
Absolute Choice

A world filled with heroes with superpowers. A world attacked by calamity fiends. A modern world filled with wonders and dangers. Shi Xiaobai, a child from normal Earth, walked into such a world, proclaiming to be its king. But at the first signs of danger, he is forced to make a choice, one which he cannot refuse for time would repeat, making him face the choice again. He is not humble nor is he modest, but neither is he delusional. Yet, the Absolute Choice seems to make fun of him. Will the joke be on him or will he laugh at his opponents? There will be many watching his escapades, and there will be some joining him in his adventures. To see through the world and to grasp its truth, that is the destiny of the King.

Pear Lands In The Autumn Spring · Eastern
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583 Chs

Leonis on the brink of raging

The physical strength of Transcendents was indeed terrifying, but having strength did not mean that they were powerful. A simple and nimble dodge by Pulp Farmer, a grab, and a trip, allowed him to cause the large and heavy Siba to fall to the ground.

According to the rules, in order to ensure that the contestants had sufficient stamina, contestants in any battle before the final round would be considered to have been defeated if their four limbs touched the ground, or if they fell out of the arena.

Therefore, by tripping Siba, Pulp Farmer had already won the match.

However, by holding on to Siba's right arm and preventing it from touching the ground, Pulp Farmer's intentions were obvious!

What an arrogant human!

While the Transcendents were reeling in shock, their emotions turned complicated. From time immemorial, it had been the Bravehearts of the Transcendents who held back, but this time, they were being humiliated by another alien race!