

  Because with the current situation, other parts of the world should have been prepared for a long time, and there will be no good fruit to go there.

Furthermore, although it is relatively free to be thrown to the outside world, because there is no blessing from this area, the world's oppressive force is also greater. It is estimated that the power of an ordinary demon is only one or two tenths left. Once the position is exposed , It is easy to be chased and beaten by a group of people whose strength is far less than one's own, and the death is even more unclear.

  This high-level world already has a complete system.

  In the case of the unity of the upper-level gods, the outsider like the devil is essentially targeted by the entire world.

  Perhaps the stars in the sky are just observing their own group of monsters maliciously. Without first punching a hole in the existing order, there is no chance at all to use their hands and feet. Riding a thousand miles is just simply looking for death.

  [Help the demons on Calto's side expand the space channel. ]

  This is the clause set by Olga when he signed the contract with them.

  The help here does not mean that you can just open up space channels directly to count, but to understand more roundabouts. After all, being an honest worker has no face.

  For example, breaking through this obstructive line of defense together, allowing many demons to rush out, making it easier for them to gather sacrifices, or opening up spatial passages in other messy ways, is also a kind of help.

According to his estimation, as long as he makes some extra contributions when breaking through this line of defense, he can basically meet the conditions of the abyss contract. From then on, he will be debt-free and light. , Is already very difficult in itself.

  According to the information he obtained from the dead not long ago, the gods of this world seemed to have reincarnated a batch of the Holy Spirit in their own gods decades ago.

  Help the mortal races of this world!

  As for the saints who have been reincarnated, many are now gathering in these lines of defense.

  It's not easy to get rid of them.

  From the broken memory fragments, he roughly judged what level his strength belongs to in this world.

Except for a few ethnic elites, mortals shouldn't threaten him much, but the more specific situation can only be known after a formal fight. After all, there will never be less hidden things in this high-level world. In case the opponent directly takes out the artifact Such things, the probability of Oljuga overturning can't be said that there is no, after all, there are big bosses on other people's heads.


   Perceiving that a creature was approaching fast behind him, Olga looked back and found that a guy about three meters tall and very thin was coming towards him.

  He didn't hide anything, he didn't make any movement there, quietly watching the opponent approaching.

  When the opponent approaches a distance of more than ten meters, he clearly feels that the opponent does not have any desire to attack him.

   so he tilted his head and asked curiously, "Is there something wrong?"

He could feel that the guy in front of him should have the strength close to the [higher demon], but after all, there was no qualitative change, breaking through the bottleneck, so he was still in the same rank as [middle demon], and in the same rank. Olga does not need to be afraid of any existence.

  This is also the reason why he allows him to approach him.

The other party looked at Olga, and smiled calmly: "Dear friend, I remember you. You are a demon who just arrived in this world like me, so I now have a proposal and I want to find you to cooperate. one time."

  As soon as I heard the familiar words "dear friend", Olga knew that the opponent is definitely a good seller of teammates!

  As a demon, he has never killed his teammates dozens of times. This name is definitely not so skilled.

   But he still asked indifferently: "What proposal?"

The other party enthusiastically explained: "You and I know that, although the general direction is to break through that layer of defense, some demons will always look for trouble. This is determined by the nature of the demons, so I hope to find someone who can communicate. The demons formed a mutual aid club to ensure their own safety."

  In his opinion, if he can get himself close to this distance, he hasn't shown the desire to attack, and Orrjaja should be the kind of existence that is relatively easy to get along with.

   Hearing what he said, I don't know if it's an illusion. Olga felt that the so-called demon looking for trouble should refer to himself. After all, he just wanted to cut a wave of leeks.

  You can't kill the enemy. Killing your teammates first can also make up for your own evolutionary gains.

  But looking at the other person in front of him who sincerely invited him, Olga felt that it would be better not to speak out.

   After a lot of thought, he asked the other person: "How many have you gotten to now?"

"Twenty, some of us don't really want to listen to people's commands, but we also want to find a demon in a safe environment, all of which are [median demon]. Everyone is much calmer than ordinary demons and can basically communicate peacefully! "

   "Well, I didn't expect our group of peaceful demons to have their own organization... Then I will join."

   In line with the idea that there is nothing to do anyway, he can join in the fun, Olga finally agreed to the other party's invitation.

  "Okay! You are welcome to join, my friend! You can call me Hart!"

  Although he felt that the other party wanted to stab him in the back, Orrjuga nodded and said: "The name is good, my name is Orrjuga, please take care of it in the future!"

   Thank you: 500 starting coins for the quiet collapse!