
Absolute Sky

Died due to an explosion, and then reincarnated into the world of tensura alongside 4 heroes of legend. he will learn that not all reincarnators start strong. [OC x harem, fluff. some trolling. NO gamer system. Multiversal travel] NOT a pokemon harem. - means that not every female will join his harem. and harem wont be huge, not sure about the limit, but definitely not more than 7 MC will not rape and no NTR.

Lucinziel66 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 08

Rushing toward scathach, I swung my blade to her shoulder to which she defended with a flick of her spear and kicked me in the stomach which catapulted me away.

I was sent back several yards before I regained my footing, without wasting time I fired off a spell with my left hand.

"Spark bubbles." bubbles containing lighting rushed towards her in the dozens. She danced through them without being touched by any. I smirked. "Release." the bubbles exploded releasing the lightning trapped within.

"Not bad." scathach told me from behind me. quickly turning myself, I barely defended her spear by bringing my sword in front, which still pushed me away.

"Not bad? how about this, cube of Atlantis" a cube made of space built around her and water started filling it.

"naïve" with twirl of her spear, she smashed it to the ground which shattered the cube.

Dammit. Then how about this. A variation of medea favorite spell "rain of wind: Zephyrus Zeus" dozens of magic circles appeared Infront of me, each circle created a tornado mixed with lightning, which was aimed at scathach.

To which she once again danced through them. "Too slow." Scathach commented while dodging.

I wanted to reply to her comment but before I knew it, she was already in front of me, her spear piercing my stomach. Blood filled my throat but I ignored it.

With blood dripping out my mouth, I swung my sword towards her neck

Her response was to smack me across the face with her fist, removed her spear, and followed up with a kick.

It happened so quickly; that my brain took a few moments for it be registered.

She stood in place, allowing me to stand back up. "Hiding in mist." I said quietly, mist filled the air, which lowered visibility.

Scathach stared at my actions with interest, I smirked at her. Before long the entire training ground was covered in mist.

"Water clone." I whispered; dozens of clones made of water appeared.

While scathach couldn't see me, I could see her.

My clones spread out and rushed towards her from different sides.

"Drilling water spears." 20 large sharp drill shaped spears appeared around me.

Let's see ho- scathach disappeared from my senses.

I felt my water clones disappearing. One by one.

Suddenly the mist around me started to turn red. I started smelling rusted iron. This was blood.

The positions were reversed, I could no longer sense my surroundings.

I tried exerting my will on to the mist, but it was useless.

In mere moments I was surround by a blood mist.

Seeing that the I had lost visibility I readied myself to weather the coming storm that is scathach.

I used the ISA rune, a rune that hinders, slows and stop events, to create a barrier around me, then I applied ELHAZ rune on it.

Suddenly I felt her appear before me, her cursed spear tearing through the barrier as if it was paper, and aiming towards my heart. I tried to bring my sword to defend myself, but my arms didn't move.

The cursed spear shined ominously as it was directly Infront of my heart.

Scathach smirked at me, and I saw that the blood mist was encasing both my arms and legs.

"Yield?" she asked me.

"Yield." I replied tiredly.

Gae bolg disappeared and with a snap of her fingers, so did the blood mist.

I fell on the ground, too tired to keep standing. Scathach walked towards me.

She sat beside me and brought my head to her lap. A fond smile on her face.

she wrote a few runes on the air, said runes were directed towards my injuries, which started healing.

"you've improved. Nice work on the mist and clones, next time make sure the clones have the same temperature as you." she advised me while running her fingers through my hair.

"Nice work with runes, but next time use EHWAZ to either harden the barrier or yourself." She continued.

Runecraft was something that scathach started teaching me a while ago, I even gained an extra skill [runecraft] due to it, but the only way to advance in it was by trial and error. Sadly there have been too many errors.

"Anything else." I asked unhappily, I wish I could at least hit her once.

"Yes actually, don't stay in one place, especially if your vision is obstructed." She said while pulling my cheek.

"But what if the area is booby trapped?"

"Fly." She deadpanned.

Oh. I forgot about that.

"You forgot you could fly, didn't you?"

"Me? nahhh." I denied.

Scathach chuckled not buying it for a second.

Our relationship has completely changed from the one 4 months ago. Ever since then, our relationship is completely different. While she still won't take it easy during training, she now acts more…intimately after it.

Like right now, my head on her lap while she is running her fingers through my hair.

We stayed like that for about an hour, scathach telling me areas on where to improve or just talking.

-scene change-

Medea fired hundreds of beams of light towards me.

7 blue-grey flowers with seven petals appeared in front of me stacked on each other.

Rho aias Ouranos: seven rings that protect the sky, a personal spell of mine, made with using [the sky]

The beams of lights easily broke through the first three flowers. While the other three endured a bit before breaking. When the last flower started to crack, I teleported out of there.

"Again boyo." She kept firing off different spells which I had to defend with.

She can test the attacking capabilities of her new spells, while I can test my defensive spells, and vice versa.

"Last one." She declared. Above medea was a gigantic magic circle, that seemed to absorb the surrounding light. The magic circle was shimmering, the air around it started distorting. The circle started shining and then released a huge pillar of light towards me.

I had already started preparing the moment the spell circle appeared, the current strongest defensive spell I have.

Grand aegis.

A huge hexagonal shield made up of tiny hexagonal shields appeared Infront of me protecting me form the colossal pillar of light that hit the shield.

Cracks started to appear in it and I realized that it couldn't handle it, so I opened two portals, one behind the grand aegis and the other in the sea.

The pillar of light destroyed my shield into millions of shards, then it thankfully passed through the portal.

Medea looked at me provocatively, "Your turn boyo." She smirked.

Stupid light spells. How the hell did that attack pierce my grand aegis.

Fine. I'm going to wipe that smirk of her face.

Standing straight, I formed an orb of lightning at the palm of my hand and compress it whenever it gets too big. After dozens of times repeating it, I pointed to medea who had already made a shield.

"Here take this and perish! Thunderbolt havoc." A gigantic thunderbolt with enough power to destroy a mountain was released was released from my hand.

The lighting released destroyed everything on its path and reached medea who seemed just a slight bit interested.

My attack impacted her shield which didn't break or crack. The lightning was becoming smaller and smaller until it completely disappeared.

The hell! I put a hefty amount of power into that. There's no way she just completely ignored that. Grand librarian know anything?

[confirmed. There are hundreds of tiny metal threads which originate from her shield and are connected to the ground. Simply she let the lightening pass to the ground]

That's possible!

"Not bad…boyo" she smirked at me. it made her look much more beautiful the way her eyes twinkled in joy and the way her lip- get it together.

"Can you stop calling me boyo?"

"Hmmm. No... boyo¬"

"Is there any way that I can make you stop.?"

"There is one way."


"If, if you fill scathach's shampoo with this potion, I'll never call you boyo again. Hell, if you actually did it, I might consider marrying you." Medea tempted me, and it was working.

"Wh-whats in the potion?"

"it's nothing terrible I assure you…just a harmless hair removal potion." She replied as if she was talking about the weather.

"You know what I'm okay. There's no need for you to change the way you speak to me." her temptation was good, but fortunately or unfortunately my fear outweighed the horny.

"You sure"

I nodded my head.

"I guess I'll keep calling you boyo, boyo. B.O.Y. O¬"

Like hell, I'm pretty sure scathach would take the virginity of my butt! with her spear!

"Suit yourself. Also, your outfit is ready." Medea stated while walking with her back towards me. she swayed her hips while walking, which hypnotized me.

"Really." Breaking out of her hypnotism I asked.

"Yes, come on boyo."

I followed behind her, making sure my eyes didn't wander to her hypnotizing behind.


I was currently dressed in the outfit that I requested medea, and checking myself out in the mirror.

Looking at myself I couldn't help but grin.

Black hair, trimmed from the sides, reaching a bit above my grey-blue eyes.

I was wearing a light blue colored collared dress shirt, along with a slightly darker blue vest. A dark grey suit jacket with 3 buttons and trousers of similar color. Along with black dress shoes and black gloves. Draped over my shoulders was a dark blue coat.

I couldn't help but nod, on how badass I looked. And the best part is that this entire thing is enchanted to withstand weather, magic etc…

Behind me medea was looked at me with a questioning gaze.

"I have a question, boyo."


"Why a suit?"

"It looks cool!"

Medea looked as if I was the greatest idiot in the world. Which was not true I'm no were close to being the greatest idiot, that spot belongs to clayman, and the king of the-country-that-attacked-rimuru.

"I don't know, it just looks cool and I always wanted to wear one, maybe I started thinking like this after watching lucifer."

"Lucifer? You mean to tell me that people made a show about the devil."

"Honestly people made a show about almost anything." I remembered about the countless shows that were there.

Too bad that I can't show them the gloriousness of tv to them. I wonder what would medea reaction be if she saw Percy Jackson.

[report. I am able to create the books in your memories]

Wait really?

"Medea, if I remember correctly, we have a library at home right."

"Yes, but it has only few books, mostly written by scheze."


I left with my coat flowing behind like a total badass.

"Boys…" I heard medea mutter behind me. she's probably jealous she didn't have cool coat like this.

-scene change-

I was walking through town – which is unnamed due to all the heroic spirits wanting to name it differently – while enjoying the atmosphere.

The town is small, less than 5000 people live here, and due to this being an island we have no visitors from other places.

I do have a few plans on making the other uninhabited islands around here, into resorts, parks etc.…, but currently in my storage ring was a hundred of empty books.

[report. 476 empty books]

Currently I have 476 empty books in my storage ring! You happy.

[report. Due to the lack of emotions, I cannot feel things such as happiness]


Why did she have to say something as depressive as that. Which reminds me of that girl I met in my mind.



"Yay! You did it!" the girl who looked at me with disappointment shouted in happiness.


"The one who brought you to THIS world." The girl smirked.

I looked at her confused, I'm pretty sure she isn't my mothe…r…

Wait this world!

"You are the ultimate skill." The evolved version of grand librarian.

"Yes and no, I'm a fragment of the ultimate skill" she popped the p while agreeing.

"Anyway, times up. Make sure to kill the big bad snake. And also, don't forget to evolve me as soon as possible."

[flashback over]

The girl proclaimed as the ultimate skill that brought me here, or at least a fragment of it. Why the hell is this shit confusing? Why can it not be easy as hell.

Stupid slime! How I wish I was half as lucky as him. Honestly, I would give anything for the predator skill. That is probably one of the most broken unique skills, right next to chosen one, absolute end, and scavenger.


A chill went through my spine. And I felt grand librarian stare at me, which was a weird experience since she is a part of me.

I ignored it, and kept walking.

Walking towards the living room, I saw scheherazade was writing something. So, I sneaked behind her.



"hahahahhaaha" I couldn't help but laugh at the cute sound she made.

"Shush you." She told me while slightly pouting. Is she pouting?

"Sorry I just wanted to see your rection."


Honestly this is much better than before. She used to so emotionally mute that even slight reactions of her are akin to wonders.

"So…. what you doin"

"Writing a new story." She replied, with a slight pout.

Placing my chin on her shoulder I peered into what she was writing. The smell of her hair, which smells like cocoa butter(?) invaded my nose.

"what's it about?" I asked trying to distract myself.

"It's about a boy discovering an ancient relic left behind by his mother, and the relic holds a piece of a gods soul, who helps him."

"Just out of curiosity, do you have any Chinese heritage?"

"Not that I know of. Why?"

"Nothing. No thing. Not a thing. Anyway, I got something cool to show."

Scheherazade raised an eyebrow at me.

"Remember you telling me that you would have liked to read stories of the modern age? Well, I can do it."

"You can do what?"

Taking out a few books I placed them on the table.

Grand librarian, print every novel I have read, have 5 copies of each novel.

The unwritten books started glowing.

[confirmed. Task complete]

After the glow died down, the empty books disappeared, and its place were a number of books, on which a title was written in top of the books.

"These are…" she asked me while picking up the harry potter and philosopher's stone.

"Books. Well, the books that I have read."

She blinked repeatedly while looking at me.

"I told grand librarian to use the memory of me reading these books, and then copy it."

"Oh! May I read one?"

"You know you don't have to ask, right? Yes, you can, hell you could do anything stop being so reserved."

"Thank you." Picking up harry potter, she sat down on the couch and started reading.

Taking out another batch of books, I asked grand librarian to print every manga, manhua, manhwa I have read.

The books started glowing, and I couldn't help but grin.


-scene change-

The current situation in the house is one that would probably confuse many people, historian, scholars or even magi belonging to the moonlit world.

Scathach, God-slayer, trainer of heroes was seated on the couch, reading record of Ragnarök.

Medea, the witch of betrayal, princess of Colchis was seated on the couch while reading harry potter and the philosopher's stone

Scheherazade, the creator of one thousand and one nights was seated on a chair with a cup of coffee, reading magi: the labyrinth.

Oda Nobunaga was reading the ambition of oda nobun.

While I was reading fairy tale, for many reasons, boredom and ideas. This place lacks entertainment so this could entertain me and also it could grant me ideas for new attacks.

The room was quiet, the sounds of pages being flipped and occasional sipping of drinks could be heard.

A stray thought entered my mind.

I have given some of the most powerful women in history access to manga and novels, which contains ridiculous powers. Imagine medea raining down Avada kadavra or scathach somehow learning Kaio ken.

A shiver ran down my spine, just imagining what could happen. The shiver that ran down my spine was not one of fear but one of excitement. I wonder what kind of crazy things would happen in the future with them having access to modern imagination.

-scene change-

"Is that…"

"Yup. Klaus I present to you the Nobu…gunnnnnn!" fireworks started lighting up around us after her announcement.


"I know right, after this I'm going to see if I can make the punisher from trigun. Maybe ill try to make a Gundam or maybe…." Oda Nobunaga muttered to herself.

With each word she uttered I felt the shiver of excitement turned into fear. I only had one thought in my mind.

What have I done?

-chapter 08 end-



That's its folks, thanks for reading.

Anyway, next chapter our resident elven witch will summon some people, and you have a chance to decide who gets summoned, just give me a name along with a unique skill, and ill place that character on a wheel where it'll randomly choose 3-5 characters.

Also check out my ideas fic, its where my half-written stories are placed. There are some nice stories in it, maybe one day ill use them in the future.

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Criticism will be much appreciated.

Peace out.

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