
Grade School Bully

In Asgard, the term ~Might~ is worshipped, other than the Norns of course, they are gods to the Aesir and Vanir, one's who weave the fates of everyone, mostly.

The average Asgard can at least carry about 8-10 tons of weight and run almost as fast as top olympic runners. Odin once said that the average Aesir can push 35-40 tons of pounds and run faster than peak human capabilities.

But Ysmir called bullshitt on that immediately. He's been an Aesir for a while and there has not been one "average" person that can carry that much or run as fast other than retired Einherjars.

But of course, the main army and the special forces are the only ones capable of such, the active warriors in the main army can definitely do the 35-40 tons and run a few times faster than mortals. The strength base special forces like the berserkers work more on strength but their speed is not that far behind.

So far what Ysmir likes the most is the super durability, speed and superhuman stamina. After being born the Aesir would take the superhuman capabilities for granted but for Ysmir he fell in love and always tried to improve them whenever he could.

Starting from the age of 4 to 19, you would enter three levels of education. Basic, intermediate and high which isn't much different from modern schooling systems. From 4 to 10, kids would learn more about basic knowledge either about the nine realms and beyond and/or it's inhabitants, or more individual capabilities.

And from 11 to 15 is when one would really do hands on practice on the Aesirian combat arts or mystical sorcery.

There are only 3 grades in all and it's the three levels of education in all. A student is identified by one of the three, the highest grade is the 3rd grade (High) where the students are 16 to 19 years old.

It's been about 15 years or so since Ysmir had been born as an Aesir, and it's been a very exciting life which was a common thing in Asgard. It's like Asgardians are born to be the happiest puppies always playing.

He has gotten used to the life of an Aesir more or less, but his memories of his life in modern earth have been constantly interfering with his life.

One of the most different things is the time, it wasn't as obvious before but the days and nights are longer by about a few hours, the days in the calendar are shorter but the months are longer making 13 total months in one year.

There is a sun and moon but they are fake, but in the Asgardians' case it's an artificial sun and moon just like the planet island they are on.

And unlike modern school kids, the young Aesir's have spirits full of energy and excitement everyday willing to learn anything and everything, Ysmir might be the only one that is different.

There were no jocks or groups in school, no nerds, no bullies, no idiots, and no cool or popular kid groups in the academy. All those stereotypes are in everyone. The kids are all idiots, nerds, and bullies in one. Except instead of bullying it's challenges, the winners usually take pride and the losers train harder to get their rematches.

The populars are the mighty and talented which are few over the thousands of students in the three districts.

There are the west, upper central and east districts, and Ysmir belongs to the west. And every year, the districts would gather in the upper central close to the palace and the younger generation in the 3rd grade would have tournaments.

Unlike the 1st and 2nd graders, the 3rd graders are prep years for the great 20. The great 20 is the time for the coming of age ceremonies but that will be a story for another time.

The 3rd grade tournament is a test for the best warriors who would make a name for themselves, the winners are guaranteed to have success in their ceremonies in their 20's and are most likely to serve and battle alongside the All-fathers.

A lot of this and that, but all Ysmir could get out of this was the more you win the more fame and glory, and it honestly wasn't something he wanted. He just wants fun, after his last life he knew how life is, and this new life is what true freedom is.

No bills, no family, and less rules.

Sure he loved his family but it would always garner worry. Now he was worry-free.

The fifteen year old Ysmir layed on top of one of the bookshelves in the library facing upwards and reading a book casually with his legs crossed.

Recently he has been going through a bit of science based studies, biology in this case. He was reading a book titled 'Inner Biologies' which has to do with the bodies of Aesir's, its functions and capabilities with changes.

Ever since he has figured out this world he focused all his talents and comprehensions on defensive sorcery. And he has learned and gained more than any other kids in their own studies, but for a while now he has been stuck on cultivating his studies and so he moved on to more physical studies.

"Ysmir!" A young feminine voice called out.

Ysmir was brought into reality and looked to the side on the ground, and standing there was a blonde with two other girls just as young as him.


"I should have known you would be here head stuck on books, come, we need to battle only you are qualified for our might." The blonde in the front said excitedly.

Ysmir didn't say anything and just stared at the three. Sigrun, Hilda and Kara. A blonde, a redhead (Hilda) and a dark haired girl.

They are the most talented and intelligent out of everyone in the school and unlike most other kids who spent their seidr enhancing strength alone, these girls work on movements more but mostly perception, reflexes and such.

So their movements are more fluid than the common forceful attacks the other Aesir's use.

"Sorry but...I'll have to decline your request blondie." He replied tiredly.

"Huh? How come?"

"Are you a coward?"

"We'll go easy on ya."

"First of all, you can call me a coward after you take the number one spot in the academy, second of all you've never gone easy on me and you three still lose and most of all, I have nothing to gain from battling you three, even all together. Forgive me but your might don't move me much anymore." Ysmir said before going back on his book.

"You are just afraid we will strip you of your glory in being our school's top warrior!!" Hilda baited.

"It will be different this time, let us prove to you how we changed."

"I can take you alone, by the end of the battle you will be under my foot!" Kara challenged.

"Heard that before." Ysmir muttered, not convinced.

"We will grant any requests you demand if we lose completely." Sigrun offered to which Ysmir turned his head.

"Well that I haven't heard." Ysmir twirled and sat on the edge of the bookshelf staring down at them. "What kinds of requests are you speaking of?"

Hilda and Kara both look at Sigrun as if her idea was unexpected.

"As long as your requests are not despicable then it shall be so." Sigrun said.

"Hmm, so you are saying as long as my requests are not dishonorable then there are no limits to these requests?"

Sigrun looked at her friends and they spoke through their eyes before they all nodded.

"Very well." Ysmir's mouth curved and showed his white teeth. "Let us proceed to the combat stage." Ysmir jumped down and led the girls away.

They were in school so it didn't take long for them to reach, once there, the fight rings with a few other youngsters on the stage and watching.

Many tested their might in the rings daily and this allowed them to become stronger everyday, wooden weapons are commonly used in the rings with iron metals being a rare show.

There are around 10 stages, most of them are closely placed where 2 to 3 are a bit farther away for other kinds of battles. Sorcery kind of fights.

The number of Sorcerers/Sorceress are rare, only a handful because it's a harder study then simply using all your seidr into strength.

As Ysmir got up on one of the stages it immediately caught a few people's attention, and the presence of the three girls were also noticed.

"So Sig, how do you wanna do this?"

"I will challenge you first." Kara stepped up.

As Kara jumped on stage, a crowd formed around the stage. Even adults and academy staff were observing.

Kara took out from her hips two Academy-issued shortswords and held it in a backhand manner before lowering herself in a stance.

Ysmir, who is the top warrior in the academy simply raised his unarmed hands and waited for her to come.

As she got closer she raised one of her swords, and while in striking distance she swung her sword downwards striking at Ysmir's head but the boy simply jumped backwards dodging the strike.

Kara jumped forward with the intent to chase after him but he jumped forward unexpectedly.

Not even 5 seconds into the fight and Ysmir already gave her a shock.

She cocked her hands in hurry for another attack but Ysmir struck her on the shoulder with a palm strike which neutralized her attack. She was then pushed back almost fumbling but stabilized herself and positioned herself balanced enough to block Ysmir's next attack.

Ysmir slammed his left foot in front of her, cocked back his right hand and fired off a good powerful right hand punch headed straight for the head.

The steps Kara took was moving her head to the side and putting up a cross-guard block with her swords.

Unlike most of the others, Ysmir's build is bigger than the average teenage Aesir and naturally has more strength in his bones and muscles.

And so when her swords took on the force of his punch, her arms were pushed back and she expected this so she let the strike push her left side and she maneuvered herself and her body turned rotating into a 360 degree round before using the motion force to slice Ysmir's legs and stomach.

It cut the clothes he was wearing but only left red scratch marks on his skin.

After her counter attack she flipped backwards creating space for her and Ysmir.

She stood there with a victorious smirk, Ysmir on the other hand didn't react negatively or positively about the encounter. Ysmir stretched his hands forward and upwards while his legs spread out more and his body lowered a bit.

With his right hand forward, he signaled her to come.

Throughout his Aesirian life, Ysmir has found ways to map out fights and how to counter, take advantage or even turn opponent powers against them.

Battles can be viewed with numbers or even games. Quantity, quality, distance and even distractions can be used to win a fight, but the need for quick thinking is a requirement.

And just like rock, paper, scissors, a fight can be influenced just like it. Precision can be countered by power, power by speed and speed by accuracy. This was the formula Ysmir has embedded in his mind and has always used it in his duels.

But ever since he started studying his body defenses he has been almost unbeatable. He trained his mind to keep up in fights and cultivated his seidr to enhance his body's defenses.

He also has a bit of strength in him, and he uses counterattacks constantly while using other kinds of tactics as well.

Before Kara could close in, a burst of speed came from Ysmir's kick as he jumped forward and executed a kick to her stomach. Making her arch her arch forward from head and lower body, and from there he jumped doing a 360 back kick to her chest sending her out of the ring.

It was obvious who the winner was. The crowd shouted in victory impressed, it wasn't rare to see Ysmir beat an opponent weaponless, and his combat arts are different to the Asgardian straightforward combat arts.

"You alright?" Ysmir asked as he looked outside the ring.

Kara stood up with a messy hair before blowing it away uncovering her face as she pouted and walked off.


Sigrun moved to be next but Hilda stopped her, Hilda jumped into stage and had two one handed axes on hand.

"Hello red."

"Ysmir, I will let you taste the might of my blade!" Hilda pointed one of the axes at him to intimidate.

"And I will gladly point out your weakness once more."

Hilda screamed out as she ran in with full powered attacks where Ysmir effortlessly dodged and deflected.

Hilda is like most when she starts her attack, very mediocre. But the longer she stays in a fight the better she gets, she's the type that would leave a bloodbath in her wake in the middle of a battle.

And everytime Ysmir would dodge an attack he would either poke or slap a part of her body that is wide open for attacks. It's a good way to improve.

The three girls had a good idea in their fight styles but they still haven't gotten what is compatible with their ideas. Smaller and lighter weapons are a good thing for them but they haven't got the movements down yet.

Like Hilda, she had two axes and was always swinging about in full force but never used what she cultivated into her body. She has a flexible body and wide perception but she is not using them.

Sigrun on the other end might have used it a bit more proficiently then the others.

At some point in the fight, Hilda jumped and swung her axe which was a mistake.

"Unnecessary jump..." Ysmir said as he dodged an axe swing before grabbing her leg in mid air and throwing her off the ring.

"Arghh!!" Hilda jerked back up and growled at him barely holding herself from jumping back in the ring.

"That will snuff out your life quickly if you move unnecessarily, hehe."

Sigrun walked into the ring with her spear, academy-issued of course so it's nothing but normal iron weapons with the edges dulled a bit.

"Must you always anger them?" She smiled pointing her spear at him.

"It's fun." Ysmir smiled before turning to the anticipating crowd and spoke. "You, may I borrow your axe? I would ask dear Hilda but she may be holding a grudge." He asks one of the spectators.

The axe was immediately thrown to him, it was wooden and had a short handle but a double sided blade.

"Hmm, well that's not very…" Ysmir shrugged and held the blade. "Go easy on me will ya?"

"Ha, what nonsense, I would have done so if you were not a beast in Aesir skin." Sigrun said as he looked at him ridiculously.

Sigrun is unbeatable in the academy, and the only one who has ever beat her, constantly, is Ysmir. So when others trained to beat her, she trained to beat Ysmir making the gap wider and almost impossible to catch up.

She uses speed and accuracy, her accuracy is scary and her speed is almost unmatched. When Ysmir first started getting to know them and they started having duels, he had a bit of trouble but as time went by he learned from every fight.

Sigrun was wary as she slowly shuffled sideways just as Ysmir started to do so, and unlike her he was playing around with his axe, throwing it around and doing tricks with it.

Sigrun chose to rush right when Ysmir threw his axe up and she thrusted her spear point with superhu- superaesirian speed towards his head.

But Ysmir wasn't easily caught off guard. With his blade thrown up he dodged to the side before closing the distance and dropped down before doing a 360 rotation kick sweep knocking her off her feet.

And just when she dropped on the ground, Ysmir caught the axe that was just starting to fall and swung down, halting the flat side of the axe against her face.

"Oops, haha wrong side."

This was a whole new flex. She thought. She knew that for the past while Ysmir has been going easy on them, but this feat today has let her and others know that his might in battle is unbeatable.

There has never been a time where Ysmir had held a blade and fought with them, the only time he held something used for battle is a shield.

He wasn't the ace of the academy for nothing.

As Sigrun layed there on her back still denying the gaps, Ysmir offered his hand picking her up.

"Now that the 1v1's are over...how about we proceed to the 1 against 3?" Ysmir said, barely hiding his excitement as it rubbed off on the cheering crowd.