
Absorbing Her Darkness

Love is "Growing Together". Love is "Realizing that a flaw makes each other perfect." Love has countless definitions. Reveal the defi…. PROLOGUE The story takes place in the beautiful Indian cEKANSHity of Dehradun. It is the twisted romance of BHAIRAVI (aka AARNA). The novel explores college life! Here, Bhairavi changed her name to hide her identity. Her code name is Aarna. Why? Let's take a look together. The story will be told from the point of view of both main actors. Sometimes also the author's point of view. You will be informed about the POV at the beginning of each chapter. As I am busy with my college and studies, parts will be published every alternate day including Sunday. [The characters and plot are only the author's imagination. No one is harmed in the real world.] PROLOGUE: (flash of what happens later in the story, it changes fate all) Author's POV: She walked quietly through the dark corridor of the college. She didn't want to leave. She loved the city. She loved the people who live here. She loved the air and everything! Since the electricity had been cut off, it was completely dark. It also thundered. She could hear her ankles jingling as she moved. She wore a floral print skirt and a flat crop top, leaving her dark brown hair down to her upper waist. She was forcefully heading to the administrative office to collect her TC. A tear welled up in her eye because no she wanted to go back to her past life. She hated it. And after coming to this city, she hated it even more. She walked slowly and wiped her tears with her left hand. “BHAIRAVI!!”, someone called from behind. She stood motionless as thoughts clouded her mind. No. No one can know who I am. I don't want them to know my real name. That will make it harder for me.. She turned with an absent mind. Like her she answered the name, the person in front of her having just been confirmed in her true identity. Her eyes were full of tears, so she couldn't see the person clearly. She focused the torchlight on him. Ekansh. who else would it be? He stared at her. He had no idea of ​​her pain. She had always been a mystery to him. And he loved mysteries. So he wanted to solve it. He never gives up until he finds his roots. And he managed to find the roots of this mystery. “Bhairavi,” he said calmly, this time slowly pacing back and forth towards her. "How do you know my real name?" she asked as her heart rate rose. He was standing very close to her. His face tilted parallel to hers. The gap was less than a few centimeters. She shivered as her eyes caught his. He grabbed her waist with his left hand to erase the remaining gap. She was breathing hard because she was tired from crying. And now his actions made her knees buckle. “I love you Bhairavi,” he said, stroking her cheek with his right thumb. She didn't know how to answer. She didn't want one more thing to be added to the list she had to leave behind. When she didn't answer, he realized she was in pain. Now he could only see her tears flowing faster. He lowered his face slightly to capture her lips. Sometimes falling in love is the easiest thing. How far would you go to save it?

Sudha_Rana_6772 · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 19

Aarna's POV:

I'm in the changing area. The cosmetics craftsman are

going about their responsibilities. We as a whole young ladies are in blue ornament knee

length gown and lower leg length white stockings.

checked my injuries out. They are better. Shivani

furthermore, Neha care for me like I'm their own sister

from the beyond two days.

I touched my elbow and pondered Ekansh.

That day, the manner in which he dealt with me prevailed upon me.

His contacts were of unadulterated love and care.

In any event, when my leg was uncovered, I didn't see any

wrong energies, no desire in his eyes. He was so great in

controlling himself with the goal that I don't feel awkward around him.

What's more, I got profound. My folks are caught. To save them and my home, I need to return. I needed to impart it to Ekansh. In any case, he doesn't have any idea who I'm and didn't have any desire to drag him into it. I wanted to sympathize with my aggravation with him. That is the point at which I found out if I could embrace him!

He was clearly confused and couldn't ever have

anticipated it from me. However, my heart overwhelmed

me and I overwhelmed him into my embrace.

The harmony and the inclination being in his arms were

inconceivable. It was the best thing I could possibly do.

What's more, tragically, my sentiments got out of my

tongue and I took off.

l have kept away from him from that point forward. Not on the grounds that I'm bashful

or on the other hand something. This is on the grounds that I don't believe that he should be

hauled into my perilous regal show life. He has the right to have a cheerful and typical life.

Amazing, I'm thinking about the word regal interestingly here.

I had taken out everything from my psyche. Yet, presently

everything will be back.

I should be the following Sovereign, assuming that I want to save my

guardians. I want to acknowledge every one of my obligations and

carry on with my entire existence in a jail world called castle.

I need to be treated as a typical human who has no

other remarkable powers!

Being a sovereign isn't anything rich we envision. We

continuously have spies who keep an eye around us. No


I can't sit on a typical seat. I can't walk anyway I

need. I want to walk continuously conveying a pride and a

certain grin.

Can't go out. Can't do any external shoppings in the show. Can't eat anything.

What's more, we are prepared not to cry, not to share any aggravation. What on earth? Communicating our thoughts is our right.

That is the reason I ran off from the my deplorable life

also, joined Dehradun's school doing my #1

obviously, similar to a typical young lady.

The baddest part is I hurted my folks in the

process. They had faith in me. Also, that is the reason when

the educators said to get a sign, I felt a total

hurt as I grabbed off my folks right on me

pronouncing myself as a vagrant.

I must be a vagrant since what names ought to

have I filled in the application structure? In the event that I compose my folks name, everybody will get to know that I'm a princess!

I moaned.

Then they would begin regarding me as princess,

giving the regard, space, submitting to anything I say

also, I will be isolated from everybody! Which I delightfully disdain.

No. I'm Aarna, here, that is the reason. An ordinary young lady who's

here to study.

In any case, Aarna's life closes today. After the exhibition, I'm leaving for Jodhpur.

My family has sent a vehicle as of now to get me

today. That day, when I called Geeth, I expressed her to

illuminate my folks about my area and said that

I'm willing to return home.

I shut my eyes to control the desire of crying.

Shivani. Neha. Ekansh. Or then again my cohorts will be

having no clue about me vanishing unexpectedly and

staying away forever.

I wished to see Ekansh one final time before I leave

to Jodhpur. Satisfy god.

I got a tissue and cleaned the edge of my

eyes. I didn't had any desire to destroy the difficult work of the

craftsman. We as a whole looked so beautiful.

"Aarna? Might it be said that you are feeling excessively anxious? What on the off chance that we

disregard steps?"

"Relax. We will shake it.",I grinned heartedly helping up the certainty of my kindred dance accomplices.

They grinned back.

We climbed the stage from the rear.

As the show was finishing, the following was our own. My

eyes looked for Ekansh in the mean time. I proved unable

spot him anyplace.

He's a worker. He will be in red shirt and dark

denims. Every one of the workers were sitting together. He

wasn't with them. Also, the music started.

We hit the dance floor with beauty and heart. As I held rope, my

hands were feeling the aggravation. I disregarded my best. We

are instructed to bear any aggravation.

Our presentation finished up with enormous round of

adulation and cheering.

I felt most joyful. This school is paradise. It made not many

of my fantasies materialize.

I had next to no time remaining. I raced to the changing area and changed my clothing to a printed skirt and a plain top. I wore a cloak on it. This cloak was chosen by Ekansh when we went out to shop on Sunday. I pecked the finish of my cloak.

I left the room.

"Hello, Aarna? Where are you going? There are

another presentation and later a display. Don't

I miss them."

I grinned and ran out the secondary passage.

I went to my quarters. I had stuffed my possessions toward the beginning of today, when everybody was all bustling in the class lobby.

I took my streetcar and waved a bye to the room.

Shivani, Neha and I had loads of fun as of late. From

moving to irregular tunes in 12 PM to meddling

furthermore, babbling about all that and crying as a result of tasks and records.

God! I will miss them. I wore my anklets once more.

They again were boisterous. Can't resist.

I strolled energetically towards the entry. I saw a dark

Mercedes Benz vehicle hanging tight for me. I dialed back

furthermore, went to look at my grounds. It was unfilled as

Everybody was partaking in the spring fest inside the assembly room.

"I love you.", I kissed it.

I went out. The weather conditions was looking awful today.

The driver entryway opened "Ramu Kaaka! How are you?", I grinned checking him out.

He's a finished courteous fellow and take cares of me

like I'm his own little girl. He's the person who drives

vehicle Any place I go. He assists me with taking away from

my castle as well.

"How might I be fine, Kumari? (princess) Your nonappearance killed me. For what reason didn't you essentially illuminate me that you were getting away? I would have assisted you with my life.''

"No, Kaaka. In the event that they would see that you helped me, you would be rebuffed for what seems like forever."

He attempted to grin.

He took my streetcar and put it in the storage compartment of the vehicle.

"In any case I'm back!", I laughed sharply.

"Are you content with it, Kumari?", he asked worriedly.

I somewhat gestured, concealing my agony.

Then I understood I didn't bring TC. In the event that I don't bring it, school staff will toss a case that I have disappeared. They will begin looking for me in Delhi as per my application and everything would screw up.

"Kaaka. Only five minutes. I'Il be back."

He gestured and I ran into the grounds. Our trip to

Jodhpur will take off at 9:15P.M. We really want to reach

Air terminal soon. It's as of now 7 PM.

Gracious god. Presently I need to stroll till Regulatory block.

I arrived at there following two minutes.

The power was removed as an immense thunder

struck, shaking the entire structure. I claimed my

telephone's light.

As I began to walk, my tears began to move down.

Every one of the lovely recollections overflowed into me. I began to cherish this spot, love everybody, love the air and everything.

I prefer not to return to my previous existence. I disdain that life more in the wake of coming here.

Ekansh. I don't have the foggiest idea how I will make due without you and your insane exchanges.

Too hot to even consider standing up to."

"Your undesirable bandar is here itself."

'Karate kid 2.0.'

'Hello wonder lady! Try not to bend my hands and legs once more.

'She's a holy messenger obscure to wrongs like you, Rohan!'

His best rule, "Appreciate everything. Satisfaction can be tracked down in absolutely everything.


I turned around absentmindedly as my psyche was occupied with reviewing Ekansh.

I was unable to see anything as my eyes were hazy with a group of tears.

I shone the light to see him. I scoured the tears of my eyes with my other hand.

His hair totally chaotic, looking staggeringly hot

in his red shirt and in this light. His abs seen

through the shirt as the shirt was stuck to his cutting edge because of the perspiration. He was running winded. As he met my eyes, his eyes shined up with trust and fire.

Who else could it be?

He paced with a thinking for even a moment to grin towards me, his eyes

stuck to mine.