
Above Heaven and Below Hell

{Warning! MC is manipulative and morally unethical} "Praise Me! Worship Me! Everything is Mine! The firmament will be unveiled, when the dust settled I alone will stand on top of this new world." Gideon find himself in a alien realm, with his thirst of domination this world shall be on his palm; from a magical forest to a steampunk megacity, wizards and pirates. Empty the throne for that it's righteous master has arrived!

Vanhel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


"Unfortunately, I'm not the person you think I am. I'm not saving the elves out of virtue; I have my own reasons."

"It's always about myself. If it doesn't profit me, then I won't bother. And let's just assume I'm willing to help, but what I can do is ultimately limited to what a normal human could achieve. I don't even fully understand the so-called power of the apostle."

"I may not have material offerings to entice you, but what I can offer is enlightenment—a deeper understanding of the world and your role as an apostle. All I ask in return is for you to save this forest and its inhabitants."

I looked at Mara, her figure illuminated by the pale moonlight, her eyes filled with a solemn determination. Despite my reservations, a flicker of curiosity ignited within me—a desire to understand more about this new world.

"Very well, Mara. Show me."

As Mara heard my agreement, she leaned in closer, her hand gently resting on my forehead. Instantly, I felt a strange sensation, as if my mind was being lifted from my body. A bright light pierced through the darkness behind my closed eyelids, and suddenly, I found myself enveloped in a vision.

I found myself standing in a vast field of vibrant flowers, their colors swirling around me in a mesmerizing dance. In the distance, a majestic tree stood tall, its branches reaching towards the sky. Mara stood beside me, her presence calming amidst the beauty of the scene.

"What is this place?"

"This is the heart of the forest, where the life energy of this land converges," Mara explained, her voice echoing softly.

"The tree is called the Great Manyan. it's the source of all life in this forest. the tree was one of the very first creation of god forged by his word, in fact everything he has created was through commandment, hence words are the power of this world."

"So, this tree is the source of all life here. And you're saying that the power of this world lies in words?" I inquired, seeking clarification.

"Yes, precisely," Mara affirmed. "The Great Manyan serves as a conduit for the divine energy that flows through this forest. The commandment that was spoken was 'Essentia' or essence, hence this tree is the essence of life and its quasar is 'Essentia'."

"So, like its stem, Quasar is the foundation. But from the stem, there are also branches—the cultivation of Quasar. Because it is 'Essentia,' it is also 'Solemne' (Solemn) and 'Fortissimus' (Gallant), yet 'Curo' (Care)," Mara elaborated.

"Naturally, creatures in this world born with a Quasar internally, but as a descender from another world you have an external source which i suppose you have it with you."


"Naturally, creatures in this world are born with a Quasar internally, but as a descender from another world, you have an external source, which I suppose you have with you," Mara explained.

"You mean this?" I asked, taking out what was supposed to be my quasar—a pawn chess piece—from my pocket.

"Yes, that's it," Mara confirmed, eyeing the pawn chess piece. "It represents your Quasar, the foundation of your power as an apostle, although i have to say it's quite unique."

("I knew it, i shouldn't have picked this stupid pawn in the first place!")

"Sigh, what was the quasar of the previous apostle again?"

"He wielded an arming sword called 'Eques' (Knight)."

("That's it, i picked up trash. what do i supposed to do with a chess piece?!")

"Don't worry about its appearance. The shape of a quasar changes according to its wielder. Yours retains its current form because it represents your true essence."

"Should I take that as a compliment or mockery? I mean, just look at it. What could I possibly do with this?"

"Consider it neither compliment nor mockery. The form of your quasar may seem insignificant, but its power lies in its connection to your essence, not its appearance."

"Close your eyes, ask yourself what it is that makes you, 'you'."

As Mara's words echoed in my mind, I closed my eyes and delved deep into my thoughts. What defines me? Who am I, really? It was a question I hadn't truly considered before. In the silence of my mind, memories flashed by—moments of joy, sorrow, triumph, and failure. They all intertwined to form the tapestry of my life, shaping me into the person I was now.

As I delved deeper into my inner self, I uncovered the truths that defined me. I acknowledged myself—my selfishness, my arrogance, my relentless pursuit of power. But amidst these dark triad, I also found determination, resilience, and an unyielding desire to transcend my limitations.

"I want to be equal to a god," I admitted, the words resounding in the depths of my being.

As I held the quasar in my hand, I pondered its significance. Why did it take the form of a pawn, the weakest piece in the game of chess? Was it implying that I was weak, insignificant? No, there had to be more to it. I delved deeper into the symbolism of the pawn. Yes, it was weak, limited in its movements, but it also held a crucial role—the potential for transformation. A pawn's ultimate goal was to reach the opposite end of the board, to be promoted into a more powerful piece.

In that moment of realization, I understood. The pawn represented not weakness, but potential—the potential for growth, for change, for evolution. Just as a pawn could be transformed into any other piece upon reaching the end of the board, it desires to be something greater, to surpass its limit.

As if echoing my thoughts, the words reverberated in my mind, growing louder with each repetition. "I desire... I want to be more... I am the greatest. I desire to control, to love, to wield power, to be admired. I desire... Desire... DESIRE... I desire to be a god."


With a grin spreading across my face, I opened my eyes, a newfound sense of clarity and purpose coursing through me.

"I desire..."

A.N :

During the European High Middle Ages, the common sword, often referred to as the knightly sword or arming sword, was typically a straight, double-edged weapon with a single-handed, cross-shaped hilt. These swords typically had a blade length ranging from approximately 70 to 80 centimeters (28 to 31 inches). They are frequently depicted in artwork from the period, and many examples have been found through archaeological discoveries.

The high medieval sword evolved from the Viking sword of the 9th century, gradually taking shape during the Romanesque period (10th to 13th centuries). As the Late Medieval period (14th and 15th centuries) progressed, variations of these swords, known as arming swords, continued to be utilized, often serving as secondary weapons alongside heavier two-handed longswords.