
Abyss - The Phantom

All he wanted was a calm, peaceful life after his discharge from the army. However, the moment he stepped into the city, large conspiracies started brewing, which made him helpless. An unknown enemy awaits Nathan and Angela, his fiancée. Both of them are not sure who they should trust. Traitors surrounded them, and all they could do was rely on each other. This story is full of tight-knit action, chases, and romance. Welcome to the Abyss I pray that the Phantom stays away from you...

Sabarinath_Vk_2180 · Urban
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3 Chs


Minister's Mansion, Night

A mansion stood in the dark against a moonlit sky. The heavily guarded mansion was covered with high-tech safety measures. There has never been a moment of fear in the life of Victor Sullivan. He was always steadfast in enforcing policies, despite the unimaginable pressure that comes with being minister of finance. He always believed that with high power comes serious responsibility and he wanted to make a change.

He is constantly receiving reports that someone was controlling the finances of the country without the government knowing. His immediate response to the rumors was to send an investigation team, but before they got started they were transferred or dismissed for various reasons.

Victor rubbed his forehead looking at the accusations that were filed against each and every member of the task force. From bribes to sexual violence. He could only sigh and throw the files on the table. He underestimated the mastermind behind the scenes.

Victor picked up the phone and called a number but even after many tries he was not able to connect through. His secretary Mike was always there when he needed him. But oddly enough, he was not available. He dialed the number again but halted his movements as he looked at the figure standing in front of him.

The man in front of him was covered in black clothes and his face was covered in a mask. His hands trembled as he gently put the phone down. The figure appeared like a phantom in front of him. Despite the mansion's heavy guarding, the alarm didn't sound even when the house was breached.

The figure in front of him slowly walked towards him. He felt death approaching as he looked at the cold eyes of the man in front of him. He didn't give it another thought. Instead, he rushed to the switch to ring the alarms. However, before he could move his hands were stabbed by a knife that came whizzing through the air.

"It's no use." Everyone in the mansion is dead and the only one left is you. So why don't you just die?" Another knife flew through the air and stabbed his throat. Blood gushed out and he could only flail his arms before his world turned dark.

The figure in black walked forward and removed the knife from his body.

He chuckled looking at the body and thought

Why are there so many stupid people in the world? There are things that should be left as it is. If they are disturbed this is the consequence.

He sighed and didn't think about this matter anymore.

Time to burn this place to the ground...

Next day

The latest news headlines.

There are reports that the Minister of Finance has passed away due to a large fire in the mansion. The cause of the fire was determined to be faulty equipment in the mansion. The crime scene is being investigated further to determine if any further details exist. The preliminary cause of death is considered to be an accident.

Be careful and avoid digging too deep or you will be swallowed by the Abyss
