

Richard a mafia is on a mission to avenge the death of his parents, Getting encounter with the princess, Richard abducted her for his revenge. Along the line he found her attractive, letting go of his resentment for her, he protected her from the king who is hellbent on killing her . *Excerpt* Richard just go back to the quiet life you were living, No Jessie I've never been living a quiet life since the death of my parents,all I've felt was anger and hatred, I've been a criminal,a terrorist. But something also changed since the day I met you,I've been happy, somehow that feeling of anger and hatred was alleviated. Raising her chin up,I am not living you now and in the future Richard, Jessie called out,I want to ask you a question. Sure,go ahead. Why did you abducted me? *End of Excerpt* Seems Richard parents had some dealings with the king during the past. Getting to know the real identity of Richard, the king embarked on a mission to get rid of him along side the princess.

Joan_maco · Urban
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Jessie work up the next morning, she could hear the songs of the birds, the sun ray penetrated through the window, Jessie could feel her head banging,she felt her whole body was electrified, Jessie knew all these were coming from the terrible dream she had last,

Good morning,my lady, the maid greeted.


Did you sleep well last night,

Yeah, and you Jessie asked

It was great my lady, seems today is a special day, master Roland had asked me to prepare you for breakfast,they are all waiting for you downstairs.

Ok, just some minutes, I'll be there, Jessie said leaving the bed to freshen up .

My lady,I think you must be very special to my master,I saw the way he always look at you with love in his eyes, infact,he had never treated anyone tender aside you,my lady,I heard you're also a princess,Is that true,I knew.....

A knock interrupted the conversation,

Turning towards the door,sir Richard stood at the doorway ,I'm sorry, the maid said giving sir Richard a bow,I think I should get going,

Not so fast, this is what I hate about people, not minding their business, you could get killed you know that,he said in a harsh tone,

I'm sorry sir, please forgive me,

next time,be careful of the words you use when speaking to her, if you keep running your mouth like this, you might get an untimely death.

I'm sorry sir, please forgive me,I'm sorry, the maid said bowing down..

Get out, sir Richard ordered,

The maid left in a hurry, feeling scared for her life.

How are you feeling, Jessie, sir Richard asked touching Jessie face,I got really worried to death last night,

I asked you to stay with me last night,I felt really disappointed waking up and not seeing you around.jessie said sadly 

Oh , about that Roland needed my help for some issues,so I decided to help .I stayed with you all through the night,I only left this morning,how are you feeling, are you hurt from the shock of last night dream,

Yeah,a little bit, Jessie said, sir Richard stretched his hand towards her forehead,to see if had a high temperature.

Jeez, Jessie,I think you are running a fever.

Come sit down, sir Richard asked helping her to sit on a chair. I'll tell the maids to get me a towel and a bowl of cold water, please wait,.

What about breakfast, Jessie asked,oh about that I'll inform Roland not to wait for us.


Jessie laid on the bed, I'll take it from here she said trying to take the towel from his hand,

Don't worry, It's okay.sir Richard applied some ointment on her legs and hand 

This morning I wasn't able to move from my bed,I wonder why a terrible dream would make me feel pains all over my body.

Hope you're feeling better now, sir Richard asked. Yes I'm fine now Jessie said, and thanks for the massage,

Alright, how about we get something to eat,

Sure, okay, will be waiting for you downstairs stairs.

Sir Richard turned to take his, when Jessie held his hand,

Please wait, promise me something,

Promise, sir Richard repeated,

Promise you'll be safe, you won't get hurt, like I don't want you to get hurt all because of me ,

Where is this coming from Jessie, sir Richard I had a terrible dream about you getting stabbed by my father.

Really,so this was it, the dream that made her so scared for her life, Richard thought.

Fine, promise I'll be safe, not just to myself but also for you. Richard really wanted to give her a hug, reassuring her that he will Always be with her.he thought Jessie would feel awkward, 

Come downstairs to have your breakfast,

Ok, Jessie said. Turning to take his leave,Richard were almost close to the door when he felt a hand around his waist,he couldn't believe princess Jessie were really hugging him from behind, turning around he gave her a peck on the forehead and said, don't fret ,I will never let your father come close to you , Richard gave her a warm hug, wrapped in his embrace , Jessie tied her hand round his waist, resting her head in his chest

She hadn't really had a hug from anyone for a long time, not even her so called father had given her a hug, she thought to her self They just stood enjoying the moment

Roland stood at the doorway,he came to find out what made them skip their breakfast.

Roland felt a huge annoyance within himself,he fist was boiling hard .

He really wanted to kill Richard now ,he stood there grinding his teeth,

Jessie and Richard were still wrapped in a warm embrace, unknowing to them, Roland was standing at the doorway.


Please accept my apology, they was a miss up while uploading this chapter, uploaded an old chapter for chapter 7,

Well the issue is now resolved,

Keep reading ABSCONDER PRINCESS and stay tune for more chapters.🤩🤩

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