
Abubakar umma salma

Ember is a cheery and ambitious medical student with a very wonderful and supportive family. But she's had her share of downs from losing her best friend to cancer and Alex another friend of hers whom she fails to realise that she was in love with until the eleventh hour. Alex is a sophisticated guy whose way of communication has proved to be an obstacle for him and his feelings both in the past and the present. Unexpressed feelings are left hanging in the air ready to be ignited if given the chance. When Ember and Alex finally meet again will they confront those feelings or just let go and move on in totally new and different directions?

Ummasalma_Abubakar · Teen
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11 Chs

Chapter 10

After jogging they left for lectures. the three of them started seating together during classes.

The test was getting near and everyone is preparing hard for the test, Ember and Sofia don't go out much anymore in other for them to focus on their studies, the university library is now their second home, and Alex too is preparing for the test but he's not pushing himself too hard for the test because he understands most of the things he is being thought in the class and he easily understands when he is reading.

He offered to tutor Ember and sofia on the areas they don't understand, they always do group discussions, and in the 3 to 4 hours they spent together outside of class studying for the test.

They all sat for the test and when the result was out Ember got an A+, she was so joyous that she ran breathlessly to him with the good news, As soon as he heard it, he leapt into the air with a whoop of joy.

"Unbelievable! Marvellous! Wonderful!" he kept shouting.

He turned to her and swap her up in his Arm and congratulated her on a job well done.

It happens that Alex scored the best in his class, as time goes on they kept on writing tests and he was within the range of 1st to 3rd best.

So his coursemates solicited if he could start doing tutorials for them whenever they are done with the school lectures and he agreed.

Alex started tutoring his coursemates which Ember and Sofia never missed and he also make time for them for special classes.

The fourth time of going to dissection class Ember got used to it, and start Appreciation the Work of God, She has started getting fascinated by how the human body works, they are presently working on the upper limb and she actively takes part in the dissection, she now prefers Anatomy to physiology courses.

She is one of the best in her class when it comes to Anatomy courses, she was scared of dead bodies before and thought she won't do well in the course due to her fear.

Her friends: Alex and Ember do follow her to the lab in their free time to learn to form her, like I said she is one of the best!

On a fateful day when Alex was tutoring his mates, he glanced around and didn't see Ember and Sofia in the class, that's unlikely of them maybe they were tired and decided to miss the class he thought.

"This is what I have been trying to explain to you guys for the past few minutes". he said and felt relieved as they finally understand the concept he has been repeatedly explaining to them.

Sofia got ready and went to Ember's hostel so that they could go to the tutorials together.

"It's time for the tutorial what are you still doing lying down?" Sofia asked as she met Ember in her room lying on the bed. Sofia said as she approached Ember to take off the blanket she used to cover herself.

"I don't think I can go to today's class, you can go without me" Ember replied as she try to cover herself back with the blanket.

"OMG, you are running temperature and you need medical attention right away" she screamed in fear.

"Just go for the tutorial I would be fine Sofia," she said as she was shivering.

"What do you mean by that I can't leave you like this, I'm calling Alex right away to come to take us to the hospital" she replied taking Ember's phone to call Alex.

His phone rang when he was almost done, he excused himself and he saw it was Ember calling but he was hearing Sofia's voice, Sofia told him that Ember is running temperature and she needs medical attention immediately, He went back to the class.

"Folks let's break out from here, we will continue some other time I have something urgent to attend to," he said and walked out of the class.

He quickly drives straight to Ember's hostel and she managed to come outside of the hostel with the help of Sofia as soon as he sighted them he ran to them immediately to support her and was a gale at the temperature that met his touch.

They hurried and put her in the car and she said she isn't comfortable seating upright and prefers lying down so Sofia quickly moved from the back seat to the front he was driving them to the hospital he asked sofia to take the cold bottle of water by her side and give it to Ember to placed on her forehead due to her temperature.

As they got to the hospital they ran a few tests on her and discovered it was malaria she had.

She was admitted for 3 days, and she told her friends not to let her parents know about it, in order not to get them worried, Ember and Alex have been there for her since she was admitted to the hospital, and they wanted to miss class but Ember didn't agree and told them that she will be mad at them if they didn't go for classes because of her.

"Guys I will be fine, and besides is just malaria, you guys can come to check up on me after classes" Ember said to them "and if your guy doesn't listen to me I will tell the nurses not to all you guys to come to see me" she threatens her friends.

"Okay, they answered back in synchronicity" smiling at her.

They took care of her till she got back to her feet.

She was in awe of how Alex and Sofia treated her when she was ill, sofia never miss bringing food that she prepared herself to the hospital.

I'm so blessed to have them by my side she thought.