



Hiya this chapter isn't part of the story but I need to tell you the roles and stuff like that due to my proof readers getting a first glimpse at the first chapter and saying it's confusing.

First is Wolves;

Wolves in this story since it has a lot of wolves added. Don't be mistaken they aren't werewolves they're humans that have the ability to shape shift into a wolf. They're Wolf is actually alive inside them it sounds confusing but it means they have another voice or person inside their head which tells them advice, who their mate is or just really a best friend. Wolves have 2 weaknesses 1. Silver, silver burns wolf's skin and is deadly if it enters their blood 2. Rejection, it means if their mate says "I (their full name) reject you (your full name) as my mate" it leads to months maybe even years of harsh pain and depression most wolves die from either death by the pain or suicide hardly any survive.


A mate is who the Moon Goddess which is a goddess who pairs 2 lucky souls together. Your wolf is the one who sees your mate and senses them through smell. Mates are destined together for all of their lives. Those who are rejected if they don't die they good hearted ones get a second chance mate.

Pack Roles;

First in command is the Alpha most respected and relied on part of the pack also the Luna is the same just the alpha female, Second is Beta the second in command and usually in charge of guests and carrying out orders, the omega is the lowest and most lonely role. There are other but I don't know what the Delta and others are.


A rouge is a wolf who doesn't belong to a pack either kicked out or left themselves. Hated by all packed wolves for being ruthless to be able to survive. Routes are usually criminals.
