
Chapter 62: No Sun or Moon in Wangliu River (Two in One)

That boy has been gone for quite some time now...

I wonder if he has met the two Immortals...

White Ape gazed into the fog before him, his mind a flutter of thoughts.

Despite its aged appearance, its mind still retained the innocence and caprice of a young monkey.

Yet just as humans' mindsets change with the aging body, monkeys cannot escape this law either.

What had only occurred a month ago felt like decades had passed in a fleeting illusion.

Touching the white whiskers on its chin, White Ape sighed inwardly at the inexorable passage of time.

Its thoughts involuntarily returned to the scene when it first encountered the two Immortals...

"You sure are a sly monkey. Well then, since I've partaken of your fruit and your wine, I shall bear the consequences thereof. Speak, what do you desire?"