
About to be

.... But now what?, At first it was her ignorance and then her plain bad luck now everything seems to be in her way what path will Spade be forced to take once she finds out the truth

dala00 · Teen
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4 Chs



When we both got downstairs a woman was standing outside the door with a wheelchair, honestly wasn't sure what it was for but Renn told me about it.

 The Reception room mostly had people in uniform walking around then I realized that there were no actual guests in the place.

Except for me and Renn, everyone was in some uniform or the other and we didn't encounter a single person on the floor above us.

I can't believe I didn't notice it the night before.

This whole hotel was definitely a setup. I should've known though, it had no ratings when I booked in. Dad and I just thought it was better since our movements had to be low-key.

Lowkey it was.

When we got outside there was a white van out in front, it didn't have a plate number.

We got into the van and Renn sat beside me, the driver In front didn't make any eye contact, having been informed beforehand, and just started the van.

Renn started "We are headed to an art gallery. Jun Beom Arts. It's owned by an Auditor general in a power Corp, but it is run by his son, Kim Jun Beom. Kim before this time had transpired some business with our boss that didn't go so well…"

At those words, he paused, as if having remembered something unpleasant. But he continued shortly after.

"Anyways that's not why we're headed there…"

The driver made a swift turn but I couldn't see where we were going because the van had no windows "We are headed there to get a card."

"A card?" Was money involved? Knowing how these people worked it probably was.

"Cards are like storage devices, it's sort of like a flash but cards require authorization," Renn explained calmly seeing as I didn't understand.

"They always contain very delicate information and only a set of people can access the information contained in them. For people like me cards are just pieces of metal, I can't access the information inside."

"So why exactly are we the ones getting this card?" I asked

"Because we were ordered to. If anything were to happen to the card while it is in our possession we die." Renn answered calmly, then turned to face me.

"So don't mess it up."

"Also don't ask me any more questions I need to explain the plan and we haven't got much time. I'm sure your parents would know one or two things about cards that I don't.

"This talk about my parents again, you don't think that I believe that they're alive do you?"

Renn sighed, "This is the plan," he said as he pulled out a lever beside him.

The restriction that covered the back of the van moved up revealing a whole set of screens, keyboards, and whatnot.

I hadn't worked with this amount of stuff before, the excitement was probably written all over my face causing Renn to give out a small chuckle before continuing.

"The gallery is hosting a showcase for some rare works, some very important people are going to be there therefore security will be tight, and going in through the front door isn't an option." With that one of our avenues was already closed off.

"But thankfully there's a parking lot that isn't owned by the gallery so every building in the area has access to it."

He handed me an ID that said worker, the driver guy had one too. It probably belonged to a moving company in the area. "We'll be posing as workers in that company which will grant us access to the parking lot."

"I'll come down and head to the elevator in there. Now the elevators and rooms in the building all have tons of cameras and that's where you come in". I nodded understanding.

I had to somehow cut him out from security input. Sounds easy enough.

He handed me a communicator of sorts, it looked like a Walkie-talkie, just… better.

"Make sure to say something if anything goes wrong," he said and left the van. I can't believe I was made a part of a theft in broad daylight! This was crazy!

We drove into the parking lot after our IDs were checked, at least that part was easy.

Now to test my hacking skills. I wouldn't say I'm the best but…

I turned to face the setup behind the van once again trying to get accustomed to the stuff, if I hacked in and paused the video recording it would be way too obvious.

Even the dumbest security guard would notice. And I couldn't blur him out completely, that I'd need special gear for that, which was, unfortunately, missing from this setup.

Luckily, there was another option.

Rewinding! It was more stressful but it was also the best option.

 To mess with the timing a simple NTP attack would do.

- An NTP attack is an attack in which an attacker exploits a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server functionality to overwhelm a targeted network or server with an amplified amount of UDP traffic, rendering the target and its surroundings useless.

In simple words, I would be able to easily take control. Easily… right.

I can get access to their cameras for a max of six seconds without being noticed until he's in the display room.

I'd have to rewind every six seconds without interval which means I'd have to get access using a different system every six seconds...sigh. No pressure.

Cracking my fingers I got to work.

After about 5 minutes I had succeeded, Renn walked into the display room and I lost sight of him. The cameras in the main rooms were as easy to access as those in the elevators, although Renn did tell me to stop here, I had to see what he was going to do in there so I decided to get into the room cameras.

Once I got access I saw Renn at one of the paintings but it seemed like he was admiring it rather than searching for something... 'Seriously?'

"I told you not to interfere."

I'm not one to conclude based on consensus but if I wanted to hide a bunch of important information I wouldn't place it in a room full of people even if no one knows it's hidden in a picture frame, It's kinda dumb.

Suddenly everyone in the room began to look in a certain direction, it was at a speaker of sorts, probably an announcement, but I saw something else that they didn't, the small flame that would eventually destroy all the paintings in that room and the daylight thief who had started that fire.

What on earth was he doing?