
Above all the infinity dimensions, Start from Demon slayer

An orphan boy without parents, he was raised in an orphanage, all girls, by his older and younger sisters. He is a genius born with terrifying understanding and talent, but died at 16 years of electrocution. Perhaps the pity of the world or a god reborn in an anime world he loves.

LAZYGUYNEARBY · Anime & Comics
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119 Chs

Chapter 20 The meeting,the memories

For the first time they felt the responsibility of protecting Etheora from evil hands with bad intentions.

When he saw that their feelings had changed, KE nodded with relief because this is what he wanted to explain to them that Etheora can strengthen you and give you a longer life and other things.

But if it goes into the wrong hands, it will be a disaster for the weak and helpless.

"Okay, don't worry, it is impossible for anyone to refine Etheora because I am the one who created it and I am the one who created the refining techniques."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed because this was a big problem. They did not have enough strength to face new enemies.


"Sir, we have reached Area Zero."


Sebastian and Akihiro were awed by the breathtaking sight they saw.

The current Zero Zone was different from the previous one. The trees that were about four or five meters in size became twenty meters tall. There were trees even thirty meters tall. Plants, fruits, and other things became larger and more beautiful.

"Okay, don't be shocked by the view. These are just the plants and trees. It's not a big thing. The livestock, wild animals, and insects won't even change, so the situation is safe."


A mountain car came speeding in front of them and stopped.

A large African man came out wearing a green embroidered military uniform with a pink heart on his left shoulder and carrying a large sword behind his back.

His eyes and facial features are real Nippon. He looked handsome with his black hair loose.

"My lord, you have finally come. You will not believe what happened. Trees and plants evolved first, as you said."

The man came in front of KE and bowed to him, his eyes full of respect and loyalty.

He did not forget the day he, his mother, and his father were rescued from slave traders.

That day was rainy and windy. A loud 'Boom' echoed through the sky, followed by a bright 'Zap' of lightning, illuminating the dark night.

"Come on, I finally found this family."

An evil-looking man waved his hand to the seven men behind him, indicating the ordinary house.

"Sir, after we take them, let us sell the woman to one of the gangs. I know them well. They will give us a satisfactory price."

One of the men walked up to the evil-looking man who seemed to be their leader and made a suggestion.

"Okay, but the most important thing is to catch the father and his son. They are the golden treasures of the woman. Even if she is killed, it doesn't matter. I want these two and sell them to a rich merchant. He said that the price of these two is twenty thousand yen."

The seven men laughed and started thinking about the good future.

"Sir, we will be rich."

"Yes, we will finally be rich."

"Everyone stay calm, we don't want the family to run away so quickly."


The leader knocked on the door quietly, trying to pull out one of them first.

"Excuse me, but who are you?"

As soon as he heard a rough man's voice trying to speak Japanese but the words were very heavy but understandable, the leader smiled evilly.

"Sorry, I'm lost. Can you show me the way?"

"Okay, I'll open the door and show you the way."

The leader said that, pretending to be someone who had lost his way, which made the man at the door open after a long silence.

With a gentle 'Click', the door opened.

"Come on guys, come in quickly."

The punch landed with a sharp 'smack' on the man's face, who was shocked and fell to the ground.

"Hahahahaha, you idiot, we are here to sell you."

One of the men shouted, laughing and mocking the African man.

"Jordan Jordan, what happened, who are these people?"

The woman quickly came to the side of the fallen man.

"Ai, run away quickly. These men came for me. Run away."

Ai was shocked and understood, but she did not want to run away and leave her husband fighting alone.

Unfortunately, even if she wanted to escape, she could not because the seven men surrounded them.

"Hahahahahaha I can't believe there is a beautiful woman whose price would be so great boss."

Leader Bishr smiled and nodded in agreement with what his subordinate said.

"Yes, she can even be on par with these slaves, so I think it would be a waste to sell her."

The men around him smiled and had evil thoughts about the woman.

"Dad, Mom, what happened? Why did these men enter the house?"

A dark-skinned boy came running from outside carrying a huge wooden sword after hearing his mother screaming.

But as soon as he saw that his father was standing on the ground and his mother was intending to help him and the men were laughing, he knew that something bad had happened.

"So you are the bad guys, aren't you? Take this."


The boy ran to the nearest man and waved his wooden sword forcefully.


The man tried to block the blow with his right hand, but it broke due to the boy's strong sword swing.

(I finally succeeded in hitting a powerful wave, now what do I do?)

(Should I hit the next one or take mom and dad)

"What the hell are you doing? Take this."

As soon as he looked at his friend whose hand was broken, he ran to the boy and took out a knife to kill him.

(This guy has a knife so he's next)


The boy took a breath and focused on the man. As soon as he arrived in front of him, he raised his sword with both hands.


"The art of the deadly sword, the first movement, slanting cut."

With a strong force, he waved the sword forcefully, and the man was easily hit on the head, causing him to fall unconscious.

(I finally did it. I made the first move)

The boy's mother was looking in shock at her son because this art belonged to her family. It is true that she wrote this technique in a notebook and gave it to her son, but he did not start practicing until a week ago, especially not with a katana sword, but rather a huge wooden sword two meters long.

"What are you doing, guys? Go and kill him."

"Yes sir"

"Come on, let's go kill him."

The remaining men shouted and ran to the boy.

The boy was afraid, but he remembered a saying from the person who taught him this sword.

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to overcome it."

As soon as he remembered these words, the boy's eyes became sharp and determined.


The boy shouted and started running too. His mother and father were shocked because they could see that their son's eyes were afraid but for some reason they became firm and sharp.

"The art of the deadly sword, the first movement, slanting cut."

The boy waved again, hoping that the two men who were nearby would be beaten.


He hit the chest of the man on the right, but the man on the left ran away.

When the boy wanted to make the same move, the man on the left moved quickly and grabbed the wooden sword with both hands.

"I grabbed his sword. Come quickly."

"Go gooooo"

(Damn it, this man has no intention of letting go of my sword. He grabbed it and keeps pulling it, even if I put it back. I can't make the first move because of the other three. What should I do?)

Suddenly the boy's eyes lit up and he remembered what the person who taught him had said.

"Dante, if someone catches or blocks your sword and you cannot return it, let it go."

"But what do I do next when I leave him?"

The boy who taught him smiled.

"You'll know after you leave him."

After remembering the advice, Dante suddenly let go of the sword and looked around. The man closest to him was the one who was about half a meter close.

As soon as he saw the man he knew what to do.



Dante clenched his fist, avoided the knife, and punched the man's chin quickly as if he knew the future.


This was his last word before he lost consciousness.

Dante didn't even wait and looked at the man holding his sword and glared at him.


He kicked the man's stomach to make him let go of the sword.

When the sword fell and the man was holding his stomach, Dante smiled and gave him a punch on the chin.


The man lost consciousness and now there are only two men left and the leader.

Seeing Dante looking at them, the two men were terrified and began to tremble and plead.

"Sir, I'm sorry. I don't want to. Believe me, that man is the one who forced us."

"Yes, sir, I have a family to feed. He is the one who forced us to do that."

(Tsk rubbish)

The leader looked at them with some disgust and looked at Dante with a smile.

"Boy, how about you leave your sword and let's talk, I can make it up to you."

Dante looked at the man with disdain and stood in a swordsman's stance, waiting for him to fight him.

"Hmph, if you want to die, then die."

The commander took out a gunpowder weapon from his pocket and pointed it at Dante.



Joradan quickly stood up, trying to stand in front of Dante to take the bullet instead of his son, but he was not quick because of his old leg injury.

The man smiled evilly when he saw that the matter was hopeless for Dante, but he did not see the boy who entered without seeing him.

"Well done Dante, you've overcome your fear, now let me finish the rest."