
Absolute Trash Cliché Story With a System

Vuuuury trash novel. I don't recommend to anyone.

Soviet_Banana · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Ch. 1//// Sacrifice

What is the point of life? That is a bit of a subjective question; People don't always have the same ambitions, thoughts, or beliefs. To me there is no point to life.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not emo, it's just that I can't find any hope. I have an uncurable sickness that keeps me sick over 80% of the time, and even the other 20% my body is to weak to do things most people would see as trivial. The doctors say I don't have much time left, that at most I have another three years.

My parents don't like the idea of me being sick all the time, though I'm guessing that it is more because the drain I put into their pockets. I have a rather small family, one father, one mother, and an older sister. We were a well off family, that is before we had to start paying more for my expensive anti-biotics.

One night, when I was studying in my room for the troublesome exam coming up tomorrow, I went to go to the bathroom to the right of my room. I stayed in the room on the bottom floor because it was more convenient for moving around and I have trouble walking for long periods. As I reached for doorknob on the door I overheard a conversation between my parents and sibling. " I can't keep living like this! We can barely go out anymore, We barely even socialize anymore!" "hmpf... I agree, I have to work late most days just for a few extra bucks. It's so f*cking stressful just to do simple things. I can't even remember the last time I went out with my friends." "Tch... Just let the brat die already, didn't you say he would soon mom?" "That annoying brat won't last long. But I hope he dies sooner rather then later. We are barely scraping by as it is." Hearing this shocked me, I knew they didn't particularly like me but I didn't know they wanted me to die. My stupor didn't last long as I needed to relieve myself.

* 14 Months Later *

I just got off school but couldn't get a ride home since dad was at work. Walking through the streets and alleys to get home as fast as possible, I heard shuffling deeper in the alley and around a corner. Normally I would not have investigated but I had an odd amount of courage today. Walking towards the wall I positioned myself so I can peak around the corner without getting seen, not like I could have been anyways. I was slim with barely any muscles, had light grey hair, relatively handsome face adorning a sickly look, I was rather short for a 17 year old at 178cm. With the alley being blocked off from three ways, there was very little light shining through the crevices in between the buildings.

As I peaked around the Corner I seen a girl with familiar light red hair. "Is that Sato Akane?!" We were not close nor were we friends, we could barely be called classmates. It was her, but she was backed into a corner by a vile looking man. He was rather chubby...no, chubby would be too kind, he was fat possibly weighing 150 kg. He had unruly black hair that went down past his shoulders, and slightly parted bangs in the front. He had looked as if he had not showered in weeks, his face was unkempt showing small hairs protruding all around his face, as well as a small goatee. From what I could see from his side profile, he was wearing ugly oval glass completing his otaku appearance. Suddenly he commanded something that shocked me, now, I was a person who didn't show much emotion, but that didn't stop a disgusted look from crossing my face.

"I'll give you 10 seconds to take off your clothes or I will just kill you first and then take my prize." Hearing this shocked Akane to her core. When he started counting, she slowly started to unbutton her shirt in fear. At first I didn't know he had a knife, but when he started waving around I realized it was there. When I started to loss hope of helping the poor girl, I noticed a second blade in his back pocket, probably for if he lost his first one he would have a second one. As Akane took off her shirt with tears running down her face, I waited to look for an opportunity to grab the knife and kill him. The idea of killing someone scared me, but if I didn't do it then someone else would have to suffer because I was to weak to do the right thing. Although I seemed to not care about anything or anyone, I was one of the most sympathetic and caring people.

Deciding to hurry up and do it I approached slowly, not being noticed for different reasons. While the degenerate was looking towards Akane, she was crying hard with shut eyes, almost as if it was protecting her from the ugly bastard infront of her. When I got close enough to grab the knife I smelt the most putrid smell causing me to shake slightly notifying him of my presence. As he turned Akane pulled her head up to see what was happening with a hopeful expression on her face.

As They looked at me I quickly pulled the switchblade from his pants, swiftly opening it as I seen his knife moving fast towards me. From that point I knew I had no hope, but instead of faltering, I committed to my actions and swiftly Plunged The knife at his throat. Since I didn't know much about weapons, I only knew the three places which would effectively kill him being the brain, heart, and the throat. Since I didn't think I was physically adept enough to stab through his skull, and I didn't know where his heart was because of all the fat on his body. I decided to stab his throat, which was way easier since throat was week and had zero defense(except his really, REALLY, fat neck).

As the knife pierced his jugular I felt a sharp pain spread through my body, almost immediately after I coughed out some blood. Feeling my legs give out I fell back on the wall sitting down. As I looked towards the girl currently in shock from seeing someone from her class not only getting stabbed, but from him killing someone.

"Cough...Cough....Are y-you just gonna stand th-there, or get dres-Cough...dressed?" She quickly got dressed, and ran over to me calling the ambulance. "Are you okay! I called the ambulance, they will be here soon!" she said with fear in her tone. 'F*cking blood coagulation drug... It is making hurt for even longer.' Since I was constantly sick my blood didn't coagulate properly meaning even if I got a small injury and there was blood, it would not stop if I didn't take the strong medication.

It had been about 6 minutes since she called the hospital and was told to put pressure on the wound. Luckily there was a nearby ambulance, hearing the sirens out in the street she put my arm over her shoulder, and tried to help me out of the alley. A crowd started to gather when the ambulance stopped in the street next to the alley. The paramedics got out of the car and grabbed what they would need to bring the patient to the hospital. Once they started entering the alley they seen us turning the corner stumbling along the way. At this point I already was white in the face, and the blood I coughed out drying up with fresh blood to drip down the corners of my mouth onto my shirt. The paramedics ran to get me, when we got out of the alley the crowd seen me knife still in my stomach because it was to dangerous to remove it, and a tired girl crying coming out of the alley.

After the paramedics loaded me up in the back with one sitting by me trying to save me. Soon enough my vision started to fade, as the pain was replaced with a comforting warmth. Seeing me dying they tried to save me but it was to late. " Time of death... 4:16 p.m." the paramedics were sad considering they haven't seen someone so young in such a bad spot.

Soon enough a week passed for the mortal world, rumors about my death after saving the "princess" of the school from a r*pist were widely spread. Soon enough they confirmed the rumors from Akane herself, so even if I didn't know it, I was widely respect by the community juniors, seniors, and elders alike.

{A/N: Shiii, that was not bad considering that was all off the top of my head. Geez... what has boredom done to me? I really started writing a novel because I have nothing to do. I know my sanity is already folding but this is just crazy.}

{Edit: I wrote this chapter in first person for most of it because, and I'll be frank, I'm incompetent.}