

Chapter 69 Return to the Abyss

  It's another sunny day.

  "Would you like to drink?"

   Raising the tea in the toast, Olga, who was sitting on the flower, asked Hawthorne, who was standing not far away.


   set his hand and refused Orr's invitation. Hawthorne confronted the subject and asked, "How did you consider my previous proposal?"

Orchga still chose to reject the other party's proposal: "As I said, I am not interested in the war between your two worlds, and I do not intend to extend the contract period, so in a short while, after the contract period ends, I have to go back to my hometown."

The implication of    is to prepare to run as soon as possible, so as not to be pulled out as a coolie.

  Hearing this expected answer, Hawthorne said after a moment of silence: "...so be it."

  Looking at his disappearing figure, Olga calmly shook the cup of tea without any indication.

But he was slightly disappointed in his heart. If the opponent took the initiative after the talk collapsed, he felt that he could make a fortune before leaving. After all, he was familiar with the terrain of this academy, and he was absolutely clean when he started. .

  As the saying goes, making less is a loss, so he feels that he is losing again.鈥斺�

  After the contract ends.

  The 6548257th floor of the Bottomless Abyss 鈥斺�[Lava Wasteland]

  In the city.

  Looking at the unchanged city.

  Take a deep breath of the sulphurous and poisonous air, and Olga smells the fragrance of freedom from it.

   makes him strangely miss it.

  But after taking two more puffs, he frowned: 'It seems that the smell is a bit wrong...'

  After thinking about it, his eyes lit up and he found the reason!

  Without any other words, the demon who has passed by is a whip kick, directly kicking the opponent to smash.

  The blood spilt from homeopathy also washed the faces of passers-by nearby.

  Ignoring the passersby who were still a little awkward, Olga felt the fresh **** smell, and couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

   then criticized the nearby onlookers: "I have been standing for a few minutes, and no one died nearby. The law and order is so good, how decent it is! Is there anything like a bottomless abyss!"

  Speaking of this, in front of many passers-by, he took out a dark blue potion exuding powerful energy fluctuations.

  This is the product of his self-study in pharmacy, called [Soul Awakening Potion].

   can enhance the soul acuity of the user.

   briefly introduced its function. Looking at the greedy eyes of many monsters, he casually threw it to an abyss dwarf nearby, and said to the confused opponent: "Whoever grabs it will go to whom!"

  In the next instant, that dwarf became a piece of land in the hands of many besiegers...

  Looking at them vying for each other, Olga nodded and sighed: "My hometown has to have its own atmosphere, and what kind of atmosphere it looks like!"

   So he stopped staying, turned and swayed to other places.

  Looking at his leaving figure, a creature that looked a bit like an alien ET was sitting on a suspended mechanical chair.

   very suspiciously asked the dark elf beside him: "Is the Bottomless Abyss all such lunatics?"

  He originally thought that Olga had some purpose, so he would do this kind of thing, but he did not expect that he would do this kind of detrimental thing because of his spare time.


  After thinking hard, the dark elf replied with a somewhat uncertain expression: "That's not the case. This is the kind of crazy thing. Most of the abyssal creatures should be relatively normal compared to him."

"All right."

After getting the answer, he looked at the abyss creatures who were still fighting for the potion, but the focus had changed from potion to the creatures of the abyss, he still felt that the residents of this place were a bit more crazy than the record in the report, and there was no normal concept at all. .

  The so-called guide beside him, although it looks relatively normal, he is very clear.

  If it hadn't been for his clan to have some deals with his civilization, I'm afraid he would have dealt with himself a long time ago.

  And the facts are indeed as he thinks. Unlike the devil's irritable and dry grumpy old man, the dark elves like to play with yin and are good at stabbing knives in the back, especially the knives of teammates.

  I really want to put my heart to them, and I absolutely die horribly.鈥斺�

  Orrauga is not clear about the mood and thoughts of passers-by.

  I just feel very comfortable in my heart.

  In the wizarding world, due to a lot of rules, the nature of the devil needs to converge, but in the bottomless abyss, it won't be necessary. It just depends on who is not pleasing to the eye and directly kills.

  This sense of relaxation made him uncontrollably even want to sing a few words.

  [Grig Tavern].

  Looking at the sign with numerous scars and numerous patches, Olga sighed: "Um...the familiar old place, the name has not changed, it seems like the boss hasn't died in the past few hundred years, it's really a shame."

Although it has only been a hundred years in the Wizarding World, the Bottomless Abyss has passed nearly four hundred years due to the different flow of time. He thought that this tavern was gone, but he did not expect it to have very good vitality. Not only did it not close the door, but it didn't even change the boss.

  As soon as he walked in, he saw the familiar bartender in the middle of the many drinkers.

  It's just that the opponent at this moment, compared to the past, has a dozen hands that are about one-third less, and one eye seems to be blind, just like a third-degree disabled.

  Or Hengjia sat down very familiarly and said: "Bartender, have a glass of wine, you can adjust it whatever you want."

  Looking at Olga's appearance, Grieg was a little puzzled as to why he thought the other person was familiar, but he still replied: "Okay, wait a minute."

  While making a drink, he smiled and asked, "You are a little bit unpretentious, have you been here before?"

   Hearing his question, Orrhoja remembered that his current appearance was a human form. He had a talent bonus. In this form, few people could see his true form, so he directly changed his appearance back to the original form.

   Suddenly, a weird Balrog wearing armor, nearly six meters tall, looks similar to a human, and has countless flowers engraved on its body, appeared in front of Grieg.

   Lifted his head and looked at the demon who needed to look up. Grieg widened his eyes. Those familiar patterns reminded him of who the other party was.

  At the beginning, he had secretly investigated Olga, but there was no news, so he gave up after searching for about ten years.

  Now looking at the opponent's height, he can clearly judge that the opponent's strength is far beyond the past.

  Although it is still [Middle Demon], it is completely two grades from the ordinary [Middle Demon]. I am afraid that most of the existence of the same level can be squeezed by hand.

  'How can I become so strong! '

  'Damn it, there is definitely a big secret! It should be done directly at the beginning! '

Although there was so much jealousy in his heart that he was about to overflow, the smile on his face did not change, and he handed the prepared wine to Olga as usual.

   Take a sip, and feel the taste of blooming on the taste buds, Olga praised: "Well, it's still so delicious."

   Grieg responded with a smile, "Thank you for your compliment."

  "In hundreds of years, your wine has always reminded me of your wine."


  So they just chatted with you one by one.

   Feeling that the time is almost up, Olga stood up and prepared to leave.

  Grigg said quickly: "Walk slowly, you are welcome to visit next time!"

  Orlaja said casually: "I won't come next time, because I plan to teach myself the bartending skills."

  Hearing these words, Grieg couldn't help but stunned. For the first time, he heard a customer say such things in front of him.

After a slight twitch on his face, he smiled as usual and said, "I hope you can succeed."

   but didn't want to, Olga waved his hand and said, "Where, where, you still need your support."


  The next moment, he didn't wait for him to react.

  A huge force was exerted on him.

  His defensive measures hidden on the body surface immediately issued an overwhelmed warning.

   Grieg's face changed, his body exploded with a strong momentum, and he wanted to try to fight back.

  But a big hand didn't know when it came up, and it had reached his eyes, covering all his sights.

  Pinch his head and lift him up like a doll.

  A cruel smile appeared on the corners of Olga's mouth.

  The force in the hand keeps increasing.


Grieg was in severe pain, as if he heard the sound of his skull being pinched, and the resistance became more intense.

  And the surrounding customers and waiters face this situation.

   Feeling the unconcealed aura of the two bodies, their faces changed wildly!

   immediately wanted to turn around and escape, afraid of being hit by the fish, but at this moment, with their strength, it was too late to run away.

  The next moment, countless flames spewed out from Olga's hand, and blood-colored flames instantly swept the entire tavern!

  Whether it is a living thing, or a simple matter and energy, everything starts to burn at an extremely fast speed, and Grieg, who is in contact with the flames at zero distance, can only use his head to resist.

Soon after, slowly walking out of the ruins of the tavern that had been burnt into crystals, Orchga ignored the passers-by who were wary of him, but sighed to himself: "That succubus is actually dead. What a pity..."

    Thanks: Legend has it that Cangshan has a well-named 100 starting coin!

  (End of this chapter)