
Absurd Doctor

Ouyang Qi, a student of Huatuo College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, came to the other world because of an accident, and was confusedly recognized as the "Seventh Young Master". With his own medical skills, this fake "Seventh Young Master" began his absurd and wonderful legendary journey in the other world... Clever kneading, silver needle insertion and pulling, saving countless living beings; whimsical, unique way, brilliant miraculous achievements. In this alien world where strength is supreme and martial arts are supreme, the divine doctor not only saves the world, but also has great ambitions... The beauty said

Boc_Liu · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 10: Dressed So Sexy

In his initial imagination, this world was extremely poor and backward, and the level of civilization was at best equivalent to the slave society period in his own world. Even if the capital of a country had a population of 100,000, it would be good, but everything in front of him was completely unexpected. Unexpected.

The city is huge in size, with wide and clean roads, people coming in and out of shops, shouting and selling, and extremely lively. It is conservatively estimated that the population should be in the millions. Nearly half of the urban buildings are one-story stone houses, and then there are two- and three-story stone buildings. The stone slabs used to build the stone buildings have a polished surface that shines brightly in the sun.

After the shock, Ouyang Qi felt that he was just excited. There were so many nice people in the city. The more people there were, the more lively they would be!

Soon the cavalry arrived in front of the Yaoguang Mansion in the city. As expected, there were two huge stone bulls making sprinting shapes on both sides of the gate.

Ouyang Qi thought that there were either stone lions or unicorns placed at the door of other people's houses to ward off evil and avoid evil. What's the point of having two stone cows?

After dismounting, Ouyang Wu and Ouyang Qi walked into the gate, and the accompanying servants led the horses in through the small door on the side.

A wide courtyard, an exquisite stone house, a clear fish pond, a variety of flowers and plants... Walking from the gate, Ouyang Qi looked left and right, constantly amazed, thinking that if this courtyard were placed in his own world, without the houses, flowers, trees, etc. , just a piece of land can be worth over 100 million.

"As long as I become a member of this family, I will have a share in everything that is happening in the future. When the time comes, I dare not say that I will live as long as Tian, ​​and I will enjoy eternal blessings for sure. Gaga... come on Ouyang Qi, with your With your genius acting skills, you will definitely be able to successfully muddle through, I'm optimistic about you!" Ouyang Qi secretly clenched her fists to encourage herself.

Walking into a corridor, four pretty girls of fifteen or sixteen years old came face to face. Each girl's animal skin clothing was made of very little material, and she was dressed like a bikini model, so that her waist was half exposed and it was difficult to cover her breasts. , after seeing them, Ouyang Qi's eyes immediately straightened up.

The four girls came closer, bowed to Ouyang Wu and Ouyang Qi, and said crisply: "Hello, Master Five! Hello, Master Seven!"

Ouyang Wu just nodded slightly to the four girls and continued to move forward. Ouyang Qi couldn't stand the feeling of beautiful women bowing to him, so he bowed back to them and said with a grin: "Hello, hello. ."

As he spoke, he glanced back and forth at the four girls, thinking: "The four beauties are all dressed so sexy, they can compete with Huamei'er's short feather coat. Is that possible?" Do all women in this world wear so little?"

The four girls were all maids in the Yaoguang Mansion. They were bought into the mansion at a low price when they were eleven or twelve years old, and were responsible for taking care of the daily lives of the masters of the Yaoguang Mansion. They knew that the seventh young master was usually idle, eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. He was in the city, and his attitude towards his servants was extremely bad. When he saw him stealing glances at her with a lustful look that clearly had bad intentions, he couldn't help but turn pale with fright, lowered his head and walked away quickly.

Ouyang Qi watched them disappear, then turned back and hurriedly caught up with Ouyang Wu, asking: "Fifth brother, those four beauties who passed by just now... who are the four little girls? Are they from our house?"

"It's just four maids." Ouyang Wu glanced at Ouyang Qi and shook his head helplessly: "Seventh brother, are you doing your old habit again? If you need a woman, why don't you ask your parents to find a house for you to keep a wife in after a while? At home. Those maids are of low status, how can they be worthy of you?"

"Damn, how come four pretty little beauties are not worthy of me? I am a person from a civilized society. There is no distinction between high and low here!" Ouyang Qi muttered in his heart and asked casually: "Fifth brother , here... how many wives can men ask for?"

Ouyang Wu laughed and said boldly: "As long as you have that ability, no one will care how many wives you ask for!" After a pause, he patted Ouyang Qi on the shoulder and said seriously: "Seventh brother, although you are beautiful, you are beautiful. , but it is easy to squander a man's ambition and delay a promising future. Listen to Fifth Brother's words, work hard to achieve a career first, and then enjoy it. "

"Well, I want to work hard in my career! Hardship first, enjoyment later!" Ouyang Qi clenched his fist and waved it, and said firmly, but most of his thoughts were still on the four maids who had just passed by.

Unexpectedly, the four pink and tender beauties are actually the maids of the mansion. Since they are "maids", it shows how low their status is. So from this point of view, wouldn't I, the seventh young master, be able to tease them openly in the future?

The young master should not have to bear any responsibility for teasing his maid. Ouyang Qi couldn't help but chuckle twice when he thought of this.

Ouyang Wu just kept walking and didn't notice the ** expression on this brother's face, and said: "Efforts are first, enjoyment is last... Seventh brother, what you said is really good! It's just... after this hardship, we will There's something to eat…"

"How do you say this?" Ouyang Qiyi was stunned.

Ouyang Wudao: "Although the Demon Blood Alliance hasn't reached here yet, it doesn't mean they won't in the future. According to their overwhelming offensive, I estimate that it won't be long before our Golden Kingdom will fall into a war with the Demon Blood Alliance. By then. Of course, the people will suffer greatly at that time, and we have to abandon our comfortable and enjoyable life and join in the fight against the Demon Blood Alliance. The Demon Blood Alliance is powerful, and our resistance process is bound to be very long. That's why I say this After suffering, you will have something to eat."

"Damn it, the Demonic Blood Alliance is really nothing! If they dare to come, let them die without a burial place!" Ouyang Qi angrily cursed a few words, but said in his heart: "If you have wine today, you will get drunk now, enjoy the day." One day, I am too lazy to care about so much! When the demon blood coalition forces come over, I will sneak away with some belongings and lie down in a place where there is no fighting. I know this idea will be despised, but I I don't want to die so soon!"

The two of them were talking as they walked, and before they knew it, they arrived in front of a luxurious stone palace in the east courtyard. The two thick and long pillars in front of the stone palace were eye-catching, and each pillar was carved with the shape of a galloping cow.

"Xiao Wu, are you back?" Before Ouyang Wu could speak, a deep voice suddenly came from the stone hall.

"Father, mother, it's me. I got my seventh brother back." Ouyang Wu glanced at Ouyang Qi and replied respectfully toward the stone palace gate.

As soon as he finished speaking, the palace door creaked open, and a green middle-aged woman wearing a gray animal skin coat rushed to Ouyang Qi, hugged him in her arms, and sobbed: "Xiao Qi, My Xiaoqi, you are finally back safely, you have worried your mother to death these past few days!"

Behind the green middle-aged woman, a middle-aged man over fifty slowly followed. He had thick eyebrows, big eyes, broad shoulders and a broad back, and was actually a bit taller than Ouyang Qi.

Different from the tight-fitting animal skin clothes worn by Ouyang Qiwu and Ouyang Qi, although the clothes worn by this middle-aged man and woman are also made of animal skin, they look much looser and more casual.

After seeing Ouyang Qi, the joy in the middle-aged man's eyes flashed away, but his face was still elongated.

No matter how stupid Ouyang Qi is, he has already guessed that these two middle-aged men and women are his "parents" in this world.