
Above all the infinity dimensions

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26 Chs

Chapter 6 The kiss,the liberation,the breakthrough,the challenge of heaven's punishment

The Next Day!

For many people in Tokyo, the night was comfortable. Only KE and Kanae couldn't sleep.

Kanae just lay on the bed, but KE was guarding the palace. He had set up a temporary protective formation.

He was truly scared of Mozan.

"I assume Mozan didn't attack, but why is Mozan here a woman? Is it really as many theorists have said, that Mozan is a woman?"

"Or is this universe a parallel one, different from the real universe where Mozan is a man?"

KE was seriously pondering this matter.

"But why hasn't Mozan gone to other continents to spread her forces? This is just strange. Is she scared, or was there no benefit?"

"As I remember, the strange doctor was trying to heal Mozan and turned her into a demon. As soon as he tried to cure the demon's weakness of moving under sunlight, Mozan killed him."

"So, there might be more of these doctors and individuals, meaning there are other races threatening humans besides demons."

"And they must be in other continents or countries."

When thinking about this, KE became very excited because there are many non-human races. He had grown tired of seeing the same race repeatedly.

"So, is there a supernatural world hidden from our world's view?"

Thinking this way was unnecessary, so KE shook his head and pushed those thoughts aside.

"Right now, I am weak, very weak. I need to become stronger, or else, like today, Mozan could easily kill us."

KE had many ideas to develop, especially since he felt the urgency today.

"So, plans have changed. I'll switch to Cultivating mode for six months, and after that, I'll develop the family background, which will lay the foundation for me to control the economy."

"This time, I must reach the second rank. By then, the world around me will change."

"And after that, I'll develop martial arts and alchemy."

He was thinking so seriously that he went to the Cultivating room and began to cultivate.

He aims to be at the second rank to protect everyone.

Suddenly, an idea came to KE's mind.

"It seems the time has come to see Tamayo since she's also in Tokyo."

"I want a trusted aide, and since she's one of the strongest beauties and someone I considered one of my wives in my past life, I truly want her by my side."

"For a long time, I wanted to visit her, but because I was weak, I didn't. Now I'm strong enough to easily kill a mid-level demon, as Kanae said."

"My strength is close to the level of The Hashira, but that's not enough. Even a Hashira would be killed by Mozan with just one punch. My predecessor came very close to killing her."

"And since I'm in the Demon Slayer world, the animes, novels, movies, and great series that I loved should also exist. I need to find a way to get there when I reach the third or fourth rank."

KE was lost in the sea of his thoughts and plans, not noticing that the sun had risen, and Kanae had been by his side the whole time, as he concentrated all his energy on maintaining the formation, thinking, and planning.

"KE, stop controlling the formation; the sun has risen. Rest now."

Kanae's soft and beautiful voice pulled KE out of his thoughts.

When he noticed the brightening sky, he stopped controlling the formation and turned to see Kanae.

Seeing Kanae sitting gracefully on her heels, in the traditional seiza position, with darkness under her eyes, his heart trembled. He hadn't protected her and provided her the safety that prevented her from sleeping, fearing Mozan's arrival.

KE regretted his weakness again and resolved to quickly cultivate to reach the second rank, to become as powerful as Mozan or at least close to her.

"Kanae, I'm sorry I didn't protect you, making you worry and unable to sleep."

KE sat down, touched Kanae's cheeks, and apologized. He should have been responsible for her protection, providing her safety, not making her fearful and sleepless due to the presence of someone stronger than him.

Kanae noticed KE's trembling hand and shaky voice, and she was shocked that he was apologizing to her. But then, warmth filled her heart, and she hugged KE to calm him down.

She had lived with KE for two weeks and had come to know a lot about him. True, sometimes he behaves mysteriously, but his nature is known to everyone. Even the servants and other palace staff love him.

From this, we can see the extent of KE's charisma and unique charm.

So she hugged him to calm him down, fearing he might do something rash and hurt himself.

"KE, you don't need to think too much. I am not an ordinary woman. I am a Hashira pillar of the Demon Slayer squad and one of the strongest humans."

"I am here to protect you on the orders of Ubuyashiki sama, but now, even without his orders, I will protect you."

KE calmed down a bit, and his gaze became determined.

KE looked at Kanae, who was elegantly dressed in her sleeping kimono.

As she sat in the seiza position, he raised her head towards him.

He gently kissed her, and in that moment, it felt like time had stopped, and the world became a mere background.

The sunlight shone brighter, as if it was applauding their moment, and birds chirped their joyful melodies.

Kanae's eyes noticeably narrowed, and her pupils trembled like leaves caressed by the wind.

Kanae slowly closed her eyes, savoring every second.

She didn't know how or when she fell in love with KE, but she had no regrets about her decision. She will continue on this path and protect him until death.

After ten minutes of kissing, KE's lips separated from Kanae's.

Their foreheads were touching, and he calmly looked at Kanae.

"This time, you'll protect me. But wait for just one month. I'll become stronger than you and will protect you forever."

"Even if the sky falls, I'll hold it up for you. Even if death comes, I'll kill it for you. Just be patient with me for a little while, Kanae."

KE's voice was calm, majestic, and firm to the point that Kanae didn't know how to respond from the shock.

She felt fortunate to have met KE. Her heart became warm, and her cheeks reddened with embarrassment.

"Yes, KE, I believe in you. I'll keep protecting you even if you become stronger. I'll always protect you."

"Because I love you."

This time, KE was shocked, and his heart trembled.

It must have been his first confession in both his current and previous life.

Suddenly, he remembered all his sisters, whether they were 'Onesan' (older sister) or 'Imoto' (younger sister).

He lowered his head and smiled sadly, for he had never told them the thing he always kept hidden in his heart.

"In love, we walk, no place to leave, even death can't separate the hearts of lovers.

Even the gods, with their power and supremacy, can't prevent a love that comes from the heavens.

And if the sky decides to oppose, we won't stop, for love has rules that are countless."

In all circumstances, we will be like candles, shining even in the fiercest storms, melting yet enduring.

For the love between us knows no end, forever we shall remain"

Kanae smiled because she noticed that the obsession in KE's heart had finally disappeared.

Suddenly, KE's power was unleashed, but this time, it didn't harm or destroy everything around it. Instead, it radiated an aura of protection, security, and even love.

It was pure love, so pure that it might manifest to the world.

This time was a release of KE's power from the obsession that was in his heart, giving him the chance to breakthrough to his world and reach the second rank.

Suddenly, as if the sky above Tokyo had opened up, the black clouds formed a dark wall blocking the sun.

Even the air seemed heavy, laden with an unbearable tension.

Then lightning began to slice through the sky, illuminating the city for mere seconds, as if announcing an impending cosmic test.

The ground shook all across Tokyo, the sky thundered, and torrential rain poured.

When KE noticed this, he quickly pushed Kanae away.

"Kanae, go quickly! I will breakthrough and set up the formation to cover the palace for its protection."

Kanae nodded her head and moved away so she wouldn't get hurt. But before leaving, she looked at KE with concern, fearing he might get hurt.

"KE, if anything happens to you, I will find Mozan and fight her, even if it means my death. I don't care about that; you have to live for me."

KE smiled at her, entirely confident of his success. However, he looked up at the sky, raised his right hand, clenched his fist, and shouted at the top of his voice as if announcing to the entire world.

"Hahaha, who do you think I am? I am Kagayaku Eien no Kami Shinomori. I am the ruler and emperor of the future world, your man, and the one who wishes to be the god of harems. I will never die, and I will never break my promise to you, not until my last drop of blood."

The heaven trembled even more due to KE's indomitable will and unyielding declaration. Even Kanae was taken aback.

There were Miyako, Ryota, Kiome, Shinobu, Kanao, and all the people living in the palace, including the servants and many others.

They had been awakened by the loud thunder and came out to see what was happening. Upon their emergence, they heard KE's declaration and voice.

While they were all initially shocked, they soon began to shout in support of KE.

"My child, of course, you can be whatever you want."

Miyako held her hands to her heart, praying for him. In her eyes, no one could ever match KE.

"Hahaha, that's my son! Go and do it; don't even fear the heaven"

Ryota laughed because KE didn't even seem concerned that the sky was threatening him.

"Young master, didn't Kyomi tell you that I will always be by your side? Even if you have all the women in the world, I don't care. Go and do it"

On the side, Kyomi's eyes shimmered, for in her view, the current KE was more beautiful than ever, as if he was liberated from all constraints.

"Come on, young master, we support you!"

"Yes, move forward, we will help you achieve your dream."

All the servants, maids, gardeners, and others began cheering for KE.

KE had helped them in every way, even doubling their salaries and producing various medicines to heal their families.

They were so indebted to him that they pledged their loyalty to him.

So when he declared his dream and will, they wanted to help him repay his debts, even if it was just a little.

After moments of anticipation, a mighty thunder roared from the sky, targeting KE, who was the cause of this terrifying event.

As KE stood in the massive palace garden, he felt rapid pulsations echoing from the depths of the sky.

Clouds above Tokyo erupted with thunder and lightning, as if preparing to unleash a catastrophic force.

Suddenly, the lightning transformed into a dragon-like shape, dark and terrifying, rushing down from the sky, signaling the wrath of the heavens.

The lightning dragon struck towards KE with immense power, as if nature itself wanted to kill him.

The impact moment was intense, but KE didn't back down.

He steadied himself in a combat stance, ready to take the hit.

The thunder struck him, and the ground beneath his feet trembled, but he remained standing, like an unyielding mountain.


The impact was so strong that the entire palace shook and the forest beside it caught fire.

The thunder kept striking KE as if its energy was inexhaustible, but he remained calm. When the sky noticed this, it grew angry and unleashed another thunderbolt.

The lightning changed from blue to yellow; its intensity was so great that it turned a nearby forest into ashes.

At this point, KE's body trembled as the hit was so powerful it temporarily paralyzed him.

But the sky didn't care and continued its assault, launching a third lightning bolt that turned golden in color.


In the moment following the explosion, an eerie silence dominated the area. Smoke and dust filled the air, but the palace itself remained intact, just like KE who stood amidst the chaos.

He slowly opened his eyes, feeling a new energy flowing within him, as if every part of him was rejuvenated.

The clouds began to part, revealing a beam of soft light coming from the sun.

He felt this immense power, capable of destroying a planet, but he knew it was just an illusion due to the breakthrough.

„ sigh, Now, I can at least match the power of the Twelve Kizuki, but this is just the beginning. Now I must go and find Tamayo."

"But not now, nighttime is better. Haaaa, I need to go back to sleep."

As soon as KE turned his head and looked behind, Kanae embraced him immediately.

He had felt her presence, so he wasn't too surprised. However, even though the breakthrough was rejuvenating, it took a lot of his energy. That's why he couldn't move much.

"KE, welcome back."

He suddenly smiled and laughed, "Hehehe, I'm back."

"But now's not the time for love talk, Kanae. My secret has been revealed to the staff. Look at them. They're clapping, but their mouths are so open I could fit a chicken egg."

Kanae noticed this too, but she didn't seem to mind much.

"It's okay. I've been watching them since I arrived, and I trust them. Don't you have one of those memory-sealing arts? So you also have a way to erase their memories, right?"

KE's face was a bit conflicted about erasing their memories or not. He looked at them; they were smiling, laughing, and clapping as if they were the ones who had escaped the disaster.

His mother was crying for no reason, his father laughing, Shinobu was utterly shocked, and Kanao just stared at him, smiling with a Pure smile.

Suddenly, KE remembered his memories with Palace workers; since birth, everyone had pampered him as if he were their child.

Everyone always smiled at him with a genuine smile, not a fake one. He could tell who had two faces and who didn't because he had been through so many situations and had experience discerning truth from lies.

He looked at Kanae again and smiled.

"I won't erase their memories. I'll just tell them everything about me. I think one of the plans I wanted to do after a year, I'll do now."

Kanae smiled because she knew KE wouldn't back down; he's not the type to be afraid of a secret.

"Haaaa, alright, let's go back to sleep. When I wake up, we'll talk about what you saw. Just two hours, and I'll be up. When I do wake up, I want lots of food. Uncle Karatachi, I'll leave the choice to you."

Karatachi, the head chef, stopped clapping and looking shocked, returning to his professional demeanor.

"Yes, as you wish, young master. As soon as you and young mistress Kanae wake up, I will prepare the best feast full of food."