
Qingyun Dojo (2)

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Ling Chen was speechless.

If this punk doesn't become an actor then it would be a waste! He barely even used any strength in his blow and with Song Yi's capability, he should easily be able to evade the blow. The latter was clearly trying to stir up the resentment of the onlookers.

"How dare you injure Senior Brother Song?"

"In front of Master, you still dare to injure our people. Do you think our Qingyun Dojo is empty and you can just do whatever you want?!"

"Everyone, let's gang up on him and right Senior Brother Song's injustice!"

The disciples of Qingyun Dojo instantly revealed faces full of fury, all of them started cracking their knuckles, some even brandished a guandao polearms.

"Stop this instant!"

Ling Chen turned his head and discovered the one to give the order was not He Ziyun, but rather the man in the western suit standing beside him.

The other party stepped forward and clasped his fists towards Ling Chen. "Junior brother, my name is Ye Liangyong, and I am the head disciple of this dojo."

Ling Chen eyed the other party and only curtly said, "I believe your junior brother already told you who I am. Are you planning to get revenge for him?"

Shaking his head, Ye Liangyong smilingly replied, "You're wrong. I'm not taking revenge on behalf of him, but rather on behalf of the dojo."

Ling Chen shrugged, unwilling to spend any more time arguing and directly gestured towards Ye Liangyong to make his move. Ling Chen had long since prepared himself mentally to get into a brawl.

"Senior Brother Ye, go teach this punk a lesson! Let him understand that there's always a bigger fish!"

"Beat him up, Senior Brother!"

The disciples of the dojo all stood at the side and cheered Ye Liangyong on enthusiastically.

Gao Wei supported Song Yi, and both of them stood at one side, a sinister smile on their faces. As long as Ye Liangyong made a move, the punk Ling Chen was destined to kick a metal plate.



After the two greeted each other in the customary polite exchange, Ye Liangyong's foot inched out by half a foot, forming a '八' posture and he extended a hand towards Ling Chen, with his fingers pointing towards the sky.

Seeing his opponent adopt this pose, Ling Chen's eyes instantly narrowed.

Ye Liangyong's action might have looked to be trivial and without much thought to them yet they blended perfectly with his surroundings. Domineering like a lofty mountain and incredibly stable, without even the slightest hesitation within them.

Expert! This man is an expert!

Raising his head, the corners of Ling Chen's mouth curled up. It had been a long while since he had met an exciting opponent.

"Watch out!"

Just as the words left his mouth, Ling Chen kicked the ground powerfully and shot forward towards Ye Liangyong, reaching his side before anyone could even blink.

Clenching his fingers tightly, his fists were like steel rods, ferociously pounding towards Ye Liangyong as a loud whistling sound resounded in the air.

However, Ye Liangyong agilely twisted his body, surprisingly flexible despite his burly frame and easily dodged Ling Chen's attack. His right hand formed the shape of a knife and vigorously chopped down towards Ling Chen's neck, descending at a blindingly fast speed that made it seem almost impossible to evade.

However, Ling Chen was not an ordinary person. Ling Chen ignored the attack coming at him from above leaned forward, ramming his left shoulder into Ye Liangyong. This was a strategy that assured mutual destruction. If neither of them backed down, then both would be severely injured.

As expected, Ye Liangyong did not force his attack, immediately pulling back his hand and retreating, widening the distance between the two and narrowly avoiding colliding with Ling Chen.


Ling Chen pushed himself up again, and his steel fists punched out consecutively, every punch seeming to gain speed and momentum. The surrounding onlookers could only see his shoulders moving unceasingly, their eyes unable to discern his dizzyingly fast punches.

However, no matter how rapid the tempo of Ling Chen's offence, it was unable to breach Ye Liangyong's impenetrable defence.

Suddenly, Ling Chen's ferocious assault came to a screeching halt. Ye Liangyong's hands were tightly clutching onto his wrists, rendering Ling Chen immobile.


"Indeed, Senior Brother Ye is the best! That punk isn't his opponent at all!"

Seeing Ye Liangyong successfully contain Ling Chen left the other disciples beside themselves with ecstasy.

Gao Wei ominously cackled. "Senior Brother Ye, that punk wasted my fingers, can you help me waste both his hands?"

"Young friend, do you still want to continue?"

Meeting Ye Liangyong's gaze, Ling Chen smirked in response.

"Why not? You already gave your all. But I haven't"

Ye Liangyong immediately felt something was amiss. However, before he could even react, he saw Ling Chen twisting his shoulder and ferociously charging into him. Ling Chen broke free of his grip, and his fists came bearing down upon Ye Liangyong again.

Ye Liangyong's facial complexion changed and he hurriedly sought to put some distance between them. However, he accidentally met with Ling Chen's gaze, and he froze. His movement dulled and became sluggish.

In the instant that their gaze met, he saw an icy chilliness, looking like an Arctic tundra and emanating a bone-chilling killing intent. He felt like prey that had caught the attention of an apex predator.

The cold gaze left an inexplicable chill rising from the soles of his feet, his entire body felt like it had been locked inside a sub-zero fridge.

"Mr Ye, do you admit defeat?"

Hearing Ling Chen's seemingly distant voice, Ye Liangyong came to his senses and noticed the fist that stopped right in front of his face. He laughed bitterly and retreated two steps, clasping his fists. "My skills cannot compare to yours."

"He lost?"

The disciples surrounding them were in disbelief and started murmuring amongst themselves. Ye Liangyong had the upper hand just now, but not even two seconds later, Ling Chen had overturned the situation. This reversal made Ye Liangyong's defeat a difficult pill to swallow for those present.

"Old fogey, do you want to give me a try as well?" Ling Chen looked towards He Ziyun and spoke in an incomparably arrogant tone.

He had not encountered an opponent that could give him a challenge for far too long and he subconsciously felt that the old man in front of him possessed immeasurable strength. Ye Liangyong had already piqued his interest, and he longed to have an exciting and blood-boiling match with He Ziyun.

"My friend, this old bag of bones is far too weak to suffer your abuse, why don't you let me off."

Ling Chen curled his lip. The old-fogey was clearly rejecting him. Forget it, since he had no intention to fight, then he'd get to the proper business.

"You two, come over here." He pointed towards Gao Wei and Song Yi.

"Bro Xiong, repeat the details of the incident. It's best to let everyone here know the truth."

Zhao Zhengxiong did exactly so, and when he did so, Gao Wei shouted in an aggrieved tone, "Master, things are not like he said! Clearly, it was he who dealt a vicious blow first, so Senior Brother Song and I..."

"Shut up!"

Ye Liangyong bristled with rage, "Both of you said that he disregarded ethics, but just now when he sparred with me, he clearly showed restraint. On the other hand, you two! Your mouths only know how to speak of wasting people's limbs! Is this the ethics that a martial arts practitioner should have? Master was a guest at the capital for quite some time, but all our brothers were still here at the dojo. I believe that your actions were clear to everyone here, do you want me to call them up to testify?"

"Senior Brother Ye, our conscience is clear. You can ask any of our junior brothers to testify." That was Song Yi's response.

"Alright. As your senior brother, I hope that you are innocent."

Ye Liangyong shifted his gaze to look at the other disciples.

"Does anyone know the entire truth? Stand out here and confess."

The crowd looked at each other, but no one dared to say anything.

Song Yi gleefully rubbed his hands together. "Senior Brother Ye, I already said that I'm innocent. See, here's your proof. It is evident that they were just framing me!"

"I... I can testify."

It was unclear when it happened, but the little girl who opened the gates for Ling Chen timidly stuck out her head from behind He Ziyun and broke into tears. "That day, I saw Senior Brother Song giving a lump of money to the other senior brothers, he even bought me two lollipops and reminded me not to say anything. Master, Xiao Hua knows her mistakes, please don't punish me."

As she spoke, she was busy wiping off the tears from her eyes, looking to be incomparably pitiful.

He Ziyun lovingly embraced her and lifted her, crooning, "Alright. As long as you listen to me in the future, Master promises that I will not punish you."


Ye Liangyong looked at the ghastly pale Gao Wei and Song Yi, as well as the other disciples, his face was gloomy.