
Absolute Immersion

"I will get the best ending." says Yohan Rivensua. A man who plays single player story driven games, with the goal of achieving the most satisfying conclusion it could offer. One day, he was offered money to complete the story inside a game that is a 'different experience' from the normal game. He agrees and was transported into the world of the game. Knowing this, he will do what he does best.

dazi_dazi2 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Time Before





Sounds of clashing metal echoing through the dark forest can be heard in the midst of the pouring rain.

Two swordsmen fought against each other in a grueling battle. One wore a full black set of clothes and boots, leaving his head unarmored. The other wore the same as him, except pure white.

The two men shared no dialogue in their fight, for their blades did the talking for them. Each strike carries volumes of weight from the choices that lead both of them here.

From a single glance, it is clear that both of them will not settle until one of them dies.

The black swordsman rushed forward and swung down his thin worn blade. The white swordsman simply moved away. After evading his attack, the man in white rushed forward aiming for his opponent's unguarded neck.

The white swordsman swung his blade and the man in black lifted his sword to deflect the attack.



The man in black tossed the man in white's sword. But before he could attack, the man in white jumped back a good distance. Both stood a safe distance from each other.

Soaking wet, the man in black moved the hair blocking his eyesight. He stared at the man in white.

"Why do you fight?" A question seemingly out of nowhere. The speaking man gripped his blade, worn out from the countless battles that lead him here, all in pursuit of one goal. The man in black opened his mouth again. "I fight to save my people from imminent destruction. In a month, the evil forces will overrun my village. With the gemstone, I can repel them, I can save everyone who allowed me to stand here today. That is my reason to fight."

The man in white only stood silent. His expression was determined, but inside his mind there were four answers he could give.


[I have people of my own to protect. I have to get this stone at all costs.]

[We fight for the same reason, it is either me or you.]

[What I fight for does not concern you.]



Four answers appeared in four rectangles occupying the bottom of a certain screen. This certain screen is playing a certain game. This game tells a certain story about a tragedy of a certain world. The protagonist of this world is the man in the white clothing whose actions are influenced by the hands of certain people.

From these hands, the story may receive a good ending, where everyone solves their problems and continues their lives happily. Or a bad ending, where the characters lose their battle and will only continue their lives in agony, suffering many losses.

Many can agree that a good ending is preferable. Those who say no are lying to themselves, or had never tasted hardship that would make them yearn for a good ending.

One of those certain people sharing that sentiment is a certain young man in a certain place on Earth named Yohan Rivensua.


"All these choices are still bad." I spoke to myself as I contemplated the choices on the screen.

I placed my hand on my chin and gave deep thought.

This is where things branch off. Depending on what I say here, the story will lock onto varied predetermined endings.

I could be direct. That seems like the best choice. But if I do so, I will only save my village, leading the black swordsman to lose all his will to live, either becoming villainous or suicidal depending on how I treat him.

I could be vague. That implies that we are not evil, but our intentions may not reach him. Depending on my Charisma stat, he will either dismiss me and fight to the death or he will listen to me route of the first choice will commence.

I could be dismissive or silent. Both are choices that will make him show even more hostility. And both choices lead to the route where I have to kill him.

"Ugh. Where am I doing wrong?" I sighed, frustrated at myself. Maybe I wasn't meticulous enough or maybe the game did some false advertising.

It said that there were 5 endings to the story. I've gotten 4 and almost did everything in this game to get the last ending.

I've come too far in this playthrough. Many save files in many different parts of the story scattered.

I placed my slender hands on the keyboard and mouse, ready for a fight. I scrolled my mouse towards the first option.

Might as well end the game in the best way.

[I have people of my own to protect. I have to get this stone at all costs.]

[Is that so. You and I both know that we can't save both.]

[We can. We can split the power of the gem]

Wait, this isn't the dialogue when I first played through this option.

[What nonsense are you speaking?]

My controlled character shoved his hand in his torso and pulled out something.

[What is that?]

Wait, isn't that!-

[I got this when I raided the Wizard's Lair. It is a contraption that could perfectly copy anything.]

<Substance Replicator - PERFECT>

In my last playthroughs, I focused too much on the story that I didn't explore much of the other areas. My mind locked onto getting the best ending - which I couldn't get.

In this playthrough however, I went through the trouble of exploring every area unlocked before continuing the story. After unlocking story gated areas, I did the same.

I raided the Wizard's Lair 2 chapters ago and got this item. It said <Story Item> but I wasn't able to find any side quests for this particular item.

With this discovery, my eyes widened. "A new route!" I screamed out. Hoping that none of my neighbors heard me, I quieted down.

I pressed the left mouse button and witnessed the new story unfold.

[Impossible. I thought... I thought the lair couldn't be touched.]

[I defeated everyone inside. Nothing will get in the way of my goal.]

[Does that mean me too?]

[Originally, yes. But your goal is as noble as mine, with this item, we will copy the Almighty Relic and defend our homes.]

[I see. You are a good man. May I know your name?]

[My name is Yosua]

"I can see the best ending!" I hunched my back forward.

The start of the predetermined ending routes.

Of course, Yosua isn't his real name. Yosua is my online alter ego, derived from my real name Yohan Rivensua. I didn't pick Yosua because it sounded cool or was a short version of my name. Actually the latter had something to do with it.

The true reason is that 'Yosua' derives from the name Joshua, a Hebrew word meaning 'God is Salvation'.

In these games, the choices I make shifts the story depending on them. Although the routes are predetermined, there will always be a 'best ending' and I strive to search for it, no matter the difficulty.

I am the [God] of these worlds, and as a [God] I will make sure the choices I make lead to the ending that will make as many surviving characters happy as possible.

After that choice, everything has gone smoothly. More or less.

The two men used each of their powers to fight the evil forces. The surviving wizards and the kingdom armies looking for their powers were obliterated. The two men lived well, with both villages saved.

At the end of the remaining 2 hours of the playthrough. What popped on my screen was what I had been waiting for.

An illustration of the two men sitting on a cliff, looking at the world they saved.


With a quote in cursive.

["We can't win fights without sacrifice, we can only lessen them."]

Hell yeah! I screenshotted the image. I immediately hopped on GAMEZNOW and wrote a post with the thread hashtag for this newly released game.


[YosuaGOS - Got the best ending.]

And upload.

I stretched and looked at the time.

7 PM.

It's been a full 15 hours since I started my best ending hunt. I'm tired.

I stretched my arms and body. I stood up, immediately attacked with back pain, and I hunched my back again.

I looked around my room, it wasn't messy. Well, to have a messy room, you need things lying around. My room is almost devoid of belongings.

I licked my dry lips and decided to at least shower before heading to bed. I took my towel sitting on another chair across the room and walked towards my bathroom which was just across this room.

When I got in my bathroom, all of my appliances greeted me with their almost pristine condition. I don't use this place much.

I stared at my face in the mirror. Red eyes and blonde hair. Not just from not sleeping but natural red eyes. These eyes are supposed to be from my mother and my blonde hair from my father, says my grandmother. I don't know, I've never met them before.

I washed my face and hair and took a quick shower. I put on bluish black trousers and a red shirt with yellow stripes around the edges of the sleeves and collar. Feeling comfortable with my sleepwear, I went to sleep.


I forgot to set my alarm, leading my body to take its sweet uninterrupted rest. A full 12 hours.


It goes without saying that sleeping that long caused me to be sluggish. The sun outside is shining. Laying on my belly, I kept swinging my arms to close the curtains, I squinted, and saw that the curtains were already closed.

"Damn." The only word this mouth of mine can speak at this moment.

I forced myself to sit down. I can't open my left eye. My head dazed from the intense session last night. It was worth it however.

The first thing I usually would do when waking up would be to freshen myself, and I did so naturally.

I freshened myself for another long gaming session. My sticky hair turned silky and the 12 hour sleep made my facial features pristine, despite what commonly happens. I'm just built differently.

I'm off work today as well. I'm going to have fun playing another game then.

I closed the door to my room and sat on my plastic chair front of the computer. I didn't exit from the social media site so I think I need to refresh to wait for the comments to flow in.

I refreshed the site and all sorts of comments came in.

[Henh2 - It hadn't even been 2 days since the game's release lol.]

I know. I worked hard.

[69yop420 - What did you expect from the GOS? So are you going to upload a playthrough later?]

No, I shouldn't waste time. More endings need to be found.

[Rudeman0 - Don't you have a life?]

I do have one, the timing is just very good for me to play this game.

[nahut123 - I would like to offer you something. DM me.]

nahut123? I haven't ever seen that name before in GAMEZNOW. I checked his account and there are no posts, nor comments - until this one. Yet he had joined 7 years ago.

It's suspicious, and my conscience is telling me no. But he's offering me something…

As a broke man who only works a simple job, the word 'offer' would catch my attention fast. Maybe it is a genuine request.

I clicked on the message button in his profile and a chat opened up. I wasn't someone who changed his account details either because there are none of my messages here, which is one of the things you can't get rid of.

I typed something, but he started already.

[nahut123 - I know you're typing something already.]

[YosuaGOS - How did you know?]

[nahut123 - I don't. I was just guessing.]

[YosuaGOS - Okay. So what's that offer you had?]

[nahut123 - Getting straight into it, yeah?]

[YosuaGOS - That's the entire reason I'm even talking to you.]

[nahut123 - Haha, right, right.]

I got a bit annoyed at this guy's attempt at small talk.

[nahut123 - Actually… I need you to help me verify this game.]

[YosuaGOS - Verify?]

[nahut123 - A test play… make sure there's no bugs or glitches.]

[YosuaGOS - Why me?]

[nahut123 - because you're single, alone and full of free time. You can give your full time to focus on this game.]

[YosuaGOS - That's not true.]

It was true. I had nobody. I never had anybody. I think if I did have someone, I wouldn't have ended up like this.

I sighed, then made a wry smile. Why did this person have to say that?

More importantly… How did he hit the mark so accurately?

[nahut123 - Haha, I'm kidding, I'm kidding.]

This text sure doesn't make you sound like you're kidding.

[nahut123 - Truth is… this world… this game… I can only ask you to do it.]

[YosuaGOS - Only me?]

[nahut123 - Yeah, you see… I actually wanted this to be a challenge for you.]

[YosuaGOS - what are you saying?]

[nahut123 - This game is a single player story mode. I want you to play until the end.]

I smirked, finally he's speaking my language. Then I came to my senses myself, and the smirk lost as easily as it came.

The way he's typing, he's plotting something, I have to be cautious.

[YosuaGOS - I know you say that to everybody. I'll consider it, but what's in it for me.]

[nahut123 - Once you finish the game, I'll wire you two hundred thousand USD]

I jumped from my seat. What is this? Is this a joke? No one would pay such an absurd amount of money just to play a game.

[YosuaGOS - You're lying.]

[nahut123 - You have my word. I am not.]

I took it into deep consideration. There is no downside for me. I get to play a game, do what I love doing, and get paid for it.

This is too good to be true. There is definitely a catch.

[YosuaGOS - Okay. I'll write down our terms so you won't scam me.]

[YosuaGOS -


1. Wants YosuaGOS to play a game and reach the end.

2. Will wire me two hundred thousand dollars after doing so.


1. Plays the game nahut123 made and will report bugs and glitches

2. Will play until its end.]

[nahut123 - Seems about right.]

My smirk became a full fledged grin. I'm about to earn the easiest money of my life.

[nahut123 - here's the link.]

[nahut123 - yuwilusx2001]

I didn't hesitate, I moved my mouse and clicked on the link. The link loaded and a download started. It will finish in 20 seconds.

[nahut123 - Oh and I forgot to mention. The experience is very very different from the normal game.]

I was so excited that I didn't ask what the game was, so this message surprised me.

However, before I was able to ask what he meant. The download had finished.

The computer flashed a blinding bright light, capable of destroying any human's retinas.

I couldn't react in time, before I knew it, my consciousness had faded.


Chirping birds were the first thing that entered my ears when my consciousness regained.

My back laid on top of a layer of trimmed grass. None of them touched my ear.

My heavy eyelids became light. I opened them and was greeted with a beautiful blue sky.

My lungs and skin were soothed by fresh air and moderate heat, reminiscent of a forest.

My body found its strength, I sat straight up and moved my head to examine my surroundings.

Trees, a lot of trees. Very thick and tall oak trees. A forest in what I predict to be very far from the kingdom.

I looked at myself, I'm still wearing the same clothes I slept in last night.

I stood up and took another good look. I don't have any footwear, that confirms it, I don't wear slippers indoors.

I sighed. I know this development.

This is the ever so generic waking-up-in-a-different-world start.

This has been done so many times that it's impossible to differentiate which one is unique.

"Hey nahut123? Can you at least choose a less boring setup?" I screamed at the sky, hoping he'd hear me.

There was no response.

Is he the observer of this world and decided to only look at my progress?

I don't know.

Is this the world that he planned to be in the game? It's… very detailed to say the least. If I didn't have the talk with nahut123, I would've thought this is an alternate world.

I walked towards the tree and saw the extreme line of details on the bark. I glanced downwards and saw each individual grass stalk swaying in a unique motion. I looked up at the moving leaves, swaying in motion with the direction of the wind, each leaf producing its own rustling sounds.

There is… absolutely no way to visually differentiate reality with these surroundings.

I stopped myself from marveling at the insane graphics of this world. My eyes caught on one convenient path away from my spawn point.

"The graphics are breathtaking, but what is with games obviously forcing me to take predetermined paths." I complained.

Hypocrisy at its best, I walked along the path.

"Ouch! Ouch! What the-"

The path hadn't been too friendly to me. My bare feet stepped on every single thorn, branch and sharp rock on the trail.

"Okay! I'll take it back! I won't complain about genericness anymore!" I pleaded to the observer, probably laughing his butt off watching me like this.

I didn't want to torture my feet again, so I stopped to rest.

"Haa… haa…" I lowered my head and did heavy breaths.

Apparently my real life stamina was brought into this game. I work as an online customer consultant, I was not built for this.

I lifted my head again after a few minutes. In a distance not too far, the trail ends, and opens a vast landscape.

I plowed through the arduous path. The resolution to reach the end of this path defeated my body's demands for me to stop because of the pain.

When I got out of the path, a vast clearing greeted me. The clearing was not a meadow, but a man-made logging area.

Tree stumps laid everywhere. All of them were chopped off beautifully, the cuts went straight through until it reached a small sharp piece of standing wood, signifying where it broke down from its weight.

Tak! Tak! Tak! Tak!

From afar, I can hear the sounds of rhythmic hits. With what's around me, I have to conclude that it is a lumberjack in his work.

Barefoot, I walked towards the noise. It gradually grew louder, until I could see a figure in the distance.

The brown haired man wore a blue long sleeved shirt and long brown trousers. He also had rope tied around his waist. He had boots, something I don't have.

The man kept swinging his ax at the tree. Each swing had the same starting point, speed and interval.

As I came closer, I was able to see his sweating face and the soaked shirt. His hand with numerous scars, with the biggest one ranging from the thumb all the way into his sleeve.

I got so immersed in looking at his face that I didn't notice I stepped on a twig. It broke and made a sound loud enough to attract the brown haired man.

He stopped swinging and turned his head at me. His blue eyes staring at the stranger who wandered into his work area. He lowered his ax and fully turned his body towards me.

"Hello… are you lost?" The man spoke, revealing a gentle voice.

An NPC dialogue, I triggered it by coming here. I should wait for reply choices.

They should appear, yet after a few seconds of waiting, nothing.


"Are you lost?" He asked again.

This game must be dysfunctional, as there are no single player story mode games that don't have predetermined dialogue choices.

That's a bug right there to report.

I didn't like having ready-to-use replies. I constantly wished for myself to be able to choose my own words to say. Yet after my wish came true, it's kind of weird not seeing those choices.

I stopped my thoughts.

Wait. Choose myself?

I know what I - as the person- would want to say. But if I answer something that isn't the AI's programming, they'll say something to the effect of "Sorry, can you repeat that?" or "I'm sorry, I don't understand."

That would be the case if I just say whatever I want. That's why I waited for dialogue options to show up.

His face looked at me in confusion now, he must think something is wrong with me.

I looked at him, and spoke what's on my mind.

"I'm not lost, I just forgot my way around."

"Oh… I see. Sorry if I'm rude, but isn't that what 'lost' means?"

My eyes widened.

An answer like that is not for NPCs.