
Above Ten Thousand People

Yi Feng, the protagonist, transmigrates into a new world and gains a powerful "golden finger" in the form of a martial arts academy. However, despite his best efforts and the help of a system, he is unable to make any progress in his cultivation. Nonetheless, he becomes a master of the martial arts and is able to teach others, even though he cannot advance himself. Yi Feng accepts his fate and focuses on running his martial arts academy, selling his hand-drawn martial arts techniques to make a living. While he cannot cultivate to become a powerful martial artist himself, he encounters many cultivators and even helps some of them along their own paths. As the story progresses, Yi Feng finds himself embroiled in the conflicts of the martial world and eventually discovers his true identity as a peerless martial god. With his newfound power, he sets out to protect his loved ones and bring justice to the world. The story combines elements of martial arts, fantasy, and cultivation, with Yi Feng as a relatable protagonist who must find his place in a world of powerful martial artists. [PS: The original work is by 风凌北. please visit their original work to show appreciation, Thank you.]

DaoistAutumn_rain · Fantasy
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70 Chs

These Old Men Really Look Chilly

As soon as he bade farewell to the young man, Yi Feng had scarcely returned to his courtyard seat when voices wafted in from outside.

Yi Feng couldn't help but smile wryly.

The timbre of the voice was unmistakable. Stepping out, his intuition proved correct.


It was the middle-aged man who adored chess despite his ineptitude, Wu Yonghong.

However, what caught Yi Feng off guard this time was Wu's company. Three other elderly gentlemen of comparable age flanked him.

A cursory glance at the trio drew a disdainful curl of Yi Feng's lips.

They exuded a rather chilly air!

One was as slender as a reed, with a complexion so sallow it was unclear if malnutrition had plagued him since childhood. He appeared frail and fragile, seemingly liable to collapse from the slightest nudge. Yi Feng balked at the notion of inadvertently causing his collapse.

The second individual fared somewhat better in appearance, yet his attire left much to be desired. Adorned with trinkets resembling chicken bones and other curious paraphernalia, his most striking accessory was a sizable skull-shaped thumb ring, emanating an otherworldly aura.

As for the third, he presented a more affluent facade. A mouthful of gold teeth, a hefty abacus slung across his back, and two weathered eggs cradled in hand rendered him an enigmatic figure, albeit lacking in aura.

Nevertheless, guests were guests.

Despite their peculiar countenances, Yi Feng deemed it imprudent to judge solely by appearance.

Yet, Yi Feng found it slightly perplexing that these peculiar elderly men materialized so abruptly. They were conspicuously absent during the departure of the young man seeking directions. An odd circumstance indeed.

"Mr. Yi."

Wu Yonghong extended a respectful greeting, his manner noticeably altered since their previous encounter.

"Long time no see. Please, do come in and take a seat!" Yi Feng welcomed them with a genial wave.

"Thank you."