
And So We Begin

*Hours pass by of endless wandering, night falls and feeling more and more fatique*

Spoods: *finds an ally way to hide into, and slides down the wall to sit down on the cold cold pavement, faint breathes, and a tear running down his cheek* So...cold....*he hugs himself to try to stay warm*

*his thin hospital gown touching on his skin like icy sheet, but suddenly the sounds of chattering more deeper into the allyway allurs him*

Spoods:*Crawling with what strength he has, he goes to look for any kind of help he could get, with a desperate face*.....

*to his eyes, the voices were a bunch of hobos standing, sitting and chatting around a barrel of flame laughing about as they were living the happiest days of they're life*

Spoods: *He crawls back a bit, seeing as if there were danger around here but then he spots a half eaten stale piece of bread sitting on a box infront of him*

*reaching for it, it sparkles and shines as if was a precious jewel ready to be consumed*

Hubert: "Hey!, getcha own food ya little food thief-" *he says with such a grimy voice*

Spoods: *Startled by the nature of the man he jumps back in fear from his actions* "!?"

Hubert: *He takes a nice rip from the stale bread and looks at the kid more closely* "Sayyyyyyy, you don't look like your from around these parts small fry."

Muriel: *looks over towards they're direction from Hubert making such a fuss* "What's wrong der Hubert?" *she mustered in her old lady voice*

Hubert: "Nothin, just some kid trying to pick off me winnings from today" *he points at Spoods with his bread piece*

Muriel: *looks over Huberts shoulder* "Ohhhhhhhh, poor boy seems to be famished, come on Hubert give thee poor boyo yur bread piece, you know you've already had plenty tonight anyways." *she scolds her*

Hubert: *musters* ramma frackka frikka frakken...*he tosses the bread onto the ground*

Spoods: *from that he took the quick opportunity to grab and gobble down the stale bread down to the last bite*

Crazy Larry: "My god, that's the first I've ever seen a kid eat faster than a dog and believe me I've seen some wild dogs" *he exclaims sipping apple cider from a half cut used water bottle as a cup*

Spoods: *Kneels closer towards the barrel to stay warm holding his hands out*

*The rest continue to talk with eachother around the fire for the night, not minding that a lost kid has popped from no where onto there post, just another rough day for them all*

*the next morning arrives the sunny cloudy day through the sky*

Spoods: *Sleeping soundly inside a box with a newspaper as a blanket, water drips onto his face from the air-conditioning of the apartment complex beside them, awoken by this he gains his bearings of his surroundings*

Muriel: *Cleaning up the place to make it look nice as well as having random fabrics and clothing on the broken fence as hooks, she hums a tune*

Spoods: *he rubs his eyes sitting up*

Muriel: "Oh, your up boyo"*she folds an old wool blanket to store away* "must've been very tired to sleep off half the day."

Spoods: *he looks around to find the other 2 men gone*

Muriel: "Are you trying to look for the others?, don't worry they'll be back before it darkens, there only at their jobs, bottle collecting does pay off a few bucks ya know"

Spoods: *Confused he just looks down to try and avoid conversation, but finds a puddle where his reflection can be seen*

*He stared and what stared back at him was himself but with beady red eyes and X pupils*

Spoods: *He jumps at his reflection as the thought that his eyes weren't normal*

Muriel: *finishing up her task* "Your not a very normal chaild now are ya"

Spoods: *He looks at her than shakes his head* "No...." *he says quietly*

Muriel: "Ahhhhh, so ya can talk" *she sits back onto a worn out sofa chair* "come on now, don't be shy, tell me why there's a lost boy coming out in the middle of the night towards a hobo post bonfire" *she proceeds to ask while she rocks on the chair*

Spoods: *Flash backs of the incident hit again, but in a shorter term, and from last night running away from the hospital, he keeps his mouth shut* "I...don't have any...other place to go to....*he again says quietly*

Muriel: *smiles* "Well you can stay as long as you'd like here, us low life's must stick together."

Spoods: *His face lights up looking at her* "Thank you."

Muriel: "No worrys....butttt, you do look like you'll need a better change of wardrobe young man" *points out his gown bow dirty from the wet and dirty floor*

*and so she hands him some oversized new clothes, finally something warm but....way to big of clothes*